Sensitive Ears

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At the library, Luz comfortably sat in a purple beanbag in Amity's hideout, the youngest Blight resting her head in the humans lap. Amity smiled contently as she flipped a page in the book they were looking at together, the sudden noise causing one of her pointed ears to twitch. Luz looked down and took notice of her girlfriends ears. 'So cat like.' she thought.

Luz watched as they twitched again from the pages being flipped. She couldn't help but let out a soft giggle. Amity stopped reading and looked up curiously. "What?" she chuckled. "Your ears. They're so cute!" Luz squealed as she pointed to her own before squishing her cheeks in circles. Amity blushed and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Heh, thanks Luz." she smiled sheepishly.

Luz looked down at her girlfriend again and smiled. Amity turned her attention back to the book, as she felt a little finger lightly brush her earlobe. "Amity?"

"Hm?" the witch hummed.

"Can I touch them?"

Amity put the book down and looked up at her girlfriend. "Uh, yeah. Yeah you can touch them." Luz smiled excitedly and let out another cute squeal. Amity giggled in return.

The human then brought her hands down and hovered them beside Amity's ears, wiggling her fingers. "You ready?" "Y-yeah?" Amity replied a little nervous. Luz then gently pressed her thumbs and pointer fingers on either side of her ears. Amity flinched and blushed a bit before relaxing further into Luz. The latina began to rub her ears in little circles, applying pressure but not too much.

'T-this feels, kinda nice.'

Amity closed her eyes as she suddenly felt her whole face burn and tingle. Her ears flapped for a moment, as Luz massaged them soothingly. Soon, the Blight was practically put in a trance. She relaxed her body completely and tilted her head as Luz continued to rub and press and squish. She even started purring. Luz blushed and looked at her witch shocked. 'She purrs?!' Luz had never seen her so relaxed like this. 'Cute.'

Amity bit her lip as Luz massaged them more firmly, her face turning beet red. "Mmmm."
Luz gently smirked and leaned in. "You enjoying yourself?" she whispered as she slowly came to a stop. Amity weakly opened her eyes and looked around as if she had just woken up from a nap. "W-wha?" Luz chuckled and pulled Amity close. She stroked her hair lovingly and kissed her cheek. "Mwah."

The Blight soon came back to her senses and went wide eyed before shooting herself off of Luz's lap! "Woah you ok Amity?" Amity panted and stared at nothing, her face tomato red. "I-I uh, yeah yeah. I'm ok." The witch took a deep breath and ran her hands through her hair, fixing it. She then calmly sat back in Luz's lap and slumped down to her previous position, her eyes closed while her lips formed a petty pout.

Luz smiled softly and admired her girlfriend. Amity then picked up the book from the floor and continued to read. The room went silent.

Luz lightly poked Amity's ear again, causing it to droop. Amity looked hesitant. "Would you uh, like me to continue?" The Blight looked up at her girlfriend for a moment before bringing her hands together. "Uh, y-yes please." she blushed as she twiddled her thumbs.

Authors note: I might redo a few parts of this I don't entirely love it. Idk maybe it's because I'm the author so I can't entirely put myself into the moment as I know what's going to happen. Does that make sense? Anyway for now I'll leave it as is. As you can see it's been ignored for a long time since other oneshots coming after it have been published.

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