Assistance 💛🖤💙

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Important! (c/t) = coven track. Example in a sentence, "The (c/t) witch walked down the hall." In the owl house universe, I'm a triple major but plants are my main so I would read the sentence as, "The plant witch walked down the hall." If you have two, four, or more, you're a multi-track witch. What track/s are you in?

(Y/n) burst through one of the side doors of Hexside, in tears, and ran down the stone steps. She fell to the ground by a wall of the school and leaned back against it, the (c/t) witch burying her face in her knees.

"This damn math test! If I fail one more time I don't know what I'm gonna do!"

The vial around her neck began to glow and a shadowy mist emerged from it, revealing her friend, the Collector. He was about to wave and say hello to her but noticed his friend practically in tears.

"(Y/n) what's wrong?" the Collector asked with concern. The (c/t) witch removed her hands from her face, revealing red puffy eyes from all the crying, and sadly smiled at the Collector. (Y/n) sniffled and wiped her eyes. The Collector soon realized what was going on and quickly embraced his friend, (Y/n) slowly but surely returning the hug.

"It's that damn class again isn't it?" the Collector said softly. (Y/n) just nodded into the Collector's shoulder. They sighed and let go of the hug. He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and looked at the (c/t) witch.

"I told you taking that class was a bad idea, and of course, you didn't listen to me... Again!" he said as he flicked (Y/n)'s forehead with his black shadow finger, causing her to flinch.

"I know I know. I just wanted to prove that I'm capable enough." The Collector sighed and wrapped an arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders, a playful smirk plastered across his face. "Oh my dear (Y/n), you're capable enough." he said softly, placing a finger under her chin, and turning her face towards him, their faces practically inches away from each other.

"At least, you are to me darling."

A slight blush formed on (Y/n)'s face but pushes his face away. "Dude, now's not the time to flirt, I'm trying to sulk here." The Collector pouted and crossed his arms. Then, an idea popped in his head. He leaned his head on his hand and smirked. The (c/t) witch looked at him with worry.

"Uhm...Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I know how you can pass your next exam."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Really?! How?!"

The Collector chuckled at his friends excitement. "Here's the deal, I can possess you so that I can help you get comfortable before your next exam by helping you steady your breathing and calm you down."

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow in concern. 'The Collector has been known to possess people, but it hasn't mainly been for good reasons, the fact that he suddenly wants to use his powers for good is deeply concerning.'

"A-Are you sure it'll work? Y-You have only used possession to get what you want. Are you sure this isn't a ploy to get me to do something?"

The Collector shook their head. "I promise my dear friend, I wanna help you and this is the best way I know how. So," The Collector extended his hand toward (Y/n). "Can I help you or not my friend?"

The (c/t) witch was hesitant at first, but then shook the Collector's hand. He grinned as his eyes began to glow, a weird sensation began to flow through (Y/n)'s body. Then, her eyes flashed white! As the Collector merged his shadowy figure with the witch's body, (Y/n) felt herself losing control. Her hair faded to white and her face and limbs slowly turned yellow and blue. Soon, the action was done, and the Collector had fully taken over.

"Now, you should feel your breath grow steady as your body starts to relax." The Collector whispered through (Y/n)'s lips. As soon as he said the words, the (c/t) witch's body immediately began to relax, her heart stopped pounding so quickly, and her breathing slowed down. "That's it." he said soothingly.

Having done their job, the Collector left (Y/n)'s body, the blue and yellow colors getting sucked out of her skin, while her hair faded back to its natural color. As (Y/n) was snapping out of her possessive trance, The Collector smirked in satisfaction and sneakily placed a kiss on (Y/n)'s cheek.

"So, how do you feel my dear?"

(Y/n) grabbed her head with one hand and groaned as she blinked a few times, feeling her body gain control again. "I-I feel, great! Thank you so much!" The (c/t) witch suddenly embraced the Collector, who froze in surprise, before hugging her back, nuzzling into his friends shoulder. "Of course my friend." he said before letting go of the (c/t) witch, smiling. "Now go ace that exam girl!" "You got it!"

As (Y/n) ran off to her class, the Collector smiled sweetly and grazed his fingers across his lips. "One day my dear, one day you will be mine." he said as he faded back into her vial.

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