Forgotten Truths

421 7 0

July 3rd, 2021

A new alien type creature had been discovered by our crew and was brought to the lab for, experimentation. I wasn't nervous, I'm used to dealing with these kinds of creatures, despite how dangerous the job is. My name is Luz Noceda and I'm a researcher here in Connecticut. I hate the tests they perform on the specimens we find, (even though the majority are a threat to the world) but as one woman alone against the government, there's practically nothing I can do to stop them.

It was the end of the day and all the scientists were leaving the laboratory to go home. That's when Luz comes in.

"Alright Ms. Noceda, you've never failed us before so we'll leave you to your task. As always, the security cameras are on and if you need help, our specialized abomination bots are there to protect you." Luz nodded at her boss, clutching her clipboard, and watched the man walk to the front doors of the facility.

Once her boss locked the front doors, Luz walked through the laboratory to the controls room, to then press a bright red button, activating the bots for night guard duty. Luz found it hilarious that the abomination bots looked, and were, named after one of the monsters they've discovered.

Luz looked at the security cameras, seeing several metal doors open, revealing a few abomination bots marching to their place for the night. Seeing that the whole lab was peaceful and no bots were malfunctioning, Luz left the controls room and headed to her assignments chamber.

Luz walked through the main lobby of the facility. It was a large, tall, glass building with a metal ceiling. The room itself was filled with chemistry sets, high tech machinery for experiments, and boards displaying articles of discoveries from over the years.

The abomination bots turned their heads as the latina walked by, ensuring that she wasn't a trespasser. Luz made it to the other side of the lobby and approached a large metal door labeled Dangerous Zone Top Staff Only.

Luz took out her staff card and scanned it over the side screen. A green wave went up and down the screen before the system beeped, turning the wave into a bright green check mark. The doors opened, and let Luz inside.

Luz was greeted with a large glass cell. The inside was well lit while the rest of the room was dark with several computers on the sides. A scaly figure was curled up in a ball in the middle of the chamber, it's wrists tightly cuffed and secured to the floor of the chamber.

Luz put her clipboard down and approached the glass, placing her hands against it. The soft noise alerted the creature and it sprang up in shock, panting as they stared at Luz through the glass.

"Woah." was all she could say. The creature then pulled at its restraints, trying to get closer to the scientist for a better look.

"Oh thank titan, Luz! I thought I'd never see you again!" cried the creature in excitement. Luz's eyes widened and took a step back. 'It talks?!'

The demon slowly frowned and cowered in place. "Luz, don't you remember me? It's me Vee."

Luz shook her head and picked up her clipboard to write something. "Very funny demon. I'm not going to fall for your little antics. The staff probably said I was coming to examine you."
Luz flipped a couple pages on her clipboard and read the notes from this mornings test. 'Basilisk. Shapeshifter. Demon soul drainer. Collects human teeth? I'm not even going to ask.'

Luz walked over to the controls next to the cell and pulled a lever, sending another set of cuffs to restrain the demon further. Luz then opened the cell and stepped inside.

Vee didn't flinch, nor struggle. She's been in chains for too long now. She was numb to it. Vee looked down at the ground as Luz put a pair of gloves on.

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