Small Favors (Serpentine AU)

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WARNING: cursing

Late at night, deep in the jungle, Lucia Noceda ran for her life! The latina herself was an explorer and often ventured outside of her village to prove she could take care of herself, and bring home a valuable item to show it. Unfortunately, trouble came her way.
As the latina pushed her way through the thick vegetation, a loud, wicked, cackle echoed throughout the forest. She was being hunted.

"Ahahahahaha give up human! You can't run away from me forever!"

Lucia panted hard but kept moving forward. She tripped over a tree root before getting up and running again. A sinister hiss was heard from behind her. She was close. Lucia looked behind her for a brief moment before suddenly realizing she ran out of ground. The latina yelled as she fell forward into a deep, dark sinkhole! She quickly grabbed a hold of the ledge she fell from and looked down at the ravine below.

The dark sinkhole patiently waited for her to fall. Lucia groaned and tried to pull herself up but to no avail. There was nothing to put her feet on and she wasn't strong enough to get out.
Suddenly, a low hiss was heard from above. The latina looked up as a girl with long minty green hair loomed over her. She wore a pink and white t-shirt, and her waist down was a long bright pink serpents tail, dark pink spots running down it.


The serpentine chuckled and brought her face close to the latina. "Been a while since I've seen you out here. Thought you could outrun me Lulu?" "Ugh what do you want?!" Amelia pulled away and laughed at the humans current state. "Oh, just a small favor is all." The ledge Lucia was clinging to started to crack. "W-what?" "You heard me human." "And what's in it for me?"

Amelia leaned in again until the two were eye to eye. "I'll help you up."

The ledge cracked again, lowering Lucia slightly deeper into the sinkhole! "Ahh.. J-just one little favor?" "Mhm." Lucia frantically looked at her surroundings, trying to find another way, but Amelia seemed to be her only option. After a moment of hesitation, Lucia carefully extended her arm out for the serpentine to grab. "Ok."

Amelia smirked and chuckled evilly! The serpentine then swung her tail forward, breaking the chunk of cliff Lucia was holding onto, and sent the human plummeting down! "AHHHHHHHHH!" As rocks fell beside the human, Amelia dove down into the sinkhole!

Amelia hissed and hit the bottom first. She quickly spun her tail into a series of loops and caught the latina! "Oof!" cried Lucia. The bottom of the sinkhole was filled with soft dirt and small bushy plants. Once she recovered, Lucia fell out of Amelia's coils, hitting the ground with a thud, and attempted to run away. The serpentine however, was quicker and quickly wrapped the human up, dragging her back.


"Where do you think you're going?"

Amelia's pink tail faded to a soothing lavender color with dark purple spots as she squeezed her prey. Lucia struggled as the coils held her tightly! "W-what do you want anyway?!" yelled Lucia. "My end of the deal human." "You fucking threw me off the cliff!" Amelia chuckled and curled her finger under the girls chin. "But I caught you didn't I?" Lucia groaned and shook off Amelia's finger. "Anyway, it's a rather cold night tonight and I need something to keep me warm. Or, someone?"

Lucia clenched her teeth and continued to squirm. Amelia giggled and squeezed Lucia til she stopped moving. "Awww not so tough now are ya?" she teased as the human went limp, her eyelids half closed. Amelia then layed Lucia down and snuggled the rest of her tail into the human. "I can't believe you actually thought you could outrun me! I mean, I am Amelia Blight, most dangerous serpentine around! I-"

Lucia was exhausted. Her muscles were starting to give out from it all. Amelia wasn't going to let her go, and escape from her coils seemed impossible. As Amelia ranted about her successful capture, Lucia began to take in the warm feeling of her tail. Her banters sounded muffled to her, but the coils suddenly felt so inviting and comfortable. Lucia's breathing slowed as she accepted her fate. The latina sighed and closed her eyes, passing out in Amelia's embrace.

Amelia let out another wicked cackle before noticing the human had stopped struggling. The serpentines expression turned sympathetic as she hovered over the sleeping human. Amelia loosened her grip a bit and brought Lucia closer to her. She caressed Lucia's cheek with her fingers, moving one of her long strands of hair out of the way. 'She looks so beautiful when she's relaxed.' she thought. 'I'll let her go in the morning.'

Amelia snuggled up against the human and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. 'Til then,'

"Sweet dreams Lucia."

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