Blood Sucking Session ❤️

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Luz's POV:

I was walking through the woods back to the owl house after hanging out with a couple friends. It was getting dark so I had to hurry before who knows what got me. I heard some rustling in the bushes nearby and suddenly I blacked out...

I woke up in a cold room. When I tried to get up, I was stopped by four handcuffs which kept my wrists and ankles pinned down. It was impossible to move any further than a few inches. I was lying down on what appeared to be a lab table.

Suddenly, the door across the room opened to reveal a girl with mint green hair. She was around my age but, there was something different about her. Her skin was extremely pale, and she wore a traditional vampires cloak.

"Good you're awake." she said as she got closer. I pulled at my restraints in terror and tried to scooch away from her (like that would work).

"I'm Amity. Amity Blight. Don't worry, I'm not going to keep you very long. You see we vampires on the Boiling Isles gotta get our monthly fix of blood. And you, just happen to be this months prey."


"N-no no please, I'm too young to die!" Luz cried while shaking frantically.

Amity sat down next to Luz and grabbed her right cheek gently. "Relax human, I'm only going to take eight teaspoons." chuckled Amity. "W-wait. So you're not going to suck me dry?"

Amity smiled and shook her head. This made Luz think. 'Well, I guess sparing a little bit of my blood won't hurt. It's not like I have a choice either.' Luz was brought out of her daydream to see Amity getting on top of her.

Amity leaned in and traced two delicate fingers down the right side of Luz's neck. Luz squirmed a little bit and Amity seemed amused by it. She moved a bit of Luz's hair back then whispered in her ear, "Are you ready?"

Luz started to sweat and her heart began to race. Amity's lips were inches away from her neck, waiting one more minute for Luz to respond. Staring up at the ceiling, Luz mumbled, "Will it hurt?"

Amity sat up and placed one hand on Luz's shoulder and the other through her hair, staring sympathetically at the scared girl. "Only for a moment. You'll be ok, I promise." she said sweetly. Luz nodded nervously and tilted her head to expose her neck more.

Amity placed both her hands on Luz's shoulders and slowly inserted her sharp fangs into the girl. A shot of pain ran through Luz's body. She shut her eyes tightly and flinched while letting out a moan of pain. "I know. I know." mumbled Amity softly.

A moment later, the pain went numb and Luz's eyes shot open in surprise and relief. She relaxed completely, feeling the blood leave her neck. It felt cold and weird. Like a really strange kiss. But it honestly wasn't so bad. Luz blushed which increased the blood flow through her head. Amity felt more blood rush to her fangs and she was happy to get a little more.

Eventually, Amity pulled away and grabbed a cotton ball and some ointment near the table to fix up Luz's wound. After she dabbed some on her neck, the wound instantly disappeared, as if Luz was never bitten in the first place. "There you go. That wasn't so bad was it?" "No it really wasn't actually." said Luz smiling. "I'm Luz by the way. Luz Noceda." "Well Luz, thank you for the treat and uh, sorry I snatched you in the woods like that." said Amity as she uncuffed Luz's limbs. "It's ok."

"Anyway doors that way. Maybe I'll see you around. I-if you want." "Yeah sure! And uh, if you ever need another blood sucking session, I'm up for it." said Luz blushing. Amity smirked and giggled at her. "Hehe yeah I'd like that. You taste pretty good Noceda."

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