Girl Kisser Girl Kisser

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WARNING: violence, blood, use of the f slur, and this oneshot contains bits of events from Knock Knock Knocking on Hooty's Door!

Luz layed on her sleeping bag smiling up at the ceiling. Wow she thought. I'm dating the most beautiful girl on the Boiling Isles. She was so overjoyed at the thought! But, even in this amazing moment, she couldn't help but think about what had happened, with her previous crush...

Two years ago, Luz had gained the courage to ask out her crush. Amelia. She had fairly tan skin and blonde hair with a pink stripe going down the middle.

She was still a little nervous though. Barely anyone was out, at her school. She didn't even know if there were any students who identified as LGBTQIA+.

But that wasn't going to stop her from telling someone how she truly felt.

Once the school bell rang, Luz put her math books in her backpack and started walking to the football field. Amelia was captain of the cheer squad.

Luz peeked at the cheerleaders from behind the bleachers and blushed at the sight of Amelia.

The coach blew her whistle to get the cheerleaders attention. "Alright ladies! Start your warm ups and be ready in ten minutes! I have to arrange something with our football coach so I won't be here to give instructions. Amelia, you're in charge of today's workout." And with that, the coach walked to the sports storage room.

Luz took this opportunity to approach her crush. Amelia was talking to three other girls and was faced away from Luz as she confidently walked over.

"H-hey Amelia." said Luz giving a small wave. The blonde turned around and faced the latina. "Hey, Luz. What do you want?"

Luz's heart started to race but she ignored it and took a deep breath. "I was wondering if I could talk to you, alone, for a sec?" Amelia shrugged and agreed.

Luz brought Amelia to a spot right behind the bleachers, a good distance away from the other girls.

"Sooo. I've been meaning to ask you this for a while, and. I think you're a really cool person. Uh-"

Amelia looked at her confused and crossed her arms. "W-will you go out with me?" said Luz smiling gently, blushing.

Amelia's eyes widened and took a step away from the girl. Luz hesitantly reached out her hand, scared that she freaked her crush out.

"So, you're a lesbian?" said Amelia coldly. "A-actually no I'm bisexual. It means I like boys and-" Amelia laughed and smirked evilly at her.

Then, Amelia's trio walked behind the bleachers to tell her that practice was officially starting soon. "Ladies, we got ourselves a girl kisser over here!" The cheerleaders gave Luz a bunch of disgusted looks. "Why don't we teach her a lesson."

Luz backed away slowly in fear before turning around to run for it! The girls were too quick and grabbed Luz's hood and arms, pulling her right back!

The trio restrained her and a girl blocked her mouth with one of her hands, preventing her from crying for help. "Come on, let's go somewhere where no one will see us." said Amelia looking around the field...

Luz was shoved against a locker in the girls locker room, two girls pinning her against it. The third girl stood behind Amelia as the blonde stared at Luz sinisterly.

Amelia smirked before punching Luz right in the gut! Luz screamed in pain before one of the girls blocked Luz's mouth with duck tape.

Luz was thrown to the ground violently and was repeatedly punched and kicked by the cheerleaders above her! Amelia opened her respective locker and pulled out a pair of red scissors from her pencil case.

Luz's nose was bleeding and she was covered in bruises! The cheerleaders laughed and pointed fingers at Luz. "Girl kisser girl kisser!" they chanted in unison.

Amelia stood before Luz and snapped her fingers, ordering the girls to pull Luz up again. The latina stared at her crush horrified! Tears rolled down her face as the blonde held the scissors like it was a dagger.

Amelia leaned forward until her face was inches apart from Luz's. "You think, I could ever love a dumb, faggot, like you?" Luz took a sharp breath before getting cut anyway possible by the scissors! "You're even dumber than you look."

Luz muffled screams and squirmed against the girls grasp, causing the row of lockers to rattle!

A few seconds later, Amelia stopped and threw Luz to the ground herself. Luz coward into a ball and sobbed quietly, feeling every inch of her body throb in pain.

"I think she's had enough. Come on girls. Let's get back to practice. And by the way Luz. I'm gonna tell the whole school! If anyone didn't think you were weird then, they will now."

The girls followed Amelia out the door laughing hysterically at what they just did.

Luz slowly sat up and shut her eyes tightly as she ripped the tape off her lips. 'Why?'

That evening, Luz entered her house crying. Her mother was cooking something on the stove when she heard Luz come in.

"Mija it's late, where have you been?" said Camilla walking into the front hall. Luz continued to cry and looked down at the floor.

"Luz, what happened?!" she said running to hug her daughter.

Luz ran past her mom pushing her arms away and ran up the stairs. "I don't want to talk about it!!!!" cried Luz entering her room and slamming the door shut!

Luz locked her door and fell onto her bed. Her phone buzzed and she immediately picked it up.

There on her screen were hundreds of notifications from Instagram. All were about her.

"Girl kisser!"



Luz turned her phone off and shoved it in her drawer.

'Why?' she thought hugging her pillow. 'What was so wrong about liking someone of the same gender?' Luz refused to eat dinner that night and cried herself to sleep.

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