Cuddles 🏳️‍🌈

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"Bye Gus! Bye Willow! Thanks for taking care of me today!" yelled Luz waving goodbye at the entrance of the owl house.

Amity stood in the doorway and gently smiled at their two friends leaving. "Huh, what a day it's been." "Yeah. Hey Luz, I uh don't have to leave right away. I can stay a little longer."

Luz gasped in excitement and jumped up and down in front of Amity. "Sooooo Ami, since I'm all better...want to cuddle?!" said Luz smirking at her girlfriend. "Uhm y-yeah!" And with that, Luz grabbed Amity's hand and dragged her up the stairs to her room.

Luz gathered some blankets and pillows and created a soft, cozy spot for her cotton candy haired goddess. As she fluffed the blankets, Amity commanded the tiny abomination in Luz's room to cower and fully disappear, causing the tissue box in its hands to fall to the floor.

Luz sat in the pile of blankets and opened her arms. "Come here Ami." she said with a huge warm smile. Amity got on her hands and knees and cautiously crawled over to Luz. Amity was too slow and Luz grabbed Amity's torso, yanking her forward.

"BWAHHH!" cried the Blight landing on top of Luz, smashing their lips together. Luz kissed Amity deeply, wrapping her arms around her more and pulling her close.

Amity felt the warmth of Luz's touch all around her. All potential negative thoughts didn't exist in that moment. She felt safe and secure.
Luz eventually left her lips slowly, to then kiss her cheeks and neck.

Amity giggled through her kisses and melted into Luz's embrace, as Luz threw a couple blankets over the two of them.

Luz sighed contently and stared up at the ceiling while stroking Amity's back in small circles. "Huh, you know Luz? I'll admit, I was kinda, scared that you'd break up with me if I didn't get that titans blood." Luz went wide eyed at this statement and turned her head to look at Amity. The Blights eyes sparkled and started to tear up.

Amity didn't face Luz and continued to stare at nothing. "I uh *sniff* was just so afraid to lose, practically the one good thing in my life." Amity wiped her tears away and forced a smile Luz's way.

"Awww Amity, don't ever worry about that. I love you so much.. You're the best girlfriend anyone could ever ask for." Luz hugged Amity tighter and nuzzled the crook of her neck.
Amity kissed Luz's temple and layed her head down next to Luz's. "You are everything to me ok?" Luz whispered. "Mhm." replied Amity cuddling every inch, of Luz...

Thirty minutes later, Amity pulled out her scroll to check the time. '6:30.'

"Luz it's getting late, I have to go home now." said Amity attempting to get up. Luz groaned and didn't let go. "Luz, sweetie." Luz slowly got up only to get on top of Amity and slowly push her down with the weight of her body, preventing her from escaping.

Luz layed directly on top of Amity and kissed her cheek. While Luz kept Amity pinned to the floor, Ghost walked in the room to check up on Amity. "Ghost! Hey, please you gotta help me. She's got me! And she won't let me go."

"Mine." mumbled Luz in Amity's ear. Ghost tilted their head at the adorable scene and walked over to Amity, jumping on top of her face, before curling up in a ball to take a nap.

"Ghoooost." whispered Amity in slight frustration. "Well Ghost has decided. Looks like you're staying the night Ami." Luz kissed Amity one last time before officially getting into a comfortable position to sleep through the night. Amity sighed. "Oh, well guess I'll be sleeping here tonight."
Though she would get in trouble with her parents the next day, she knew she wanted this.

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