Nightmares 🌙🖤

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Eda and Lilith were battling it out! Streaks of magic flying in all directions around the Emperor's palace. One lightning strike hit Luz's bubble and sent her tumbling across the long bridge. Eda chased after her and redirected the wooden boards to stop Luz from moving.

Eda then restrained Lilith in a cluster of Hootys! With staff in hand, Eda was ready to blast her sister with all her might! BAM! A blast of gold light burst from Eda's staff! Lilith quickly shielded herself with Luz's bubble. Eda redirected her blast and panted heavily! "Stop hiding behind Luz you coward!" Lilith moved Luz back and confronted her sisters words.

Luz looked around and popped her bubble with a spiked rock nearby...

"Human. That orb was for your protection." Tossed over the bridge into a large pit of spikes, Luz fell! "AHHHHHHHHHHH!"...

"Alright kid, listen to me. I'm going away, and I don't know if I can bounce back this time."

"Please no... No no no NO!" Luz jolted awake shaking! Bits of sweat rolled down her face as her eyes burst open!

Luz looked around her room to see King sleeping peacefully on her sleeping bag. "It was just a dream Luz. That battle is over." she said to herself.

Luz layed down again trying to calm her heart beat. She took deep breaths but it didn't seem to work. Luz then grabbed her pillow and slowly got out of her sleeping bag, trying her best not to disturb King. She tiptoed past him and walked down the hall to Eda's room.

Her door was open. Eda was asleep flat on her back, arms flailed around while snoring softly. Luz slowly entered her room and approached the owl lady.

"Hey. Eda?" Eda stirred and weakly opened her eyes. "W-what? What is it kid?" "I, I had a bad dream." said Luz hugging her pillow. "C-can I sleep with you tonight?" Eda was more awake now and noticed just how much discomfort the girl was in.

"Oh. Y-yeah of course Luz." Eda patted the spot next to her and Luz climbed into the large nest. As Eda pulled the blanket over the two of them,
Luz snuggled into Eda's body and wrapped her arms around her.

"Uh. Kid? What are you doing?" Luz hugged her tighter and hummed a thank you. Eda sighed and smiled in defeat. She hugged Luz back and accepted the affectionate gesture.

Suddenly, Eda heard small footsteps approaching her door. She perked up, Luz still in her arms, and saw King standing in her doorway. "Uhm Eda? Any chance there's room for one more?"

Eda smiled and waved her arm. "Oh get over here you goof ball." King excitedly ran towards the nest and jumped in between the two. "Goodnight you guys. I love you." said Luz softly. "We love you too, Luz." replied Eda and King.

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