Unexpected Visitors (serpentine Luz)

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Welcome to another chapter of my AU! This oneshot takes place after the events of Snake Snuggles.
WARNING: blood

Amity's POV:

It was a normal, bright, sunny day in the village. People were doing their daily chores like washing and gathering, and I was in school, learning magic.

Today we were learning how to levitate an object. "Alright class, everyone sit in a circle in the middle of the room." said my professor. As the class got up from their desks, we all noticed a small boulder that sat in the middle of the room. The minute we were all seated on the floor, our professor stepped forward and made a blue spell circle. The boulder glowed as she lifted it off the ground.
It was fascinating to say the least, but I had other things on my mind. A girl by the name of Viney kept staring at me the whole class. I don't know what her deal was, but it was certainly creepy. Whenever I'd send a glance her way, she would just stare right back, and I don't know why but each time I did, I would begin to feel, weak and tired. As if she was putting me under some kind of spell.


Soon the bell rang and all the students packed up their books. Amity sped walked out the door and started heading to her family's hut. She didn't want to think about that girl at all. All she wanted to do was see her Luz.

When Amity got home, she quickly threw her bag into her room and ran down the stairs, out the front door. 'Luz here I come.' The Blight ran past the side of her house and accidentally ran into her siblings!

"Oof! Hehe hey mittens. What's the rush?" chuckled Edric, holding a large pot. Emira, holding a small wash cloth, turned around and smiled at her sister. "What? There's no rush, I just have to be somewhere." Amity tried to run past them but was stopped by Emira. "Now hold on mittens, you didn't forget about your chores did you?" "I'll do them later bye!" Before either twin could protest, Amity had already ran out of their sight.

"I think she's hiding something Ed." said Emira as the two stared in the direction Amity ran in. "Wanna go find out?" Emira smirked. The twins put their pots and wash cloths down and ran after their sister...

In her human form, Luz happily ran through the lush, green jungle, Amity following not far behind her. "*pant* you can try to catch me all you want Blight!" called the latina.
Not even a second later, Luz tripped over a rock before quickly regaining her footing. Let's just say it's been a while since Luz used her legs. "I'm coming for you Noceda!" Amity yelled back, laughing hysterically.


The Blight twins walked through the thick jungle, arms out at the ready in case they needed to use magic for defense.
"Can't believe mittens ran out into the jungle. Doesn't she know it's dangerous out here?!" "Relax Ed, I know it's a little spooky but Amity's a tough witch, and if she was in a hurry, there must be something important out here."

Suddenly, a faint burst of laughter came from deep within the forest. "That's Amity!" cried Emira. The two dashed forward and ran towards the sound.
The Blights stopped in front of a bush and crouched down, hearing the laughter grow louder.

"Amity let's talk about this-"

Luz leaped out of a bush and into the twins sight! Not seeing the small ditch in front of her, Luz yelped and quickly shifted into her serpent form, coiling her tail around as she landed in the dirt like a spring!
After one bounce, Luz landed flat on her back and sighed in relief.

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