Blight Betrayal part 3

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WARNING: Violence!

"I asked, who do you stay with during your time here on The Boiling Isles?"

Luz's POV:

I froze. I couldn't answer that question! The Blights work for the Emperor's coven. Surely they'd go after Eda if I told them. I tried to think of a good lie. I couldn't say Willow. I know that wouldn't sit well with Amity's parents. And I didn't know how'd they feel about Gus.

"I uh, c-can't tell you." Luz stuttered. Odalia looked very unamused. "You can't tell me? Why? Are you hiding something?" Luz coward in her seat and looked at Amity for help. She also didn't know what to do.

Odalia rose. "Well?!" she spat causing all the kids to flinch. Alador remained silent. Suddenly Amity spoke up. "Mom let it go!" Odalia looked in raged! "What did you just say young lady?!" "I said let it go!" Amity stood up and slammed her hand on the table! "Oh? Do you know something, I don't?!"

Amity held her ground and said nothing. "ANSWER WHEN YOU'RE SPOKEN TO!" Amity remained silent. Odalia lost it and slapped Amity's cheek hard! She fell to the floor and shed a couple tears.

"Amity!" cried Luz as she ran down to hold her. Amity looked away from Luz and held her cheek. Alador and the twins were frozen and unfortunately unfazed. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! Fine! I live with Eda! Eda the owl lady!"
Odalia smiled evilly. "Ah so you yourself are a criminal hmm? The Emperor will be pleased to have some bait for the owl lady."

Odalia summoned her staff and shot a streak of lightening at Luz. It hit her right on target and Luz screamed in pain! Amity backed away in horror then immediately shielded her friend from any more strikes! "With this spell declared let the pain be shared!" she cried holding Luz's torso.

Amity fell to the ground and her body shook violently! Alador immediately stood up and summoned his own staff. Odalia took hers and whacked Alador in the face, knocking him out cold! The twins got out of their seats petrified.

"You pathetic excuse for a daughter! How have you become so weak!" She lifted Amity off the ground with magic and tossed her across the hall. "You two! Bring the human to the dungeon! We'll deal with her later." "No no no no! Luz!" screamed Amity!

The twins smirked at each other and took Luz away...

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