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The day after the Bonesborough Brawl was a rainy day. Luz calmly sat outside the front door to the owl house and watched the boiling rain. A purple flower in the distance got hit and withered away. Luz sighed and brought her knees close to her chest. She was supposed to see Amity at the library today.

As the human crossed her arms and rested her head onto them, Hooty looked down at her from his door hole. "Hoot. Hey Luz, everything ok down here?" he said softly as he slithered down to her level. Luz rubbed her eyes and looked at the bird tube. "Yeah, I'm fine Hooty. Just uh feeling the same as yesterday a bit."

Hooty looked at the human sympathetically before lowering his head. "Oh. Do you want a hug?" Luz thought for a moment before slowly nodding. "Yeah, I would like one actually." Hooty carefully wrapped himself around Luz's torso a couple times before resting his chin onto her shoulder. Luz started to tear up and hugged the bird tube back, the sounds of the boiling rain being the only other thing they could hear.

"Ya know, I was supposed to see Amity today but the rain doesn't look like it's gonna stop." "Hoot hoot, I can help with that!" Luz flinched and lightly pushed Hooty away from her. "Oh ho no. You promised you wouldn't help anyone ever again." The bird tube leaned in and pressed his cheek against Luz's. "If you let me help, you can get to your gf faster!" he smirked. Hooty then pulled away, letting Luz entertain her thoughts.

'I mean he's right.'

"Mmm, ok Hooty. Can you take me to the library please?" "With pleasure hoot hoot..."

Popping out of a newly formed hole in the ground, Hooty quickly dropped off Luz at the front entrance to the library. "Have a nice time Luz HOOT!" exclaimed Hooty as he disappeared back into the hole. The latina giggled and turned towards the doors. "Ok Luz, now for what you were here for."

The human entered the library and casually walked to the romance section. She pulled out the specific book from the shelf and opened up Amity's hideout. The Blight herself was sitting on a beanbag reading the fifth Azura book. Amity perked her head up at the sound of the door opening and smiled at her girlfriend. "Hey Luz! I didn't think you'd make it, ya know cause of the rain and all." "Pfft, you think that's gonna stop me from seeing my awesome girlfriend?" Luz teased as she entered the study, the door closing behind her. Amity giggled and patted the spot next to her.

Luz snuggled up beside Amity and rested her head on her shoulder. "Ready?" asked the lavender witch. "Mhm." Amity nuzzled Luz's cheek then began to read aloud...

Halfway through reading, Luz's mind began to wander. Her heart clenched, anxiety grew around her head. She wasn't fine. Amity's words became all muffled and mushed together. 'Why did that have to happen?' she thought. Luz closed her eyes and covered her head, she could practically hear the sirens. 'Why why why?'


The human opened her eyes to see Amity looking at her concerned. Two tears had already formed in Luz's eyes. "Luz are you ok?" The human sniffled and quickly wiped her tears. "Yeah yeah I'm-" "No you're not."
Amity put the Azura book down and grabbed a soft pink blanket from beside her. She draped it over the humans shoulders and gently flipped her around. "Come here." said Amity softly as she pulled the human into her lap.

Amity wrapped her arms around Luz and cradled her. She gently stroked Luz's hair with one hand while keeping a firm grip around her side with the other. Luz sniffled again and snuggled into Amity's embrace, trying to hold back her tears. The Blights ears drooped as she looked down at her girlfriend. It pained her to see her upset. She pulled Luz closer and kissed her forehead lovingly.

"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. But, does it have something to do with the human realm? Maybe about yesterday?" asked Amity softly. Luz just weakly nodded and buried her face into Amity's side. "Oh Luz." The lavender witch pulled Luz upward and cupped her cheeks, wiping away the tears that escaped her eyes. She rubbed her thumb against them before pulling Luz back in for a hug. "It's gonna be ok batata." Luz finally let herself break.

"W-why Amity?"

"I know, I'm so sorry Luz."

Luz sniffled again and sat up, the human still sitting in Amity's lap. "I-I'm sorry for being such a downer today. We were supposed to meet here a-and just read Azura and-" The Blight pulled Luz close once more and gave her a comforting squeeze. "Luz we all have bad days sometimes. You have nothing to be ashamed of. I know yesterday was hard for you, and some parts of it creeped into today. But, one thing I do know is, you won't have to deal with these feelings alone."

Amity leaned in and kissed the humans cheek. "Promise me you won't blame yourself for not feeling ok?" Luz stared at her girlfriend for a moment, shocked but also mesmerized, then weakly smiled.


Amity leaned back into the beanbag, pulling the human down with her. Luz accepted the gesture and wrapped her arms around Amity's torso, the latina now lying on her stomach. "Hey Amity?" asked Luz looking up at the lavender witch. "Can we, stay like this for a bit?" Amity smiled and ran her hand through Luz's hair. "Of course my dorky otter."

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