Sleepy Puppy

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Monster AU! I might do more oneshots with this concept we'll see. Context: Luz werewolf, Amity vampire, Boscha gorgon, Willow Poison Ivy (basically), Gus x-ray vision.
WARNING: cursing

Hexside school, a place where those who don't fit within a normal society, go to learn and flourish. Allowing oneself to feel proud of who they are despite society's attempts to suppress their unusual abilities and unique identities. Some students there resemble all sorts of monsters we know of, while others were gifted with extraordinary super powers.

Amity Blight, a vampire, casually leaned against her locker with her friend Boscha, while they waited for the rest of their group. The pink sporty gorgon's hair hissed as she grew impatient. "Ugh where are they?!" she growled. The vampire glanced at her. "Oh give it a rest Boscha, it's only 7:05." As if on cue, Willow and Gus then showed up. Though the two resembled everyday people, both were gifted with super powers. Plant manipulation and x-ray vision.

"Park, Porter." Amity greeted with a sly smile. Willow gave her a fist bump and smirked. "Now all we need is Luz."

The grand doors of Hexside suddenly swung open, revealing the werewolf in question. Luz herself had cute wolf ears, a tail, small fangs poking out of her mouth, and beast like hands and feet, her sideburns were also grown out more.

The gang watched as the wolf sluggishly walked over to them, her eyes barely keeping themselves open while her tail slumped to the floor. Her back was hunched over as well. She honestly looked like the undead. As well as high. That too.

"Hey guys." she greeted casually, though her voice sounded tired. Amity looked at her girlfriend suspiciously as Luz stopped in front of them. The werewolf's eyes were droopy. "Hey Luz, had a long night?" asked Willow cheerfully. The werewolf nodded as the group started to walk to class. "Why don't we meet outside for lunch today."
Gus gasped and jumped in the air. "Omt yes! I got some tricks I wanna try out! You gonna help Luz?" The werewolf tripped on her own feet and face planted into the floor. "Suuuuurrrreeeee. I can help- yay." Amity and Willow helped her up...

Two hours later-

Outside on the grudgby field, Amity and Boscha watched from the bleachers as Willow, Luz, and Gus practiced battle tactics. Luz unfortunately was doing very poorly and was practically thrown around like a toy. "No wait, Willow don't!" cried Gus as a massive thorny plant emerged from the ground, sending the wolf flying! Willow panicked.

"Oh fuck Luz!"

Boscha smirked and glanced at Amity as the vampire took a bite out of her sandwich. "What?" asked the Blight, her mouth full of food. "I think Luz needs some intervention don't-cha think?" "Hm?" "Regarding her sleep schedule." Amity swallowed and took another bite. "And what do you want me to do about that?" "Ya know, persuade her a little bit. I bet she could benefit from spending time with another form of yours?" Amity swallowed and looked back down at the playing field, Luz now laying limp over Willow's shoulders. "Hmm, I guess I could go visit the owl house after school." she smirked...

Luz layed on the floor in her room and stared up at the ceiling, completely bored out of her mind. She then heard a knock on her door. The werewolf glanced over as a familiar figure opened it. "Hey." Amity smiled as she let herself in. Luz looked surprised and sat up. "Woah hey Amity. What are you doing here?" she asked curiously. The Blight smirked and began to shapeshift. Luz watched as a long purple tail with blotches replaced the girls legs, a comfy hoodie also appearing over her top. "I heard you haven't been getting enough sleep."

Luz got up and raised her hands in defense. Amity started to circle around her. "What? Nooo I'm fine really." Luz smiled. Amity hummed in response and tripped Luz's feet! Causing the wolf to fall into her circle of loops. "Oh! H-hi uh, w-what are you doing?" Luz chuckled nervously. Amity leaned in and towered over her. "Why so tense Luz? I just want to play with you." "P-play with me?" "Mhmm."

Amity lifted Luz's chin with her tail and looked deep into her eyes. "Look at me sweetie, all eyes on me." Luz gasped as Amity started to fill her pupils with colorful swirls. "That's right, just give in to me." Luz tried to resist but Amity only gave her a stronger dose.

Purple then blue, then back to purple.

"Lay back for me."

Her lips parted slightly, Luz kept staring as she did what she was told. Amity smiled teasingly and began to wrap Luz in her tail. Oooh it felt good. Immediately the wolf's eyes started to droop. "Mmm.. A-Amity? What are you-" "Shhh just relax." The Blight wrapped around Luz's torso snuggly, pinning her arms at her sides. Luz flinched for a moment but soon gave in to the touch.

She could barely move. The pressure and softness of the coils only soothed her body. One by one she felt each muscle relax. Everything felt so nice, from her toes up to her head. She grew more and more tired with each gentle squeeze.

Then, her wolf ears fell back. Luz felt so relaxed and loved. "Mmmm-mm." she groaned in pleasure.

Amity tilted her head slightly and coiled around Luz's shoulders and neck. She gently yanked the end and tucked the rest above the previous loop. With half lidded eyes, the werewolf smiled contently and wagged her tail. "That's it, good puppy." Amity cooed as she stroked the girls head. She then kissed Luz's cheek and put her in a more reclined position.

With only a little bit of consciousness, Luz felt so loved, protected, and wanted. She nuzzled Amity's tail and closed her eyes, letting herself drift away in her warm, soft, embrace. Yeah, she really did need this. Amity smiled and snuggled up against her girlfriend, tightening her grip just a bit more to ensure no one could get to her. "You are safe with me. I'll be right here when you wake up." said Amity softly.

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