Good Girl~ (smut)

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The characters in this story are 18 since they are the beta characters. Futa Lucia.
WARNING: cursing, sexual acts, no protection used (always use protection). This oneshot is for a 17-18+ audience!

Lucia sat on a beanbag in Amelia's hideout, calmly reading a book while she waited for her girlfriend. Soon enough, the Blight entered the space and locked the entrance. "Hey hermosa." Lucia smiled. Amelia put her bag down and slumped to the floor, falling into Lucia's lap before crawling under her book and up to her chest.

"W-woah- hi." the human chuckled. "Uhm, can I help you?" she asked with a nervous smile. Amelia smirked and blushed as she started to grind down on Lucia's thigh. "Oh..." Lucia set her book down and slumped in her seat, readjusting Amelia and wiggling her thigh around, causing the Blight to sway side to side. "You a horny little witch baby?" The human leaned in and caressed Amelia's jawline. She kissed her lips, making her face flush even more. "You're making me crave it too." Lucia thrusted her hips a bit, pressing her bulge into Amelia. Amelia felt her throbbing heat squish against her soaked underwear. Slimy and cool.

The witch's ears grew red and fell back as Lucia grabbed her hips and flipped them over, pinning her to the floor. The latina growled in her ear and pressed her knee up against her heat. "So obedient." Amelia breathed heavily as Lucia layed herself on top of her. "You really want this sweetie?"

"Mhm." she whispered. Lucia lightly thrusted into her. "You want me all up inside you?" "Yes." Amelia attempted to arch her back only to be pushed back down. "Treat you like some little fuck toy." Amelia's heat throbbed. She shut her eyes and bit her lip.

Lucia smirked and pressed her lips against Amelia's sensitive neck. The Blight squirmed and shuddered at the contact. Lucia chuckled through the kiss and rubbed her body against hers. "Mmmhmhm *mwah* you're being such a good girl for me." Lucia bit her neck. "Uhn!" "Letting me hold you down, and have my way with you. So cute."

Lucia wrapped Amelia in her arms and pulled her up. She sat back into the beanbag and held the Blight in place, resting her chin over her shoulder. Amelia grew warm all over and leaned into Lucia's touch, panting softly. "Mmm." The latina held her close and snaked her hand down her slim body. "You are a very very pretty girl." she whispered as she gently started nibbling Amelia's pointed ear, making it twitch briefly.

Amelia bucked her hips as Lucia caressed her thigh and squeezed it possessively. She didn't even have to touch her heat to know how warm it was. "Such a squirmy little mess. Do you want me to go lower fuckbunny?" Amelia nodded only for her jaw to be grabbed roughly. "Use your words darling." "Y-yes." "Gooood girl."

Lucia slipped her hand into Amelia's skirt and underwear and palmed her heat. Amelia shuddered. She then opened her folds with two fingers, and rubbed. Amelia's face grew an even darker pink as Lucia pleasured her, her pussy throbbing with each, sensual, stroke. Lucia grinned and kissed Amelia's neck hard, practically sinking her teeth into her skin. The witch moaned and sunk further into her girlfriend. Her body tingled all over she felt so good.

Lucia moaned intensely as she marked her girl, the faint sounds of her girlfriends pre-cum turning her on more. Amelia's breath hitched, her neck being kissed lovingly. It felt so nice. "Mmm, Lucia." The human let go of her neck slowly, sending shivers down her spine. She lifted Amelia by her thigh so she then layed in her lap, her hand still pleasuring her. The Blight moaned and bucked her hips.


"Hm?" The latina palmed her heat harder and did long sensual strokes. "Ahh... I n-need you."

Lucia smirked. "Oh what was that? I didn't quite hear you." Amelia bit her lip as she felt Lucia curl her fingers around her folds, brushing her clit in the process. Lucia leaned in teasingly. "Let me hear you ask for it sweetheart. Let me hear you beg for it." she whispered.

"*pant* I want you-mm.. I-I want you deep inside of me. I want your cock to brush my slimy walls! Fill me up with your cum! Fuck me until I can't walk daddy!"

Lucia was taken aback, her face turning a deep shade of red, while Amelia gave her a shit eating grin. She knew Amelia, but she didn't expect that to come out of her. 'Fuck I'm in love with her.' Lucia rearranged herself and pounced on top of her witch, the two now back on the carpeted floor. "Strip."
Amelia complied and started to pull her skirt down. Lucia sat up and did the same, starting with her jacket and t-shirt. Amelia smirked as Lucia unzipped her pants, her six inch cock flying out of her boxers. "Excited for me baby?" she teased. The human smirked and layed back on top of the witch, grinding herself against her and coating her dick with the Blights pre-cum. With each thrust, her length slid over her folds, completely missing her entrance. Amelia spread her legs wide and sunk herself closer to Lucia. She closed her eyes and whined.


The human grabbed her wrists and squished their privates together! "Baby girl." Lucia pressed her body against Amelia's and kissed her lips. "Mmmm." Lucia then aligned herself with Amelia's entrance and slipped herself inside. Amelia gushed from the contact.

"Ahh.. you're so warm hermosa. And tight." Amelia relaxed as Lucia thrusted into her. She felt just right.

Amelia moaned and bucked her hips in sync with Lucia's. "You like that baby? My cock inside your pussy? Each thrust begging you to cum?" A small smile creeped onto Amelia's face. Lucia chuckled and trailed kisses down her neck. "That's right. Who's my good girl?" Lucia pushed all the way in and pressed her back wall. "Uhnn!" Amelia moaned. "You like being my little slut don't you. *flop* Just a squirming, *flop* moaning little mess?" The two listened to the sound of their parts gushing together. "Ngh- Lucia faster." "I'm gonna fill you up nice and good. C'mere-"

Lucia smashed her lips against Amelia's and made out with her. The Blight gave in and let her tongue explore her mouth, her moans growing louder. Amelia practically had stars in her eyes. She felt so full, so good. "Mmph- yes! Lucia yes yes ahh!" Lucia felt a knot grow in her groin.

Amelia threw her head back as she felt her climax drawing near. "Uhn Lucia- ahh!" Lucia hilted inside of her and pumped her warm, thick, love juice. Amelia spasmed and giggled as the humans cock tickled her insides, the latina having a firm grip on her as to not let her go. Lucia smiled dreamily and let herself fall on top of her girlfriend, holding her close while she filled her up. Amelia wrapped her arms around Lucia and cummed. "Mmmmm." she moaned as the human kissed her again.

Lucia gently thrusted into her, helping her ride out her orgasm. Soon, Amelia began to relax and go limp. Lucia then broke the kiss and slowly pulled out, a thick, white, glop of cum pooling out of Amelia's pussy. "Hmm, good girl hermosa~"

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