You're not Luz... part 2

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Requested by Katanasareawesome

Luz felt horrible the following four days. She stayed around the owl house and didn't feel like going out or seeing her friends. Eda told Principal Bump about the situation and he agreed to excuse her from school for a little while. This of course worried her friends, especially Amity.


The Hexside trio were sitting together having lunch in the cafeteria. "Hey, have you guys seen Luz at all this week?" asked Amity sipping some juice. "Well she was here Monday, but I haven't seen her since." replied Gus doing homework.

Amity frowned and looked down at her lap. She missed her Luz and hoped nothing bad happened to her. Willow reached her hand out to her old friend. "Sorry Ami. I'm sure Luz will be back soon."

Amity looked up and smiled but was planning to go to the owl house to make sure she's ok.

Once the school bell rang, Amity packed up her books and sped walked to the front entrance of Hexside. "Where ya going in such a hurry mittens?" said Edric and Emira skipping on either side of Amity. "To see Luz, goodbye." The twins heard and disliked the firm tone coming from their little sister. Today was not a day to tease...

Amity approached the owl house and knocked on the door. "Hi there cotton candy haired goddess HOOT!" screeched the bird demon.

"Cotton candy haired goddess?" "Oooooooh you'll find out one day." Hooty smirked and stared at the youngest Blight. As if on cue, Eda opened the front door.

"Hi, Eda the owl lady, is Luz here?" "Yeah yeah she's here, but she isn't feeling too well right now. Maybe you should come back another time." "What's wrong with her? Is she sick?"

Just by looking at the Blight, Eda knew she wasn't going to leave that easy. Eda sighed and welcomed the Blight inside. "She's upstairs in her room. Second door on the right." Amity thanked the owl lady and hopped up the stairs to Luz.

Luz's door was open. Amity peeked inside to see her Luz lying on her sleeping bag in a ball. The red curtain was covering the window too, letting no light in.

Amity slowly walked in, got on her knees, and tapped Luz on the shoulder. "Luz? Everything ok?" she said gently. Amity left her hand on the humans shoulder and rubbed it slightly.

"No." mumbled the human. "Huh?" Luz suddenly shot up aggressively, startling the cotton candy haired witch!

"NO! EVERYTHING'S NOT OK! SHE, FORGOT, ABOUT ME! NO ONE BACK HOME KNOWS I'M MISSING!" The latina screamed at the top of her lungs, tears falling down her face as she panted and shook her arms violently!

Amity looked at the distressed girl worriedly. The person she had known to have so much life and happiness was suffering. She stood up and slowly approached Luz, opening her arms to comfort her.

Luz backed away a bit as Amity got closer. She then froze in place and sniffed, staring at the witch trying to help her.

Amity got close enough to Luz and gently wrapped her arms around her. Luz panted and sobbed into her shoulder, hugging the Blight back.
"Shhh, it's going to be ok." Amity slowly pulled Luz to the ground so she sat right in Amity's lap. Amity rubbed Luz's back and held her tightly, telling her she wasn't going anywhere.

Both girls could feel each other's heart beats. Luz's sobs soon grew quieter as she tried to sync her breathing with Amity's.

They sat there in silence for a few minutes, hearing the sounds of everything around them. Amity soon broke the silence. "You don't have to talk if you don't want to, but I want to know what happened." said Amity softly.

Luz pulled away from the hug, still sitting in Amity's lap, and wiped her tears away, sniffing. "W-well, something happened when I visited the human realm a few days ago..."

As Luz started the story, Amity wrapped her arms around her waist for reassurance and listened attentively.

The Blight was shocked and almost horrified at what she was hearing. An imposter Luz? This made her blood boil, but she couldn't show her anger right now. She had to be there for Luz.

"And then it, it-" Luz started to sob again and clinged to Amity like her life depended on it. "Oh Luz. I'm so sorry." The Blight hugged her back and leaned against the pillows behind her, pulling Luz down with her. Amity wrapped her legs around the latinas torso and held her close. "I don't *sniff* know what to do Ami. I feel so lost."

Luz looked up at the Blight and Amity got a good look at her swollen pink cheeks and tear stained face. She kissed Luz's forehead and held her right cheek lovingly, wiping the rest of her tears.
"We're going to fix this. We're going to fix everything and you won't be alone. You have me and Eda and the rest of our friends. We're going to help you Luz.. Repeat after me. We can fix this together."

Luz blushed at the familiar line, remembering when she reassured Amity in Willow's mind. "Come on." Amity gently teased making Luz giggle. "We can fix this, together."
Amity pulled Luz close once more, and stroked her hair. Luz smiled and rubbed her cheek against the the witch's. "Thanks Amity."

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