Protective Girlfriend

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WARNING: cursing

It was a normal day at Hexside school. Students crowded into the halls and gathered their belongings from their lockers for the day. Luz chuckled happily as her new dorky girlfriend leaned her hand against her locker, trying to flirt. Amity however, was failing miserably and couldn't help but blush from seeing her Luz happy.

"Oh hermosa, you tried." Luz smiled as she placed a kiss on Amity's cheek. Boscha walked past them and scoffed at their moment, Amelia and Cat by her side.
Luz glanced at the pink haired witch and frowned slightly, the human suddenly grabbing her arm ashamed. Amity placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and groaned in annoyance before smiling softly. "Don't worry about her Luz. She's just being a bitch." The human sighed and grabbed her books from her locker. "Yeah, you're probably right." she said as she turned in the direction of her next class. Amity looked confused. "I'll see you in third period." said Luz.

*Le magic time skip*

The bell screamed, ending the second class of the day. Luz sluggishly put her books in her satchel and slowly exited the classroom with her head down. "Hoo ok, just gotta make it through the halls and I'm out of Boscha's sight." she sighed to herself as she tried to blend in with the crowd of students. Deciding to take a shortcut, Luz turned a corner and walked down an empty, dimly lit, hallway.

Little did she know, Boscha was already following her.

Just when the human thought she was safe, Boscha grabbed her by her hood and slammed her against the lockers! "Agh!" cried Luz as she opened her eyes and looked at the triclops in shock. Boscha slammed her hand beside Luz's head and held up her shirt with the other! "What do you want Boscha?" said Luz firmly. The witch rolled her eyes and groaned in annoyance. "Don't you know by now that you don't belong here?" "I am just as much a student here as you are."

Boscha growled and slammed Luz against the lockers again before raising her collar higher! "Listen human! Don't fucking think you can just walts on in here and suddenly start stealing my friend group. You're nothing!" Luz flinched. "Just a weak, little, human.. Ya know, perhaps I should just make an example of you. Then maybe you'll learn to stay away from Amity." Boscha then jerked Luz closer, causing the human to shut her eyes, and raised her fist.


The two stopped and turned to see Amity standing at the end of the hall. The Blight stomped her way over and shoved herself in between the two. "Leave her alone Boscha." she said firmly. Boscha pulled away. "Come on Amity, you seriously wanna spend your time with a low life thing like her?! Don't you know there are better people to date?" The pink haired witch stepped forward and grabbed Amity's hand, making her flinch. "Come back to the group Blight, we miss you." Amity yanked her hand away and guided Luz away from the scene. "You know you're just ruining your status!"

Amity rolled her eyes and kept walking. Becoming even more pissed, Boscha ran over and grabbed Luz roughly! "Agh!" She used the muscle she gained from grudgby, and brought Luz to her knees, aggressively yanking her arms behind her back! Luz was too upset to fight. "I could make her pay for it right now. Then she'd have to leave you alone."

Amity growled and drew a large spell circle! An abomination fist then appeared and punched Boscha across the hall! "Ah!" she cried before the purple hand closed itself around her torso, pinning her arms at her sides. Amity flicked her finger and aggressively pulled Boscha close to her, their faces inches apart.

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