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Carrying her books close to her chest, Amity Blight walked down the various halls of Hogwarts. Amity herself was in Slytherin House. Just like her twin siblings, Edric and Emira, just like her mother and father, and all the other Blights in her family line.

Even though she did make it into Slytherin, that wasn't enough to get her parents off her back. While the twins spent their school days skipping classes and pulling pranks on the other students of Hogwarts, Amity was in the library, studying her hardest.

Amity's POV:

I am not looking forward to this afternoons class. I have Defense Against the Dark Arts and my professor had said we were going to face our greatest fears. Using a Boggart no doubt. What's my greatest fear? Well, right now it's rejection. A girl by the name of Luz Noceda had just come to Hogwarts for the first time a few months ago. A Mudbl- I mean Muggle-born she is. Gryffindor House.


As Amity drew closer to her first class of the day, she saw the certain Gryffindor happily walk by with her friends Willow and Gus.
"I am so ready for this!" Luz exclaimed. Willow chuckled. "Now hold on Luz. I know you're still a little new to this place but you gotta understand, Boggarts are no joke." "Yeah! They look deep DEEP inside you, and channel your greatest fear." said Gus as he wiggled his fingers. "I know I know, but I think I'm brave enough to face my greatest fear!" said the latina, turning around and posing like a superhero. "Uh which is?" Gus teased.

Luz looked across the hall and spotted Amity staring at her as she was walking by. "Hey Amity!" she exclaimed excitedly. The Blight blushed and froze as the latina ran over to her. "H-hey Luz." "Soooo you excited for Defense Against the Dark Arts?!"

Before Amity could respond, Willow rushed over and put herself in between the two! "Back off Amity!" The Blight flinched and took a small step back. "Hey Willow what's going on, we're just talking." The Hufflepuff turned around and gently grabbed Luz's shoulders, pushing her back a bit.

"You should stay away from Slytherins Luz. They're all nothing but trouble. I should know." said Willow as she glared at the green haired witch. "I-I'll see myself out." The Blight turned in the opposite direction before disappearing into the crowd of students.

"And Amity, is probably one of the worst ones around here Noceda."

Willow let go of Luz's shoulders and grabbed her hand, pulling her in the opposite direction of Amity. "Come on Luz, let's get to class." "Right..."

Two hours later, Luz was off to her next class. Defense Against the Dark Arts. She arrived at the classroom rather early and only saw a couple students inside the darkish room. One of which had mint green hair.

"Hey Amity." said Luz softly as she approached the Blight, taking a seat next to her. "Luz."

The latina rubbed the back of her neck before speaking again. "Look, I'm really sorry about Willow. She can be a bit-" "It's fine. I know there's just something wrong with me." said Amity as she rested her head on the desk with her arms crossed. "I did her pretty bad." "There's nothing wrong with you. You just made a mistake, but at least you're trying to be better."

Luz placed her hand on Amity's shoulder, making her flinch, and sent a warm smile her way. Amity glanced back at Luz and took a moment to process what she had said. "Bad people don't care about changing for the better." Amity blushed a bit and chuckled. "Huh, thanks Luz."

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