Grudgby Accident

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If you're a healing track witch. This oneshot is for you! The reader's pronouns are she/her in this story.
WARNING: cursing, blood
Hunter's POV:

Grudgby games. Ooooooh how I love them! Hexside is playing St. Epiderm for the Isles championships, and I'm on a roll on the field! So far it's 60-28! There's no way we can lose now!


"Good afternoon Hexside! It's a beautiful day out on the field and both teams are turning up the heat!" yelled Gus from the announcement booth. "Hexside is currently in the lead! But can they keep it up before time runs out?!"

The crowd surrounding the field cheered and roared for their team, flags and school merch being thrown into the air! All while a certain healing witch watched from the bleachers, deep within in the crowd.
(Y/n) liked grudgby games. She liked them even more when Hunter joined the team. She wasn't going to miss a chance to see her crush play! The healing witch always thought Hunter had a good build, and he looked even more attractive in his grudgby uniform.

"ANNNND Boscha is running up the field! She passes the ball to Amelia!" The plant witch smirked and drew a spell circle, creating a vine whip and passing the ball to Hunter! The Golden Guard caught it with ease and continued running towards the goal!

"And our new student Hunter has the ball! He has magic in his feet! Will he make the goal?!"

Tentacles and fireballs and root structures suddenly appeared all around the Golden Guard as he ran, causing the crowd to gasp and scream! St. Epiderm was getting desperate. Hunter, being a skilled member of the Emperors coven, simply leaped onto the root structures and continued running! A few fireballs shot across his body but missed!

Once he got to the end of the roots, he leaped into the air and dove towards the goal! Gus and the other students of Hexside were at the edge of their seats!

Suddenly, a player from St. Epiderm drew a spell circle and sent a series of metal spikes towards Hunter at rapid speed! One of them sliced into his side across his stomach, causing the potion track witch to yell in agony!

"AGHH!" he cried!

Hunter dropped the ball and fell to the ground, his body doing a series of flips as he slid across the field! (Y/n) stood up and put her hands over her mouth! A whistle blew pausing the match! "We'll be right back folks hang tight!" said Gus over the mic in panic!

Viney and two other healing witches ran to Hunter's aid! The Golden Guard groaned in pain and sat up best he could, holding his side tightly. "Oof he looks really bad. Gus!"
The illusionist teleported himself from the booth to Viney. "What is it?" "I need an extra healer, Hunter's beat up pretty bad." "On it!" Gus held up his microphone and tapped it once. "Attention! An extra healer is urgently needed on the field I repeat-"

(Y/n) immediately ran down the bleacher steps and hopped the fence onto the grudgby field! She drew a spell circle, summoning her first aid kit and staff, and ran up to the healing witches.

Viney smiled excitedly. "Good (Y/n) you're here. Think you know what we're dealing with." The four witches got Hunter on a stretcher and carried him off to the healer's office.

Upon arrival, Hunter was set on a simple bed (like one you'd find in a nurse's office) while (Y/n) and Viney gathered supplies to make sure everything was set. The other two healing students then left the room, for they had players with minor injuries to tend to. Hunter groaned in pain as (Y/n) opened the blue curtains around Hunter's bed. She walked through, her kit by her side, and closed the curtains behind her.

"Where does it hurt?" she asked with concern. "M-my agh, side. (Y/n)." 'Holy shit he knows my name!' (Y/n) shook her head to diminish her intrusive thought and sat down to examine him more closely.

Viney came in shortly after with a box of bandages and looked Hunter up and down. "We'll have to remove his shirt (Y/n). We can't get to the wound otherwise."

'Shit shit shit holy titan fuck shit!' "Ok."

Slowly and carefully (Y/n) and Viney took off Hunter's top, the Golden Guard wincing in pain each time some fabric left his skin. (Y/n) gasped to see a long open cut where the metal spike had struck, Hunter's shirt stained with blood. "Yeesh, ok blondy. It looks really bad but nothing some ointment and bandages won't fix." said Viney.


Viney pulled out her scroll to see an urgent text from another healing student. "Oop gotta go (Y/n). More trouble on the grudgby field! Looks like Boscha got into a doozy with that St. Epiderm player. I'm sure you can handle things here! See ya blondy! Looks like you're being avenged right now!" Viney then swung the curtains open and left the healer's office with her first aid kit.

"Don't worry, I'm one of the top students in my track." said (Y/n) as she closed the curtains again. "I'll fix you up." Hunter nodded and slowly sat up, receiving a shot of pain up his side. "Don't move! You might open the cut more." Hunter panted and layed back down.

(Y/n) put some ointment on her fingers and ran it up Hunter's wound. "Ouch!" (Y/n) giggled regretfully. "Hehe-" "Why are you laughing?!" Hunter cried. The healing witch wiped a tear from her eye. "Haha I'm sorry, just thought the Golden Guard could never be hurt." The blonde boy blushed from embarrassment before quickly shaking it off. "Uh, y-you got that right!" he replied.

After putting the ointment on, (Y/n) grabbed a cloth and wiped her fingers clean. As she did so, Flapjack entered the closed curtained area and hopped onto Hunter's bed, nuzzling his cheek against her side.

"Flapjack! Stop that it's rude!"

(Y/n) chuckled. "Oh it's quite alright. My palisman is very affectionate themselves." she said giving the cardinal gentle chin scratches. Calming his nerves, (Y/n) smiled and pulled out a roll of bandages from the box Viney brought in. She began wrapping them around Hunter's torso, while also getting a good feel of his rock hard abs.

"Is that too tight?" "No, no it's just right. Thank you." Hunter said softly, throwing his legs off the bed. "Now you'll have to wear this for a few weeks but you should heal up really soon. Take these too." (Y/n) handed Hunter a small box of glyphs from the healing coven and helped him to his feet. "Gee, what would I do without you?" "You'd probably be dying on the grudgby field right now." she smirked. "Pfft haha. You're funny (Y/n). Wanna maybe, get lunch sometime? I-I mean I bet Flapjack would love to meet your palisman!" Hunter blushed.

Butterflies raced through (Y/n)'s stomach, her face turning a light shade of pink. "I'd love to."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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