The Collector

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How I wished this scene went while watching the finale at this point in the episode. We were on a roll guessing theories correctly, I truly believed we were gonna get possessed Luz and a very shocked Amity.

"I gave you the draining spell. I taught you magic, stronger than anybody's!" "And that's why I won't release you. Can't have you giving that to anyone else. Goodbye." Belos dangled the Collector's prison over the dark pit below, and dropped it. "WAAHHHHhhhhh! You're a liar liar pants on fireeee!"

The emperor then entered the chamber containing the portal and closed the stone door. "Of course you'd mess up such a simple task." he said holding his staff, the pink bubble containing Luz popping before him. "But I am glad to see you, my fellow human. What no fight left, or did you learn your lesson from last time?"

"You wish." Luz took a deep breath and placed an invisibility glyph to her chest...

Another blast of red light shot from Belos's staff! Luz yelped as she used the safety hover to break her fall! The latina then ran behind a stone pillar and panted. "I didn't realize you're already combining glyphs." Luz placed an ice glyph on the pillar before running to the next one. "You do have a strange intuition with these, it took me years to figure that out." Another glyph was placed against a pillar. "Almost like the Titan himself didn't want me to have that knowledge."

Luz activated all her glyphs, shooting ice spikes at the emperor! Belos casually raised his staff and melted them with a red beam. "Though you're still decades away from beating me." Belos then turned toward Luz and extended a green decaying arm, grabbing her roughly! "Ahh!" He pulled her closer.

"Eat dirt Belos!" yelled Luz as she squirmed in his grasp. "It's Philip, and despite our differences, I want to help you Luz. I can send you home. I have just enough titan blood for one, more, trip." Luz glanced at the portal before facing him again. "Please, I don't want to see another human life destroyed by this place."

Luz narrowed her eyes and spit in the emperors face! "Argh!" Belos took a step back but it wasn't enough for him to let go of her. He wiped his cheek with his sleeve before facing the human again. "You've fallen for those monsters haven't you?" He tightened his grip around Luz, making her tense. "You poor thing."

Belos exited the chamber and dangled Luz over the edge. "Perhaps it would be merciful to put you out of your misery." Luz's eyes widened before the tyrant threw her down into the dark pit!


Belos nodded solemnly and walked away.

Luz screamed as she fell to the bottom of the ravine. She gasped, the stone floor getting closer and closer. Reaching into her pocket, Luz pulled out a safety hover glyph and quickly pressed it against her chest. Just as she was about to hit the ground, the small sheet of paper stopped her briefly before she landed with a thud. "Oof!" said the human as she rubbed her tush.


Right in front of her was a collection of old bones and past Golden Guard masks, all stacked in a pile, the disc imprisoning the Collector being held in a cloth by a bone. Luz slowly got up and approached it.

"Huh, so this is you." she said to herself. The human carefully picked up the artifact and caressed the crescent moon on it with her thumb. Suddenly, the disc rippled with blue light before a familiar shadow emerged from it, laughing! Luz gasped.

The Collector stared at Luz creepily and giggled. A drop of sweat fell down Luz's temple. "Collector?"
"The one and only. Naww were you thrown down here too? Guess Belos doesn't wanna be your friend either." Luz backed away as the shadow flew around her tauntingly. "I was never his friend!" she cried. "Now are you so sure? I mean you did go through a lot of trouble to help him meet me."

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