You're not Luz...

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After weeks of hard work and research, Luz finally built a new, working portal to the human realm.

"Don't worry guys, camps not over yet, I'm just gonna take a look at home. I'll be right back." said Luz waving goodbye to Eda and King.
Luz turned towards the open, glowing portal, took a deep breath and stepped through. Once again she was at the doorsteps of the old, abandoned house in the woods.

A soft breeze blew by, and ruffled Luz's hair. "I'm home."

Luz hopped down the stairs, and ran down the path leading away from the house. She checked her phone. 5 pm. 'Mom must be back from work by now."

The sidewalk on Luz's street was coming into view. Luz stopped in her tracks and placed a finger on her cheek. 'If I'm going to avoid being seen, I'm gonna have to visit my house from the back.'

Luz turned to her left and quietly ran through the series of bushes and trees which divided her property from the old, wooden house. Once she got to the final patch of plants, she crouched down and peeked through the bushes at her backyard.

It looked the same as it always had. Luz looked at the right window on the lower half of the house, to see her mother talking to someone. She couldn't see who the person was though.

A moment later, the back door opened to reveal a, Luz? Luz's eyes widened at the sight of well, HER! The other Luz sat down on the back porch, and stared intensely at the woods ahead.  It smiled and waved at the woods. 'I-it can't see me can it?' thought Luz getting scared.

"Mija dinners ready!" called Camila from the kitchen. "Coming mom!" replied the imposter. It looked in Luz's direction once more, smirking, before getting up to go inside.

Luz fell back on her butt, covering her mouth with both her hands, anxiety growing all over her! 'Who is that?! Why are they in my house?!' Luz got on all fours and cautiously crawled toward the house. The sun was setting so Luz had a good chance of not getting caught.

Luz made it to the window and peeked inside. Other Luz and her mom were eating pasta at the dinner table. Both looked and sat normally. 'I never sit properly in a chair. I'm bisexual! How can mom not notice this?'
After a while, the sun had almost set completely and Luz thought it was time to return to the owl house.

She walked to the abandoned house looking down at her feet while she did. She felt so dumb, so worthless, so... forgotten. The moment Luz put one foot on the front steps, she heard a sinister voice from in front of her! "Welcome back, Luz."

Luz looked up in shock at the imposter Luz that stood before her. The front of its face turned black and had razor sharp teeth, and glowing white eyes. It reminded Luz of Grom.

"Who are you!" cried Luz in anger. "What do you mean? I'm Luz. Wasn't that obvious?" it said circling Luz and spawning black foggy swirls around the two. Luz backed away from the house and away from the misty coil. "Of course I'm the, Luz, that your mom always wanted. A normal, conformed, daughter."

Luz ran to the nearby woods to grab a stick, or anything she could to whack this Luz in the face! Other Luz melted into the ground smirking, and reappeared in front of Luz, hovering over her with long black witch's hands. Creepy Luz was now completely made of dark black fog. "You wanted to stay in the Isles to learn magic? Now you can. Forever! Did you really think you were missed here? Your own mother doesn't even know you're gone!" giggled Creepy Luz. Luz stood there frozen, tears rolling down her face.

"Goodbye, human." Creepy Luz picked Luz up with its large hand, and threw her through the portal back to the Boiling Isles.

Luz landed on her butt in Eda's living room petrified. Luz looked at the portal door in horror as it closed and fell to the floor. Hearing the noise of the portal, Eda walked in holding a cup of apple blood. "Hey kid how was your-" Luz sat on her knees and sniffed. She turned towards Eda, her eyes now swollen and puffy from crying.

Eda put her cup down and immediately ran to hug her apprentice. "Luz, tell me everything..."

Authors note: I know this is not how the episode storyline stuff went but it's fanfic so don't kill me lol.

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