Blight Betrayal part 5

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WARNING: Violence!

Eda was sitting on her couch in the living room, drinking some apple blood while King was on the floor playing with building blocks. King made a small castle and knocked it down with his little fist. "Aha! Take that you worthless excuse of a kingdom. I'M your ruler now!"

Eda closed her eyes and laughed at her friends little antics. Her laughter was then interrupted by the sound of the clock hanging on the wall across the room. It struck 12. 'Huh. 12 o'clock. Luz should've been back by now... King you don't think." "Oh don't be so twitchy witchy. I'm sure Luz is fine." said King rebuilding his block castle.

"King?! These are the Blights were talking about. Iiiiiiiii put too much trust in that girl." Eda grabbed King and her staff and bolted out the door. "Come on! We're gonna get Luz!"

Eda took off violently causing the tops of trees to shake! King was dangling from the back of the staff. "Weh! Eda!" Owlbert slowed down a bit so King could get on the staff properly before speeding up again. Eda held a serious face the whole flight there.

Minutes later, Eda and King arrived at the large mansion. Eda guided the staff to fly past each set of windows, hoping to see Luz inside.

All the windows were dark and no sign of Luz was to be seen. Eda stopped and leaned her head on one of the windows to try and get a better look inside. "Ya think they went out or something?" said King. "Unlikely. But, if I know those Blights well, they probably have a basement to keep unwanted guests. Ugh! Why did I let my bab- I mean apprentice go here tonight? said Eda covering her face. King put his hand on Eda's shoulder.

Suddenly, the duo heard Amity scream from a few windows down. Eda and King looked at each other before flying towards the sound.

The screams got louder as Eda flew closer to a specific window. She looked inside to see two silhouettes, one sitting, the other clearly holding some sort of weapon. Eda flew away from the window and turned around facing it again. "King hold on." Eda aligned her staff to the window and flew forward! "SCREW IT!" yelled Eda flying into the window, breaking the glass!

The moment Eda entered the manor, all the candles in the room lit up to reveal Odalia Blight torturing Amity who was tied to a chair. Alador was still knocked out on the floor and the twins were standing in a doorway emotionless.

Amity stared at the owl lady, tears in her eyes, silently begging for help. "Eda, nice of you to dro-" Eda twirled her staff, and shot a large blue tube of light!

Odalia flew across the room and crashed onto the side of the fireplace. Odalia recovered quickly, her eyes boiled with anger. She summoned her staff and started dueling with Eda.

Odalia sent a blast of purple light towards Eda! She dodged and sent another blue blast towards the psychotic woman! "King go untie Amity and find Luz!" King did as he was told and ran towards the distraught Blight.

King bit through Amity's ropes and took her hand to go find Luz. The twins looked at each other heartbroken and ran into the next room, intending to follow their younger sibling.


Luz eventually gave up trying to free herself and had fallen asleep on the floor of the dungeon. She was awoken by the sound of Eda battling Mrs. Blight. 'Oh my gosh how long have I been asleep?!' She could hear Eda cursing upstairs. Luz gained hope knowing her mentor had come to rescue her. With new confidence growing in her, Luz tried again to free herself.

King lead Amity through the manor and eventually sat her down to calm her nerves. "Amity. Do you know where Luz is?" The witch weakly nodded but didn't say anything. She was too frightened and upset to speak. "Amity you have to tell me." said King gently holding Amity's hands.
"We know where she is." King and Amity looked around the room in fright, trying to locate the voices owner. Edric and Emira emerged from the shadows and walked over to them. Amity flinched and slowly backed away from her siblings.

The twins kneeled down a good distance away from their sister and stared sympathetically at her. "Mittens were so so SO sorry." said Edric. "We were just really scared ok. You don't understand the abuse we've went through at your age and even younger." said Emira.

The twins told Amity and King everything from their past. Both were horrified. "We promise to never EVER let mom hurt you again. We've learned our lesson tonight we promise!" said Emira. Amity spoke. "H-how do I know I can trust you?!"

He twins each made a spell circle and held their hands out, ready to make an unbreakable oath. Amity waited a moment before agreeing to their offer. The twins smiled and helped their sister to her feet. "Come on. Let's go get Luz." said Edric calmly.

Edric and Emira led the two to the basement where Luz was kept. Emira opened the door and Amity and King ran inside. Luz looked towards the open door seeing the light come in. "Luz!" cried King running over to her, wagging his tail. "King!" replied Luz through her gag.

The small demon bit at her ropes and untied her while Amity turned towards her siblings in shock with her jaw dropped. "You. Tied her up. And gagged her?!!" Amity ran towards her siblings only to be hugged and held back from behind by Luz. "I'm gonna kill you guys if it's the last thing I do!" yelled Amity struggling in Luz's grip. "Amity Amity! Calm down I'm ok. But really, you two and I are gonna have a talk later!" The twins looked at each other, a little anxious, but nodded in agreement to Luz's comment.

A scream was heard from upstairs and the group stared at each other with determination. "Come on! We gotta go help Eda." said Amity. They all ran up the stairs and headed towards the living room. The closer they got, the quieter the noise became. Luz was getting worried and ran faster! She passed the twins and Amity with King running right behind her.

Once they reached the living room, they were met with Odalia knocked out and Eda helping Alador to his feet. "Huh! Still got it!" said Eda panting with a victory smile. "Eda!" cried Luz running to hug her mentor! Eda smiled over joyed and embraced the human into a tight hug.

Alador faced his three children and frowned. "I'm deeply sorry for the pain I've let your mother cause. I'm also sorry for not doing anything sooner. But now, I can make up for all that." Alador opened his arms and invited his children in for a hug. The three Blights smiled and accepted the affectionate gesture...

Alador immediately filed a divorce and a restraining order. Odalia was sent away by the guard and he and his children would never have to see her again.

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