Truth or Dare

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Context: Lucia first came to the Boiling Isles at 16, but due to an accident fighting Belos she got sent back to the human realm without properly saying goodbye. Two years later, she somehow found a way back.
WARNING: cursing

Eight pm, Friday night, Lucia and Amelia quietly walked down a dark dirt path through the woods to Boscha's house. The pink sporty witch was hosting a "little" get together with a few peeps from Hexside. Hearing the crunching sounds of the ground beneath them, Lucia broke the silence. "Hey, thanks for inviting me to this." Amelia stared at the trail ahead, her arms crossed, and glared at the latina. "You can thank Boscha for that."

"Aww come on, you're not still mad at me are you? It wasn't my fault I left for so long." "Oh I'm still mad, and don't get your hopes up human. Whatever we had, is long gone."
Lucia raised her eyebrows and puckered her lips. "Oop, ok dropping the H word on me eh? I see." Amelia stopped in her tracks, annoyed, and pointed a finger at the latina. "Listen here Noceda! I don't know what you're trying to do, but it won't work. I am a Blight, we only associate with a select few. I don't have time for your games anymore." Lucia scoffed and walked past the girl. "Yeah, I'm the select few." she smirked.

Five minutes later, the two arrived at Boscha's. Light illuminated from inside, and the sounds of giggling witches could be heard the closer they got. Lucia approached the front entrance and bowed. "Ladies first." Amelia groaned in annoyance but accepted the gesture.

Lucia and Amelia looked around to see a whole bunch of their classmates laughing and socializing, a few holding a typical red party cup. "Hey Blight Noceda!" a female sounding voice called. The host herself ran over and greeted her guests. "Glad y'all could make it." exclaimed Boscha as she gave the two a special hand greeting. "We're gonna start truth or dare soon, but in the meantime, snacks and drinks are in the kitchen so enjoy yourselves." Lucia nodded and walked over to the kitchen counter to grab a drink. "Brb."

As Boscha turned to walk away, Amelia pulled her back roughly and stared her down. "Why did you invite her to this again?" Boscha chuckled and pulled away. "Oh come on, I know you still like her. Everybody knows." Wionna walked over and wrapped an arm around Boscha, the plant witch holding a bottle of beer. "Yeah girly, you're not fooling anyone." Amelia looked mortified but also furious, her ears bent back while a huge blush grew across her face. Lucia came back, holding a red party cup, and looked at the three witches confused. "Uh."

Boscha then ran to the living room and stood up tall on top of a chair. She clapped her hands loudly and got the whole rooms attention. "We're starting truth or dare everyone! All who want to play, join me in the other room with Skara and Cat."

Lucia looked at Amelia and shrugged her shoulders. "You wanna play?" she asked. Amelia crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes as she stared straight ahead. "Eh why not?"

Boscha sat down with her two girl friends followed by Lucia, Amelia, Wionna, Gus, and Edric and Emira. With a wide smirk on her face, Boscha eyed the soon to be victims before placing her hand on the floor. "Now who'd like to go first?" she said teasingly.

Emira volunteered. "I'll go, I'm not a pussy." "Emira truth or dare?" asked Boscha. "Truth." "Who do you think is the hottest person at school?" Lucia looked intrigued. The eldest Blight smiled and casually said, "Viney. Girl's got class." Edric slapped his thigh. "Oooo I'm so using this as blackmail!" "Pfft go ahead and try but she already knows." Emira winked.

Boscha smirked. "Alright who's next?" Gus raised his hand. "Me." he said coolly. "Truth or dare?" "Truth." The triclops rolled her eyes. "Is anyone brave enough to do a dare?"

Over the course of eight minutes, laughter broke out amongst the witches and human Lucia. Skara had done a truth and admitted she's terrified of disorganized closets. Wionna gladly did a dare and chugged down a whole bottle of whiskey. The game went on and on, and then it was Amelia's turn. "Blight, truth or dare?" asked Boscha.


Boscha smirked and crawled over to Amelia. "Ok," She grabbed Lucia and Amelia's shoulders, causing both of them to blush madly. "I dare you, to do seven minutes in heaven with Lucia." "WHAT?!" the girls cried, gaining a fit of laughter from the circle. Boscha brought Amelia to her feet and slowly pushed her to the nearest closet, Wionna doing the same for Lucia. "Come on baby, you said it yourself. Dare."

Feeling like an idiot for not expecting this, Amelia blushed and made a face at the triclops. "Fuck you." "You'll thank me later sweets." Boscha and Wionna then shoved the two into the closet and locked the door behind them!



Amelia and Lucia tripped over the clutter on the floor, causing them to fall into the wall! Amelia clenched her teeth as she tensed up, the girl trying her hardest not to slip down. Lucia hit her hands on the wall, now towering over Amelia.
It was dark, and the two could just barely see each other. "You ok?" asked Lucia. Amelia exhaled and stood up straight, causing the latina to pull away. "Yeah I'm fine."

Lucia awkwardly looked around the space while Amelia calmed down. "I'm such an idiot."

Lucia chuckled. "Bro you had to have seen this coming. Everyone out there knows anyway." Amelia growled and summoned a ball of fire in her hand, fury in her eyes! "Woah- ok ok I'll stop I'll stop haha!" exclaimed the human as she raised her arms in defense. Amelia sighed and dismissed the flame. "For real though, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to. We can just sit in here and wait it out."

Amelia's ears perked up. "No wait!" Lucia was suddenly taken aback and looked almost hopeful, though Amelia couldn't see it. "I- uh..." She suddenly didn't know what to say. It just slipped out.
Lucia took a step forward and leaned in. "What is it?" she asked reassuringly. "I, I don't know. I want to but, uhm." Lucia gently wrapped an arm around Amelia's waist and pulled her close, holding her cheek with the other. "You can tell me anything you know that? No matter where we stand."

Amelia sighed and unconsciously leaned into her touch. "I'm sorry I've been a bitch all night, and just in general since you've come back. I just, don't want to get attached again... Cause I don't want to ever again feel like I did when you left." Lucia looked at the girl shocked, but also touched. She then slowly lifted her off the ground and gently pinned her against the wall.

"What are you doing?!"

"I promise I'll never leave you again mi amor. Te amo."

Amelia's heart skipped a beat. How could she believe her? The Blight watched as the gap between them suddenly began to close. Lucia leaned in a bit, testing the waters, but waited for Amelia to do the rest. Slightly shaking, Amelia swallowed and leaned in a little, their noses almost touching. The two made eye contact and exchanged subtle nods. "Yeah?" Lucia whispered. "Mhm.."

"I love you." Lucia pressed her lips against Amelia's causing both of their faces to heat up! Amelia felt a lump in her throat as her heart pounded excitedly. Lucia's lips were so soft and warm. So gentle yet affectionately firm.
Amelia parted her lips slightly, allowing the human entry. Lucia then shoved her tongue into her mouth and moaned as the two swirled their tongues together. Amelia closed her eyes and leaned further into the kiss, trying to gain dominance but ultimately letting Lucia take control. After a minute, the latina pulled away and kissed her cheeks and neck, parting her lips and sucking on the girls pale skin. Amelia lightly squirmed and choked back a moan as Lucia marked her.

The Blight panted as her face flushed. She wrapped her arms around Lucia and sunk her fangs into her neck! The human closed her eyes and softly moaned, the sensation channeling all the way down her body. Becoming more restless, Amelia squirmed in Lucia's hold, passionately grinding herself into her. The latina pushed her against the wall again and pressed her thigh up against her heat, causing the Blight to pull away from her neck. "Getting bold are we?" Lucia smirked. Amelia chuckled and hugged the human close. Lucia then smiled excitedly and kept kissing her.

"I. Love. You!" she mumbled aggressively into Amelia's shoulder.

Suddenly, the closet door swung open, revealing Boscha and Wionna. "Alright times up girlys, you enjoyed yourse- wah?!" With no shame, Lucia and Amelia passionately continued making out until they were practically wrestling on the floor of the closet. Boscha looked shocked. "I uh, uhm." Wionna chuckled. "Close that door Boscha, they gonna be like that for a while."

Authors note: This is the prime example of I have the scenario but don't want to commit to an entire book JUST to write it.

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