Snake Snuggles

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This oneshot was inspired by the fact that Mae Whitman (Amity's voice actor) was the voice of Shanti in The Jungle Book 2 and that it was one of my favorite movies as a kid.
WARNING: cursing

Amity Blight layed awake in her hammock in the man village. It was pretty late at night but the witch simply couldn't sleep.

She missed her Luz, her lover. The Blight had met a half human, half snake individual, that lived deep in the jungle eight months ago.

Luz herself was thirty feet long, as long as a school bus. Her head, neck, and shoulders (including her arms) were human but her chest down was completely reptilian. She could change her appearance at will, but would stay in her serpent form most of the time.

Amity would usually visit her every afternoon after her chores were done, but the last couple months had been, rough.

There had been several tiger sightings close to the villages hunting trails, and everyone had to take extra precautions.
No one, was allowed outside the gates after the morning. Not even the hunters.

With the curfews in place and Amity's work schedule, there was simply no time to sneak off and visit Luz.

Two more hours went by, and Amity still couldn't sleep. She got up from her hammock and looked out her window, staring down at the quiet huts.
She turned her head to the right, facing the jungle and heard an owl hoot nearby. "I'm coming Luz." said Amity to herself.

The Blight crept down the stairs quietly, trying not to wake her family and opened the front door to her house. She looked around before taking the torch next to the door and quietly skipping to the gates of the village.

Once she got to the edge of the village, she looked up and stared at the dark jungle ahead of her. "I'm not afraid of no tiger. I can handle myself." Amity took a deep breath and crossed the river on the stepping stones into the forest...

Meanwhile, Luz Noceda was resting comfortably in her tree, staring up at the stars wondering why Amity hadn't showed for two months. Did something happen to her? Did her parents find out she crossed the river? Luz knew no one was to enter the jungle except the hunters.

Suddenly, Luz heard rustling by some trees nearby. She perked up and stalked the jungle that was ahead of her. She had excellent hearing and incredible night vision. When she was hunting, it was impossible for prey to hide.

Luz got up from her spot and slithered through the trees to get closer to, whatever was making the noise...

Amity had been walking for about twenty five minutes now. She climbed over rocks and tree roots, through bushes, and thick vines. It was dark and spooky, but Amity wasn't afraid. She's visited Luz enough times to know her way. Even in the dark.

Amity climbed over a large tree root and into a small open space. She held her torch high and examined the area. 'I should be close to Luz's tree...'

A strong familiar scent ran up Luz's nose as she approached Amity's location. She sniffed the air and let the smell guide her nose to look down.

Once the scent got stronger, Luz opened her eyes to see Amity in the small clearing, checking her surroundings. 'Amity!' screamed Luz internally. She was so excited and slithered closer to her girlfriend.

Luz then coiled herself around a branch thirty feet above Amity.

Amity waved her torch around wondering which direction she should go. The Blight then, felt a tap on her shoulder and turned in fright to see who it was! No one was there.

Luz silently giggled from above and moved the end of her tail to Amity's other side.

"Who's there?" said Amity losing courage. Then, Luz striked! Amity felt something wrap around her waist and was instantly yanked off the ground! She dropped her torch and whatever was left of the flame, went out. She had been walking for a while after all.

Amity let out a yelp before her mouth was silenced by a scaly coil. Luz finished reeling her in and turned her around to face her.

"Hey Ami." said Luz coolly. Amity's heart skipped a beat and stared wide eyed at the serpent girl in front of her. She eventually came back to her senses and shook her head to free her mouth from Luz's tail.

"Mmph pa, Luz! Don't scare me like that!" Luz giggled and hovered over Amity, smirking. "Awww did I frighten my little girl?" Amity blushed and covered her face, knowing it was pointless since Luz had great night vision. "Hahaha come on, let's go to my tree..."

Luz brought Amity to a large banyan tree that had a wooden platform attached to a few of its branches. Luz set Amity down and slithered the rest of her body onto the wood.

"Wow. The stars are beautiful tonight." said Amity taking a seat on the platform, dangling her legs off the edge. "Yeah." replied Luz.

Luz was behind Amity, flicking her tail around to sweep away the dead leaves and twigs that covered the floor.

Amity suddenly shivered and only now realized, she lost her torch. It was a bit of a chilly night too. Luz saw this and an idea popped in her head. She slithered in circles on the platform until she created a spiral of coils. Luz looked at Amity and a wide smirk grew across her face as she jumped in the air like a spring!

"Luz?" said Amity feeling the vibrations from behind. Before she could turn around completely, Luz landed right on top of Amity, encasing her in the warm, scaly cocoon.

Amity squirmed around in surprise and gasped as she poked her head out from the top. Luz laughed and watched as Amity shook her head to "fix" her now messed up hair. She then grabbed Amity's cheek lovingly and kissed her on the lips.

Amity melted into the kiss and sank deeper into the snakes coils. Luz took this opportunity to wrap the tip of her tail around Amity's neck, closing the open hole.
"W-wait!" Amity came back to her senses and looked at Luz slightly frightened. "Not the neck. Please." Luz complied and left Amity's neck and shoulders exposed.

The Blight yawned causing Luz to look at her worriedly. "Oh right, it's pretty late. You should get some rest, we can continue catching up in the morning." said Luz closing her body further on Amity to get a better grip.

"I'm not *yawn* tired." Amity saw Luz lean in and smirk at her. She knew what was coming next.

Amity looked away from Luz, shutting her eyes tightly. "Luz don't you dare!" she giggled as she began to squirm in her grasp. "Nah uh, you're not getting away this time Amity."

Luz grabbed Amity's chin trying to get her to face her, but Amity shook her head in all directions, smiling in embarrassment.

"Come on Ami, let me look at you.. I promise I won't do it... Don't you trust me?" Amity didn't believe her but opened her right eye just to see if she kept her promise.

The witch was met with blue and yellow swirls coming from Luz's eyes. "Gotcha." said Luz coolly, while holding a creepy smile. "Luz you little shi-" "Ah ah ah, good girls don't squabble cariño. They obey."
Luz sped up the hypnosis in her eyes in hopes of overpowering Amity, and getting her other eye to open. But Amity was a tough witch, and refused to give in. She smirked and stared at her girlfriend with her one entranced eye.

"Amity, you've given me no choice." Luz started to pump her coils and massage Amity's body. Amity's smirk faded away and her right eye started to droop. As she soothed Amity's body, the green haired witch let out a moan. Luz had made all of Amity's muscles relax and the ones keeping her left eye shut gave out!
Luz leaned in and caught her other eye before Amity could shut it again. "Fuck." said Amity coming out of her state of bliss (for only a few seconds).

Amity resisted a little more before finally giving up, giving in to Luz, and ready to let sleep engulf her. Luz stopped her hypnosis and stroked Amity's hair, smiling contently. Amity then yawned one last time, before fully shutting her eyes. "Goodnight Amity." "Goodnight Luz." she mumbled back.

Luz layed them down on the platform and swung her torso up area, around Amity's head to act as a pillow. She kissed Amity on the cheek making her smile, and closed her eyes.

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