Beauty in the Water💧

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WARNING: cursing

It's summer vacation and Luz was going on a cruise with her mother Camilla, to Merroway Cove.

It's a beautiful, tropical island far from the mainland. The cove has crystal blue waters, and several patches of coral with tropical fish.

As the boat was pulling into the harbor, the captain walked outside of his quarters to make an announcement to all the guests.

"Attention all you land lovers! Welcome to Merroway Cove! Now enjoy your stay and keep your eyes peeled! If you're lucky you might catch a glimpse of a mermaid!"

Luz silently chuckled watching all the small children jump up and down with excitement. 'Mermaids huh? That's a nice thought but, that's impossible..."

The next day, Luz woke up right and early, excited to go explore the coral reefs and tide pools. "Now mija, if you need me, I'll be sitting on the beach reading my book. Stay safe ok?"
Luz grabbed her goggles and snorkel and happily ran to the door of their room. "Oh I will, see you mamá! Diviértete!" Luz slammed the door shut and ran down the hall to exit the cruise.

Amity's POV:

It happened again. Another boat has entered the cove with tourists. None of the people who come seem to do any harm to the cove, let alone have interest in going out of their way to search for my people, but whenever those humans come, we merfolk have to go into hiding. It's so frustrating! But as long as we obey the rules, we'll be safe from harms way.


Luz hopped on the beach and took in the beautiful view. The beach seemed to go on for miles, and a beautiful rainforest stood peacefully ahead.

Luz looked to her left and a saw a narrow trail that was almost completely covered with ferns and other plants. She smiled and headed towards the mysterious path.

As Luz walked down the overgrown trail, Amity popped her head out of the water to take a look around. She instantly spotted Luz and squinted her eyes to get a better look. "A human has never gone past the main beach before." Amity dove under the water and cautiously followed Luz from the side.

The trail ended a few minutes later, and Luz found herself at the shore of a private looking lagoon. A series of rocks surrounded the spot, with a rocky archway leading to the open ocean.
Luz turned around to see the cruise no where in sight. "I'll just go back the way I came, no biggy." Luz then made her way to the water and walked in the shallow pool.
It was about a foot deep and there was a ledge at the entrance of the cove. As Luz made her way to the rocky arch, she saw just how deep the water was after that point.

Luz then took a deep breath, and dove into the water, now exploring the coral reef beneath her.

Amity hid in a rock formation and watched the human swim. She was very graceful and cut through the water with ease. Amity was almost impressed.

Something shined brightly in Luz's eye in the distance. She swam closer and looked down at the glowing thing. It was very blurry but Luz thought it was some sort of old crab trap?

She hovered over the metal thing and taped the top lightly. 'Just an old hunk of junk.' Luz then swam up to head to the surface, her foot kicked the contraption in the process. A metal ring suddenly closed tightly on her ankle, preventing her from going up for air!

She flinched in pain from the sudden tightness and flailed her arms as fast as she could to get free! The latina wasn't going anywhere. The trap was practically glued to the ocean floor.

Luz sunk herself down to try and unhook or break, something! Nothing worked and Luz was losing her ability to hold her breath.
Luz suddenly couldn't take it anymore and exhaled whatever air she held on to, sending a clump of bubbles the surface.

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