Morning Luz

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It was a bright sunny morning on the Boiling Isles and Amity woke up with a huge smile on her face.

'Wow. I, Amity Blight is Luz's girlfriend!' she screamed internally. Amity still couldn't believe Luz confessed to her the night before. In fact, she was so excited and happy, that she had to go see her.

Amity hopped off her bed, got dressed, and ran down the stairs to grab something light for breakfast. Taking an apple off the counter, Amity opened the front doors and ran to the owl house.

"Wow, Amity's in a good mood today." said Edric looking out his window sleepily. Emira groaned and sat up from her bed, blocking her eyes from the light. "Edric go back to sleep!"

A few minutes later, Amity saw the owl house standing in the distance.
She approached the front door and noticed that the bird tube was still asleep. 'Hmm how am I-'

"HOOT!" The house demon suddenly awoke and howled at the boiling forest. He then turned his attention to the youngest Blight. "Good morning Amity HOOT!" Memories of Amity's kidnapping came back to her. 'Ugh.'

Hooty started to extend his body to get closer but was interrupted by an old witch who fell from the sky!

"OUCH!" cried the house demon. Amity jumped back and saw a tired owl lady rubbing her eyes while sitting on Hooty's body. "Hooty, it's seven in the morning, and Luz is still asleep. Don't EVER, do that again." growled Eda in her night wear and yellow bunny slippers.

She finished rubbing her eyes and saw a startled Amity standing in front of her. "Oh hey boots, whatcha doin here so early?" smirked Eda, crossing her arms.

The purple haired witch blushed and rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "Ahaha I'm just messin. Luz is still asleep, buuut I think she'd love to wake up to see her cotton candy haired goddess." Amity hid her face in her hands but nodded.

Eda opened the front door and gestured for the witch to come inside. Hooty retreated back into his hole, having learned his lesson, and started to watch the nearby forest for any intruders.

"Since I'm up, I might as well start breakfast. Luz is upstairs, you know where her room is. If you need anything I'll be in the kitchen." The owl lady disappeared into the next room, leaving Amity alone at her front entrance. She grinned and went up the stairs to Luz.

Amity walked down the hall and found Luz's door. She opened it quietly and peeked inside to see a sleeping Luz, lying on her side. She smiled softly and approached her dorky otter.

Amity sat beside Luz and listened to her soft breathing. The latina then started to giggle, a smile growing across her face. 'Awww, she must be dreaming.'

Luz continued to quietly giggle and shifted her body so she was laying on her back. Amity then scooted over and sat behind Luz's head, staring down at her girlfriend sweetly.

Amity leaned in and hovered her face inches away from Luz's. She then placed her hands on the girls cheeks and rubbed them in circles gently.

"Luuuuz?" she sang softly. "Hahahaha, bagels."

Amity chuckled at the random response and kissed her girlfriends cheek.
Luz then weakly opened her eyes to see a blurry figure above her. Once her vision cleared, Amity tilted her head, smiling, and kissed Luz's other cheek.
"Morning beautiful." said the Blight stroking Luz's hair.

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