Room for Growth 🌱

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Beta Owl House Characters WARNING: cursing!

Boscha's POV:

It's been two weeks since the plant incident. I was walking through the woods after having a fight with my mom. I just needed to clear my head. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the giant man eating plant in front of me.

It extended its long vines and grabbed my ankles, causing me to lose my balance and fall backwards. I looked up in horror at the giant plant!

It restrained the rest of my limbs and dragged me closer, opening its large mouth dripping toxic saliva! I thought I was going to die. This was the end for me. Then suddenly, I saw her. Willow standing on a hillside, watching me with no emotion. The sun shined on her glasses and her yellow coat blew in the wind.
I knew I deserved this. After all the things I've said and done to her, why would she have the heart to save me?

A tear rolled down my face as the plant roared! It licked its lips preparing to swallow me whole. I closed my eyes and the plant lunged forward, mouth wide open. To my surprise it screeched in pain before it could hit me. I opened one eye to see a long vine tightly wrapped around its snout. The more the plant struggled, the tighter the vine got. I looked over to see Willow summoning more vines to restrain the plant.

Once she got a good grip on it, she leaped into the air, pulling out a large red thorn, and stabbed it into the plants forehead! The plant was paralyzed and it let go of me. Willow jumped down and faced away from me, tying up the plant a little more. "W-Willow?"

A large pink flower burst out of the ground beneath her feet. It closed its petals around her and sank back into the ground.


Luz, Amity, and Willow were hanging out in their secret hideout. Willow was quietly spraying her plants, while Luz and Amity were laughing and telling stories about their past crimes. "Yeah robbed a couple of the emperors ships. They never saw me coming. Best part is I did it without magic." said Amity smirking. "Noh there's no fucking way." giggled Luz. "Well that doesn't beat the time I-"

Willow laughed to herself, enjoying hearing her friends "real" stories. Willow's ear twitched to the sound of the door creaking. She stopped watering and turned to see Boscha in the doorway. Amity and Luz stopped talking. "Willow, can we talk?" said Boscha calmly. Willow looked at Luz and Amity, silently telling them to leave the room. Both complied and closed the door behind them.

"What do you want to talk about?" said Willow as she began to water her plants again. "About, the incident two weeks ago." Willow looked up, her glasses glowed in the light.

"There's nothing to talk about Boscha." "B-but why? Why did you help me? After everything I've done." A couple of Willow's ferns shook and hissed at Boscha.

"Boscha I think you should leave now. You know my plants don't want you near them." "Please Willow I need to know!" "...Just because you've done bad things in the past, that doesn't mean I want to hurt you back." The fern closest to Willow hissed at Boscha again, struggling in it's pot to get closer. "Now go. Before I change my mind."

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