Belos's Wrath (serpentine Luz)

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Welcome to another chapter of my AU! This oneshot takes place after the events of The Third Temple.
WARNING: cursing, violence, blood

The gang stared at the third temple in awe. Another bolt of lightning struck the earth, causing the entrance to light up briefly. The temple was very rundown, a small chunk of the left wall was missing. The front entrance had a staircase with serpent head statues on the sides of it. Luz took a step forward and looked down.

Separating the group from the temple was a small ravine, hot boiling lava down below. Luz shifted into her serpentine form and used her speed to quickly leap to the other side. Landing with a graceful thud, Luz turned back and extended her tail out. "Come on, I gotcha." she smiled. Viney gestured for Amity to go and the Blight complied. As Amity looked over the edge, Luz wrapped her tail around her waist, and pulled her across. Viney then shapeshifted and leaped across the ravine, helping Emira across immediately after.

Viney and Emira started to go up the stairs with Amity following behind. Luz abruptly grabbed Amity's wrist and pulled her close. "Luz?" The serpentine turned her around and placed her hands on her shoulders. "Just, promise me if anything happens, you get the hell out of here." said Luz firmly. Amity nodded before the two turned back to the stairs.

At the top, was an archway leading into the main chamber. On each side of the arch was a hallway leading into the darkness of the tunnels within. The main chamber however, had no ceiling, the room was circular and exposed to the sky. The floor was littered with broken rock and small plants. But, something familiar stood in the center.

"The pedestal." said Viney. Luz nodded and faced the Blights. "Amity Emira, split up and go through these two tunnels. We don't want Belos suspecting there's more than two of us. If there's trouble, you guys come out ready to attack." Emira nodded and ran down the right tunnel. Amity hesitantly obeyed and ran into the left. Luz then slithered down a small staircase into the main chamber, and approached the pedestal, Viney by her side.


Belos smirked as he looked up at the temple. "They're all here."

Suddenly, there was rustling in the bushes behind him before a serpentine came into view. "The third temple.. Is my daughter in there?" "Indeed Camilla. The poor thing has been manipulated and bewitched by those monsters."

The scarred bengal tiger leaped over the ravine and waited for Camilla to follow. The two then quietly went up the stairs until the chamber came into view. Belos waved his tail ordering the latina to lay low. The tiger then crouched down and sniffed the floor. 'Those witches went through the tunnels.'

"Camilla, go through one of these tunnels. Our little witches have passed through here. Find them. I'll keep Luz safe." Camilla complied and slithered into the left tunnel.

The serpentines approached the stone pedestal and examined it. Luz circled around it and placed her hands on the slab. "I don't get it! Where's the fang?" "Luz!" Viney pointed to the ground, the fang had already turned to dust. "What?!" Luz brushed the pedestal clean before taking a fistfull of dust. "Then, that means-" "Someone has already obtained the third gift."

"Right you are Viney."

Luz and Viney gasped and turned towards the entrance to the temple. Another bolt of lightning struck the earth, the scarred bengal tiger standing proudly in the shadows, his glowing blue eyes sending shivers down the girls spines. "Belos." said Luz.

Belos chuckled menacingly, and casually walked down the steps towards the two. Luz and Viney clenched their fists and stood ready to battle.


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