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WARNING: miss use of pronouns, bullying, cursing

*Thud* "Edalyn! What were you thinking releasing an army of abominations in the school cafeteria?!" cried Lilith while Eda proudly busted out of the principals office.

Lilith gently closed the door smiling shyly at Bump (to apologize for Eda's sudden behavior) then turned towards her sister. "What?! I had to avenge you after that jerk stole your lunch money."


Before the eldest Clawthorne could say another word, Eda started to run down the hall, smiling like an idiot.

"Edalyn where are you going?!" Eda laughed and flipped her head around briefly, continuing to run. "Anywhere but here Lily! Just got scolded by Bumpikins, I don't need you to do that too!"

Lilith readjusted her glasses, giving up on the idea of chasing her, and watched Eda turn a corner, disappearing. "Oh Edalyn."

Eda kept running through the halls, observing the students as she passed by. Some were just gathering their books, others were giving her disgusted looks regarding the recent incident. She didn't care though, all she cared about in that moment was finding her favorite witch.

Eda ran through the halls a little longer until she heard laughter nearby, and not the friendly kind.

She turned another corner and saw a crowd of students huddled in a circle, laughing hysterically.

"Stop it guys please! Cut it out."

Eda rushed over after hearing the familiar, soft voice and pushed her way through the clump of students. There, she saw Raine Whispers curled up in a ball, tears threatening to roll down their face.

Then she saw none other than Darius and Odalia kicking the poor witch, and calling them names.

"Ha! You think people could ever accept you as a, what are you exactly?!" snapped Odalia kicking Raine once more.
Before they could answer, Darius picked Raine up by their earring and spit in their face.

"Hey! Put him down!" yelled Eda knocking the duo to the ground. Odalia just smirked and looked back at Raine. "See, she knows what you are. Let's go Darius, we've had our fun." Darius groaned and dropped the poor witch to the ground before walking away with Odalia by his side.
And just like that, the crowd of students dispersed as if nothing had happened.

Raine had flinched at Odalia's response and hid their face in their knees.

Eda looked at Raine worriedly and sat down next to them. "Are you ok?" asked Eda gently. Raine still hiding their face, turned their head away from Eda more.

The school bell screamed and it was time for lunch. Eda looked up at the ceiling while it's wail echoed halls and looked back at Raine.

"Hey, let's go somewhere more private for lunch. Then you don't have to deal with them again today." said Eda getting up and extending her hand out.
Raine looked up at Eda, wiping their tears and took the Clawthornes hand to follow her.

The two walked to the Grudgby field with their lunches in hand and took a spot on bleachers. Eda took out a purple tentacle sandwich and started to sloppily bite and chew it. Raine giggled at their goofy friend and raised their arm trying to avoid the crumbs that flew by.

"So, what was all that about?" said Eda propping up her leg while wiping her lips with her potion track sleeve.
"Oh it's nothing really. Just getting bullied as usual." replied Raine while pulling out an apple from their lunchbox.
"You know something Rainestorm? You gotta grab life by the horns and stop letting those assholes walk all over ya!"


The Clawthorne laughed and slapped her knee before giving her friend a light punch to the shoulder.

"But for real, what's actually bothering you, and what did Odalia mean by I know what you are?"

Raine flinched at that last sentence. They took a deep breath and propped their leg up to match Eda's.
"I-I've been meaning to, tell you this for a while now and like you said, you gotta grab life by the horns, so-" Eda took another bite of her sandwich and tilted her head.

"Eda, I'm nonbinary. My pronouns are they them." Raine smiled shyly and blushed. Eda stopped chewing and swallowed. "Oh... OH MY GOSH I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO CALL YOU A H- uh!

Raine only giggled at their friends cute outburst. "Hahaha it's ok Eda." they said raising a hand to reassure her. "You didn't know and, I was just worried you wouldn't accept me."

The bell screamed indicating lunch had ended, causing the two witches to stand up and pack up their lunch bags.

"So, they them."

"Mhm." smiled Raine extending their hand out. Eda looked at it and grabbed it rather roughly, startling Whispers and almost making them lose their balance. "Alright then." she smiled.

The two started walking to class hand in hand and Eda gave Raine a quick peck on the cheek, making both witches blush madly.

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