Hunter x Fem Reader part 2

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(Y/n)'s POV:

It's been two months since I ran away from the Emperors palace. Belos quickly learned of my disappearance and ordered all the guards to lead a search. Though I know little about the day of unity, Belos probably doesn't want to risk any information getting out. Today, a large number of guards are patrolling Bonesborough.


(Y/n) was hiding behind a series of wooden crates by a market stand. She watched as the Golden Guard ordered troops to look in all directions, eventually leaving him alone. 'Time to move.' she thought.

(Y/n) pulled her hood over her head and stayed low to the ground, crawling in the direction of the forest at the edge of town. Since her escape from the Emperors castle, (Y/n) had time to get a new outfit. Instead of her coven scout cloak and mask, she now wore a navy blue shirt with dark pants and black boots, along with a black cloak that had a small, purple pin keeping it attached to her.

As (Y/n) scurried through the shadows, the Golden Guard turned in her direction and cocked an eyebrow under his mask. He summoned his staff and casually walked through the market place.

(Y/n) eventually got up on her feet and hugged each corner of the towns buildings as much as possible. As two guards walked side by side close to her hiding spot, she pinned herself against the wall around the nearest corner, leaving her unnoticed by the guards.

The ex coven guard smirked and climbed up the wall of the building, eventually planting herself on the roof. She then quickly and quietly jumped from roof to roof, practically looking like a silhouette to any witch or demon who would've seen from below.
(Y/n) eventually slid down a shingled rooftop to the ground and did a forward roll, heading into an open street crowded with guards and civilians.

(Y/n) snuck past the rest of the guards patrolling the market, and soon found herself in an alleyway, the orange pine woods just at the end of it.


As (Y/n) happily ran towards the forest, the Golden Guard turned into the alleyway and silently followed close behind. (Y/n) ran into a small clearing and panted. "Huh, huh. Slick move. Lost em."

"I don't think so, (Y/n)."


You turn to see the masked guard leaning against a tree, his arms crossed. The Golden Guard stood up straight and summoned his staff, causing you to take a step back.

"This is the third time this month that I've caught you (Y/n). And it's only the second week of the month! Though I will admit your stealth skills have improved."

"So what, are you going to arrest me this time?" you growl as you get into a battle stance and summon your staff. The Golden Guard froze. "Palisman.. Belos was wondering where yours had gone."

"I took mine back soon as you got me out."


The Golden Guard chuckled and dismissed his coven staff, replacing it with his real one. (Y/n) stopped and stared at the little cardinal. "You have one too? But how?" "It's complicated. Had a little encounter with the human and- whatever! Anyways."

Hunter dismissed his staff and removed his mask, smirking. (Y/n) pulled back a little but still kept a firm grip on her staff, pointing it at Hunter as he began to circle the witch.

"You didn't answer my first question."

"I don't know, this little game of ours is quite fun. Plus I'd like to see how long you'll last before Belos actually catches you." (Y/n) lowered her staff and looked down at the ground. 'He's not going to capture me?'

While the ex coven guard was distracted, Hunter swung his leg towards (Y/n)'s staff, knocking it out of her hands and onto the ground, causing it to disappear! He then pinned her against a tree and slammed his hand beside her head!

"Agh!" groaned (Y/n), closing her eyes briefly before looking at the Golden Guard with narrowed eyes, her teeth clenched. Hunter smirked. He leaned in and trailed two of his fingers down her jawline, curling them under her chin and tilting her head up.

(Y/n) blushed.

"I'm practically your hero right now for not turning you in. Don't ya think I deserve some kind of reward?" Hunter leaned in slightly and closed is eyes, ready for a kiss.
While he was distracted, (Y/n) took the opportunity to push Hunter away and throw him off balance, swinging her leg at his ankles, knocking him over! "Oof!"

"In your dreams darling." she smirked.

Hunter shook his head and looked up at (Y/n), only to see her charging right at him! Hunter panicked and summoned his staff, but before he could do anything, (Y/n) casually jumped over him and continued running towards the nearby bushes!
After leaping over one, (Y/n) summoned her staff once more and hopped onto it! "Love to stay and chat but let's call it a draw!" she said, taking off into the sky.

Hunter stared at the fleeing witch pissed, before smiling. "A draw huh?"

The Golden Guard put his mask back on and summoned his coven staff, dismissing the cardinal palisman. He entered the alleyway once more and headed back to the rest of the guards. "Can't wait to see you again (Y/n)."

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