Catching Up (serpentine Luz)

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Welcome back to my AU! Here's a recap of all the oneshots so far. Note, these are in order TIMELINE wise, not when I wrote them. Lost in the Jungle, Midnight Cuddles, First Time, Snake Snuggles, Unexpected Visitors, The Third Temple, Belos's Wrath. All caught up? Great! This oneshot takes place after the events of Belos's Wrath.

Luz walked through the jungle alone. It was a beautiful day. The birds were singing, a light breeze was present, and all seemed peaceful with the world ever since Belos was defeated. There was no tension anywhere.

Well, almost none.

Luz pushed some bushes aside and was met with an open clearing next to a pond. Camilla calmly sat on a log in her serpentine form, admiring the water. Luz took a deep breath and shifted into her snake form. She cautiously slithered over to her mother and took a seat next to her.

"Good morning." Camilla said softly. Luz glanced at her mom and smiled sheepishly. "Good morning. Uh, the tail been treating you well?" Luz rubbed the back of her neck. "Took me a while to get used to it, but yes."
The two looked away from each other and took a deep breath in unison. "It's a beautiful day today isn't it?" "Yeah." said Luz. Silence. "Mija, I really do appreciate you coming out to talk with me this morning. It's very brave." Luz twiddled her thumbs. "You may think I'm brave but, I dunno where to start." Camilla hummed and looked at the pond again. "Well, what do you want to know first?"

Luz pondered for a moment. There was a certain thought that came to mind. A tear nearly escaped her eye, but she quickly hid it. "The day I came home, after what happened.. Did you really mean what you said? That I wasn't your daughter?" Camilla gasped. "Oh Luz, of course I didn't mean that. I was just scared. Like really, really scared. And I regret that every day... I never expected my daughter to become part serpent and I felt so lost and afraid when I first saw you, because I didn't have the answers right away to help you."

Luz looked down at the ground and sighed. "I guess I never really thought about your perspective with all of this. That does seem scary... I wonder how dad would've felt." Camilla looked at her daughter sympathetically and reached her hand out. Luz took it. "That was another thing." said Camilla as she looked toward the pond again. "I loved all animals really, but snakes? Snakes." Camilla shed a single tear.


"Your father. He went out to hunt one day with a friend and a snake-" Camilla stopped to regain her composure, but struggled. "T-they couldn't save-" Luz scooched closer and for the first time in months, hugged her mother. "It's ok mom, it's ok. I understand." Camilla wiped her eyes and returned the hug, giving Luz an affectionate squeeze.

"We're ok..."


Amity sluggishly packed up her books and walked out of the school hut, making her way back to her house. She was awfully tired these past few weeks, recovering from the adventure with Belos, and just trying to get all her school work and chores done. The village was just too noisy for her right now.

After she finished her chores for the day, Amity cautiously snuck out of the village and walked through the jungle to Luz's tree. It had been a while since she's seen her too...

Amity approached the large banyan tree and climbed up to the top. The place was deserted. Assuming Luz was out hunting, Amity walked across the wooden platform and entered the tunnel of leaves that led down to the lower part of the tree. She smiled as she saw the nest of branches decorated with soft grass. 'I'll just take a quick nap til she comes back.' The Blight climbed into the nest and got comfortable. She sighed contently as she layed on her back and took in the peaceful sounds of the rainforest. Finally some peace and quiet.

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