Tricked ya! (Creepy Luz oneshot)

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Creepy Luz's POV:

Now that I got Luz out of the picture, I can finally go through with my plans. The human girl has caused enough trouble for the witches on the Isles. I hid her in a place no one could ever find her. Her own mind. She's locked down in the deepest, darkest, part of the Emperor's castle. Perhaps with me around, those witches will finally fall back into line. And of course, Emperor Belos needs all the portal info he can get...


Creepy Luz made her way to the library in search of any old text on portal magic. She cautiously looked around the library and held a typical happy Luz face the whole time.

Ed and Em were following the imposter, giggling every few seconds. Creepy Luz took several books off the shelves over the course of an hour, but looked disappointed each time. "Looks like Luz needs help finding a book." said Emira riding on her brothers back. "And we know just the person to help her with that." replied Edric.

The two smirked at each other and gracefully slid away to go find Amity.

Creepy Luz skimmed through several books, not one of them talking about portals. 'You'd think they'd have more info on portals than the little information they got on humans.' thought Luz.

Someone had tapped Luz's shoulder, bringing the imposter out of her thoughts. She turned to see a slightly blushing Amity standing in front of her. "H-hi Luz. Uhm, d-do you need help with anything?" asked the Blight shyly.

Creepy Luz smirked internally. The little witch crush. Perfect. "Actually yes. I was wondering if you could help me find a few old books on portal magic? I can't seem to find anything around here, and I practically checked the whole library." she said sounding innocent. "Well if you're looking for old books then they're most likely in the Forbidden Stacks..."

Creepy Luz and Amity made their way through the library and approached the large, eerie looking doors. "Only Malphas, the master librarian is allowed in here." said Amity. "Don't worry, I'm still gonna help, but once we're inside, you have to listen to everything I say. If we get caught, I could lose my job."

Creepy Luz nodded and watched as Amity placed her staff card to the door scanner. The large doors creaked open, revealing a long dark hallway with fog swirling out of the entrance. The two girls looked at each other before walking inside.

Creepy Luz walked quietly behind Amity as she looked around the mysterious chamber. Large, red, ghost like hands were stocking shelves and organizing books, and the place was filled with mice.


Amity's POV:

As we were searching the aisles for those portal books, something felt different about Luz. I couldn't describe exactly what it was so I cleared my head and forgot about it.
I picked up a book and it immediately turned into a pile of dust. I silently gasped at what I've done and warned Luz to be careful.
After a while, I told Luz we could move to the next section. Leaving the last few shelves, we walked by a large vintage looking mirror that had a few cracks in the corners. I glanced at it as we past only to notice that Luz had no reflection! My heart stopped and I froze in place, causing Luz to bump into me lightly.


"You ok Amity?" the imposter asked sweetly. "Y-yeah yeah I'm fine. Come on." Amity led Luz down a circular hallway which connected to another room of bookshelves. The hallway was glowing a bright aquamarine, almost like walking through an aquarium.

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