Lost in the Jungle

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Prequel to Snake Snuggles cause I liked it so much.
WARNING: cursing and mention of self harm (starvation in one sentence, just wanna be safe)

"AMITY YOU GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!" yelled Mrs. Blight. The youngest Blight didn't listen and ran out the front door, trying to get as far away from her mother as possible.

Odalia ran outside to see her daughter no where in sight. She then glanced to her left and saw Amity turning a corner. She clenched her teeth and ran after the Blight.

Amity ran through the village, not looking back afraid her mother would catch up. She was in such a hurry that she accidentally bumped into her two friends Boscha and Skara.
"Hey!" cried Boscha rubbing her shoulder. "Sorry! Can't talk right now bye!" replied Amity running past the two.

The girls looked at each other then ran after Amity. Amity was nearing the end of the village and headed towards the front gates. "Amity no! No ones allowed in the jungle! It's dangerous!" cried Skara running faster to stop her friend.

The witch didn't listen and kept running to the gates. "I don't care! Anywhere's better than here!"

The green haired (or lavender whatever you prefer) witch closed her eyes and ran through the gates not stopping! She hopped on the rocks to cross the river and disappeared into the forest.

Boscha and Skara came to a complete stop right before the gates exit, panting, and stared wide eyed at the jungle ahead. "You think *pant* she'll be ok?" asked Skara out of breath. "Let's hope so..." replied Boscha.

Amity ran and ran! She knew her mother couldn't find her now but the anxiety and fear she got from that vile woman still haunted her mind.
Amity closed her eyes and shed a couple tears. Not seeing where she was going, Amity tripped on a tree root and fell forwards! She rolled down a bumpy, rocky, hill, and was tossed into a fast moving river!

The Blight swam to the surface and gasped for air, while getting violently thrown around in the water. A thick tree trunk floated near her and she quickly grabbed onto it for support.

The wood was wet and rotten, and bits of the bark broke away when Amity grabbed it. Seconds later, Amity was brought under by a small wave! A series of mini waterfalls grabbed the Blight and brought her under with the strength of the current.

When Amity was able to come up for air again, she looked forward to see a MASSIVE waterfall up ahead. The current was too strong to fight against, and the Blight was tossed over the edge...

Luz's POV:

I was returning home after traveling to the southern desert for the annual snake molting gathering. Once or twice a year all kinds of serpents meet up to shed their skin and have a good time with one another. It's a relatively long trip so I decided to stop by the river for a drink.

As I slithered through the trees, the sounds of the stream filling my ears, an unfamiliar scent ran up my nose.
It smelled sweet, like fresh wild flowers. Perhaps I could also have a small meal too.


The Noceda saw the river in view and slithered down the tree trunk, the exotic scent getting stronger and stronger. She slithered into the clearing and suddenly saw a figure laying in the water, just before the shore.

Luz rushed over and hovered over the body. 'It's a girl.'

Luz looked around for hunters then back at the Blight. She picked her up and placed her on the dry ground gently.

Amity groaned and started to stir. This startled Luz and she quickly slithered into a series of bushes. 'Oh my gosh, she can't see me like this! She'll definitely freak out.'

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