🔥Dragon Riders🔥

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A young teenage boy calmly soared through the air around the perimeter of Berk on his deadly nadder, the cool breeze blowing into his face soothingly. It was a beautiful and peaceful day. And absolutely nothing could ruin-


The boy screamed as he was brought out of his thoughts, his dragon briefly losing control in the process! A sleek white dragon dove past them before changing direction and hovering in front of the duo! "Gus! Have you seen Luz?!" cried the rider. Gus regained his composure and sighed. "Girl, it is way too early to be giving me a heart attack."

Hearing flapping nearby, Gus turned his head to see his other friend Willow, flying toward them on her zippleback. "Amity slow down!" she said as she jumped from the dragons back up to one of their heads to stop them.
"I will never understand how you drive that thing by yourself." said Gus. "With enough practice and understanding, you don't need two riders." said Willow as she closed her eyes proudly and crossed her arms. Amity groaned and looked at her surroundings frantically, her light fury eyeing her with concern. "Guys! Back to the matter at hand!"

"Amity relax, Luz always goes out flying early in the morning." said Willow. "What's different about today?" Amity steered Ghost in the direction of Berk and started flying over, the other two dragons following. "What's different is, we have a big celebration tonight! The chief of our village is going to make Luz an official member of the counsel! I just want her to make a good impression." Gus chuckled and rubbed his eye. "You do realize our big, serious, chief is Eda right? She can be just as reckless as Luz. I'm sure she won't care about Luz being perfect all day." Amity sighed and looked back at her friends. "I guess you're right. But it's still a big deal." Willow jumped onto the left zippleback neck and blocked the sun with her hand, scouting the ocean. "Hmm, where do you think Luz could be anyway?"



Luz ran as fast as she could through the woods on a distant island! Tranquilizer darts shooting past her! The future chief was being chased by none other than the Golden Guard, right hand man of the most barbaric dragon hunter in the world. "Stringbean!" Luz yelled. A night fury of great stature ran through the thicket and by Luz's side!

"If you know what's good for you, you'll stop right where you are Noceda!" she heard a voice yell.

Stringbean turned around and sent a plasma blast at the hunter before running again! "Let's get out of here!" cried Luz! Luz hopped onto her dragon and immediately took off, another series of darts barely missing them! "Come on buddy you got this!" The masked being who had almost caught up, stopped in his tracks and watched as the two flew away. "Oh no you don't!" he said as he tossed his blowgun aside! The Golden Guard quickly whipped out a crossbow from under his cloak and attached a rope to the end of the hooked arrow in place. He shot at his target and managed to grab the dragons tail!

Stringbean roared in agony as the Golden Guard grabbed the rope and was pulled into the air! "Gotcha." Luz looked back briefly and growled. She then faced the sky ahead and saw a series of tall rocks by a canyon.

"Stringbean, zoom zoom!" The night fury dove into the canyon and flew side to side through the maze of rocks! The Golden Guard effortlessly angled his body accordingly, missing every boulder tower. Luz flew into open air, running out of options! The Golden Guard then climbed up the rope until he was on the back of the mighty beast. Luz gasped. "End of the line." Luz kicked his ankle, causing him to lose his balance, and pushed him off of Stringbean! The guard then quickly grabbed the dragons wing, pulling them straight down! Luz screamed as the dragon fell head first into the canyon! Stringbean cried out in panic! "Stringbean!" The night fury quickly flipped Luz off of her and wrapped her wings around the rider, the Golden Guards body now flailing around dramatically!

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