A Tyrants Tea Party

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WARNING: cursing

"Ahahahahaha! You foolish three dimensional meat bodies! You thought you could get rid of ME?! I am far more powerful than you could ever imagine pine tree!"

"Everyone get behind me!" cried Dipper.

Dipper Pines flipped through his journal desperately, trying to find something that could help! Bill's eye turned bright blue as he grew ten times his size! "Kid! There's no time!" yelled Grunkle Stan! "Come on come on come on! There has to be something in here about portals!"

"Wait, that's it!" yelled Mabel as she ran back into the mystery shack.


Meanwhile on the Boiling Isles, Luz was busy at work, figuring out glyph combos at the owl house. Eda sat on the couch next to Luz, and watched as the human scribbled away in her journal.


King scurried into the living room, Francois in his arms, and approached the latina, wagging his tail excitedly!

"Hey King." "Luz! I humbly invite you and Eda to my very important, top secret, king of demons tea party! All the most powerful and important guests are invited!" said the little demon proudly. Luz looked up from her journal and smiled. "Aww King that's really sweet, but I can't come right now. I'm so close to figuring out this glyph combo."

King lowered his arms slightly and frowned. He turned to Eda and looked at her with hopeful eyes. "Eda? Will you come to my tea party?"
The owl lady sniffed. "Sorry King, I have the worst headache right now and this apple blood is practically keeping me alive." Eda threw her head back on the couch and groaned, receiving a small giggle from the human in return.

King sighed and left the living room disappointed, hugging his bunny plushie tightly.


Mabel quickly ran out of the mystery shack with a small gadget in her hand. "Hey kid where'd you get that?!" asked Grunkle Stan. "I found it in a small box in your room labeled Marilyn." "You what?!"

"End of the line suckers!" Bill Cipher raised his fist and lit it on fire! "Eat rainbows demon triangle guy!" Mabel then raised the small device and shot it at Bill, a massive beam of light ejecting from it before turning into a spiral of flames! "What the fu-"

The flames engulfed Bill Cipher before morphing into a large sphere of light, a silhouette of Bill being shown in the middle! "What's happening to me?!" yelled the triangle demon.

Then, the sphere exploded, Bill Cipher vanishing in the process! "Noooooo!"
A massive gust of wind blew across Gravity Falls, the mystery shack crew covering their eyes from the explosion!

Then, the forest went silent. Bill was gone. Dipper and crew opened their eyes and looked around. The forest floor was now covered in fallen pine branches, parts of the mystery shack had broken off too, littering the ground.

"...Mabel, what the heck did you just do?" asked Dipper looking at his sister. "No idea but it worked anyway!" "Mabel! I forbid you to look through my stuff, but in this case I'll let it slide. We won't be seeing him for a while."

The mystery crew, slightly traumatized from the encounter, walked into the mystery shack and shut the doors for some much needed processing time. "So who's Marilyn?" "Not now Dipper."


King made his way to the stone tower behind the owl house and sat himself on the wooden floor at the top. He looked at his tea party display with all his favorite toys sitting in two rows at a table. King sighed. "Well, at least there's a few, people here." he said quietly.

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