Caught (smut)

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The characters in this story are 18.
WARNING: cursing, sexual acts. This oneshot is for a 17-18+ audience!

Eight pm at the owl house, Luz calmly layed on the couch in the living room. Eda and Lilith were out doing an evening errand and King wanted to come too, leaving the human all alone to herself. Well besides the great house guardian Hooty of course.

The human soon grew bored as she listened to the sounds of the house, the bird tube appearing to have fallen asleep. Luz looked around and smirked to herself before pulling out her phone. She then opened Amity's contact and sent her a quick message. 'Now we wait...'

Ten minutes later, Luz's phone buzzed, causing her to look at the notification. 'I'm here.' it said. Luz perked up and watched as the front door carefully swung open, revealing the lavender witch. "Hey Luz." Amity greeted quietly. Luz hopped off the couch and embraced her girlfriend. "Mwah, good to see you."
The two pulled away and awkwardly admired the space around them. "All alone huh." "Yep, Eda is out running errands with King and Lilith. We got the whole house to ourselves." Luz smirked. Amity chuckled. "Yeah? Wanna take this conversation up to the bedroom?" Luz quietly gasped and posed dramatically. "Why Amity, you're so fOrWarD." The two giggled and went up the stairs.

"Seriously though, what are you into?" asked the witch. Luz pondered for a moment and put a finger gun under her chin. "Oh, well I uh, I'm into bondage." said the human. "Oh?" Luz opened the door to her room and fell to the floor, collecting pillows to make a comfortable spot for her girlfriend. "Heh, yeah I always found it appealing. Being all tied up, it's like a really nice hug. And, I dunno imagine being wanted so badly that your partner ties you up so you can't leave." Luz said with a nervous chuckle. Amity smirked and leaned against the door frame. "Interesting. What else do you like about it?"

As Luz grabbed another pillow, Amity sneakily drew a small spell circle, summoning two coils of abomination goo behind the pile of blankets and pillows. Luz blushed and glanced at her girlfriend. "Well I- oh!" The purple goo wrapped around Luz's wrists and pinned her down before pulling her hands up and behind her head. The latina was too stunned to speak. She just stared at her girlfriend, blushing.

"What's wrong Luz? Cat got your tongue?"

Luz lightly pulled at her restraints as the witch seductively approached her. Her heart pounded excitedly. "N-no I uh-" Amity straddled Luz's torso and caressed her cheek, effectively silencing her again. "So cute." Amity leaned in and pressed her lips against Luz's sensitive neck. She nuzzled it cutely before parting her lips and gently sucking on her skin. The latina gasped and squirmed beneath her girlfriend, closing her eyes tightly. Amity chuckled through the kiss. "Mmmm *mwah*, how do you feel?" asked the witch as she pulled away. Luz opened one eye and turned her head to touch noses with Amity. "Would you like me to continue?" Luz breathed quietly, her face flushed, and simply nodded. Amity smirked and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. She leaned in again and captured Luz's lips, kissing her sweetly. Luz moaned through the kiss.

"Good girl." Amity whispered as she embraced her Luz, laying herself down and gently wrapping her arms around her torso and shoulder. Luz was getting heated by the sensual cuddling alone. Feeling her lovers soft but firm body all around her. She lightly squirmed just to get a feeling of all of it. "Mmhmhm." Amity chuckled through the kiss. She pulled away and squished her lips against Luz's cheeks. "I love you so much." "I love you more.." Luz mumbled.

Amity smiled and slowly snaked her hand up Luz's shirt. She stopped just below her sports bra and stared longingly into Luz's eyes. "Can I go a little further?" she asked softly. Luz nodded. "Yeah." Amity gently grabbed a hold of the humans breast from underneath her bra and massaged it soothingly. Luz's eyes drooped as she softly panted from the contact. Amity leaned in again, causing Luz to close her eyes and tilt her head. The Blight continued to suck on her neck as she rubbed and squished her small boob. Luz squirmed restlessly and pulled at her restraints.

"Mmm, what's wrong sweetheart?"

Luz panted. "C-can I strip down a bit?"

The Blight concurred and pulled away, flicking her pointer finger and causing the goo to let go of Luz. The human sighed and pulled her pants down, Amity doing the same as well. Luz then took off her shirt and stretched as Amity also removed her top. Once they threw their clothes to the side, Luz layed down completely and got comfortable again, Amity applying the cuffs once more.

Amity smiled excitedly and tackled Luz to the floor, both girls giggling with delight. Amity pressed her knee up against Luz's core making her yelp. "You're so warm Luz." The human squirmed a bit trying to get friction, but Amity pressed her thigh down firmly to stop her. The Blight then grabbed the hem of Luz's black underwear with two fingers, and lightly it pulled back. "May I?" she said teasingly. Luz thrusted her hips trying to slide it off, gaining a chuckle from the witch. "I'll take that as a yes."

Luz relaxed as Amity slid down her panties, feeling the cool air brush her core. "Oh what do we have here?" Amity smirked. A long, thick strand of pre-cum stretched from Luz's heat to her stained clothing. "Oh stop teasing and fuck me already." Luz chuckled as her face flushed.

The Blight grabbed the hem of her underwear and pulled it down along with Luz's, throwing them next to their other clothes. She then crawled on top of her girlfriend and pressed herself against Luz's heat. "Aengh!" Luz moaned as she threw her head back, her body shuddering in the process. Amity hummed contently as she thrusted herself into Luz. Their folds were warm and practically gushing from each other's contact. Luz thrusted her hips in motion with Amity, feeling her slimy pussy throb in pleasure.

"Heh, heh... Yes." Luz whispered.

Amity kissed Luz's lips and massaged her breast again, slowly increasing her speed. "MMmmMMMm!" Luz moaned. Amity's face flushed.


Hooty was sound asleep in his door hole, the bird tube wearing a blue and green striped sleeping cap. "Hoot, hoot, hooooo... Hoot?" With droopy eyes, he shook his head awake and looked up curiously. "Hoo hoo HoOT! What is making all that racket?! I better go look and seeeeeee."


Luz moaned louder as Amity thrusted herself against her harder, the humans eyes practically forming little hearts in pleasure. "Amity, can you bind m-me a little more?" she whimpered. Amity smiled and sat up a bit before twirling her finger. Luz's abomination cuffs floated down her body, pinning her arms at her sides, and started to stretch and grow. Soon, the human was comfortably bound in a harness of sorts, her torso and chest all snug while the goop also wrapped around her thighs, leaving her crotch area exposed.

"How does that feel batata?" said Amity as she wrapped her arms around Luz again, the witch still grinding against her. Luz felt her pussy throb as she felt more turned on. "Really good."
"Good." Amity panted as she caressed her cheek and kissed her neck, the humans lips forming a dorky smile all the while.

Hooty stretched out of his door hole and slithered through the air around the side of the house. He could faintly hear moaning.

Amity shut her eyes and clenched her teeth as she quickened her pace. "Heh heh heh-heh-heh he-ah!" Luz moaned. "Amity don't st-HA-op! I'm close!"

Hooty approached Luz's window and eyed the audience. "Always wear a blindfold before barging in unexpectedly!" exclaimed the owl as he pulled out a small red cloth from inside of his neck feathers, somehow tying it over his eyes.

Sweat rolling down her temple, Luz shut her eyes tightly as Amity pounded into her! "AHHHHHHH!" Luz screamed as she cummed, an intense wave of pleasure flowing over her! Amity finished shortly after and panted heavily. She then slowly kept grinding, feeling their mushy juices mix together.

*splursh splush gluh*

Hearing Luz's scream, Hooty shot himself through the window, breaking the glass! "HOOT HOOT LUZ! You ok?!" he said casually blindfolded. "AH HOOTY!" lumity yelled! Amity quickly covered her girlfriend and drew a giant spell circle in panic! "This a bad time? OWW!" A massive abomination fist punched Hooty in the face, pushing him out the window!

"Oh fuck, Hooty!" "I'm sorry I panicked!" Luz chuckled but felt guilty at the same time. "Fuck hahahaha we gotta make sure he's ok." Luz rolled over and tried to stand up but instantly lost her balance. "Oof!" Amity sighed and crossed her arms, smirking. "Batata, you're still tied up." "I KnOw!"

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