Chapter 51

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Next morning I woke up after dreaming all night about our last date, I mean our first date. Even while getting ready for school I was still thinking about it. After I was ready I headed downstairs to eat breakfast. I heard my family chatting downstairs. "Morning Mom, Dad, y/b/n" I said kissing my moms cheek and giving my dad a hug. "What do you want?" My brother asked. "Nothing why?" I asked him in confusion. "Because you greeted me with my name that has to mean you want something" He said still looking at me as if I was about to put forward a huge amount of money that I want. "I don't need anything" I laughed and ruffled his hair knowing he spent an hour on them, literally. "Hey!" He exclaimed and then rushed over to the nearest mirror to fix his hair. The rest of the family burst into laughter. "So I wanted to ask, Y/n, you said something about staying late at school..." My mom trailed off waiting for me to agree or disagree. "Yup I've got theatre practice" I smiled. "Oh what are you guys doing this year?" My mom asked. Did I forget to mention that I was a theatre kid? Well any who I mentioned it now:):). And as this was the last year of high school for my year the drama teacher decided that we would put up a production ourselves. We had just decided that it would be a musical but we don't know anything else. We'll see what happens today. "We have no idea" I shrugged. My mom laughed. After saying goodbye to my whole family I headed to school.

On my way to school I received some texts from John:

J: Hey whats up? <3

Y: Nothing what about you?

J: Nothing just missing you <3<3

Y: Hmmm

J: 'Hmmm' thats it?

Y: What else am I supposed to say?
J: I don't know maybe that I missed you too.

Y: :):) Ok I missed you too

J: Seriously?

Y: Yes I guess.

J: Thank you

Y: No problem :):)

J: :rolling eyes emoji:

Y: :):)

I laughed and shut my phone. I loved annoying him. Even though I know he's probably going to take some type of revenge for me saying this but well for some reason I know him too well and never fall for his tricks. I reached school and spotted Angie standing looking at something on her phone and smiling. "Oooo what are you looking at?" I said and peeked over her shoulder. "Look at Tom Holland he's soooo cute" She said smiling again. "Wait till Payton hears that" I said shaking my head and putting my stuff in my locker. "Hey not everyone dates their celebrity crush" She said turning towards me. In response I just rolled my eyes. "Well any who how did the date go?" Angie said smiling. "Awesome" I smiled recalling yesterday."Tell me all about it" Angie said clapping her hands together. "So.." I just started when I heard someone scream my name. I turned around and saw Rachel running towards us. "Everything alright?" I asked her as soon as she reached us out of breath. "Don'" She said between breaths. I burst into laughter and the bell rang as well.

"Oops looks like we're out of time gonna catch you both later" I said and laughing headed to my first class. At lunch after greeting Liam and Payton the two girls dragged me far away from them so I could tell them the whole story of the date. After I told them everything they were squealing with happiness. I looked at them questioning their sanity.

After school all 5 of us headed to our school theatre where the drama teacher had told us to meet. "What do you think we'll be doing?" Liam asked us as we put our bags down backstage and headed towards all the others. "I don't know it's probably up to Ashley" Payton shrugged. Ashely was a girl who had done theatre since she was a child she had also appeared in a broadway show. Meaning she was the teachers favourite.

We all sat on the floor of the stage and waited for Mrs. Warlock to start speaking....

Guys I need some ideas for a good musical they could perform

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