Chapter 11

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At exactly 1:00pm I was standing outside Titbits waiting for Johnny to come. I was hoping he did I mean he might of course he will what are you thinking y/n. I think doing this would make a good memory for both John and me. As I was thinking this I recieved a message from Lauren.

L: Hi is John with you?
Y: No why isn't he home??
L: He just left to go somewhere
L: Is he coming to you?
I was about to answer when my phone dinged with another message.
Y: What why???
J: Tell you later
J: If she asks just make up an excuse
I shook my head confused and surpirsed about all this. So then I turned back to text Lauren.
Y: Umm I don't know
L: What don't you know?
Y: If he's coming to me or not
L: Oh can I come over?
Y: Sure how about after 5:00??
L: Why not now?
God she was getting suspicious. I hate lying to her and then I hate the fact that John didn't tell me anything but told me to not tell her
Y: I'm with friends right now sorry
Y: So talk to you later
L: Hmm
Thats it a hmm. Annoyed I closed my phone to see John standing looking at me and smiling. "What?" I asked going towards him. "You didn't tell me to dress up nicely" He laughed. "This is my casual wear ok?" I playfully frowned at him and crossed my arms. "Ok ok fine soo why did you call me and why do you have a picninc basket in your hand?" He asked. "Because it goes with my outfit" I said sarcastically causing him to laugh again. "Ok now no questions and where ever we're going you just go with me" I said and started pulling him towards the nearest bus stop. He just let me pull him with a slight smirk forming on his lips. "What are we doing on a bus stop?" He asked me. "Waiting for the bus what else do we do on bus stops" I said looking at him. "But why are we going on a bus?" He asked. "Because I can't drive" I said in a matter of fact voice. "But I can" He said. "Why don't you want to go on a bus is it because you're too scared?? Did mommy's boy never sit on a bus by himself?" I asked him in a teasing manner. "Oh no you didnt't" he whispered and was about to reach out for me when the bus came. "Oops look its here" I said and got on it he followed muttering "Saved by the bus" and I silently laughed.
After a 30 minute ride on the bus we got off. "Where are we?" John asked me. "You'll see follow me" I said and quickly walked towards a green area surrounded by tree "hmmm I still don't know what we're doing here?" He said. "We're having a picnic" I smiled and dragged him to the middle.

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