Pals of The Looking Glass Ruins

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*Beep Beep Beep*

Gus Porter groaned annoyed, and flipped his body over to turn off his alarm. "*sigh* Saturday. Welp time to get ready."

Gus slid off his bed and stretched, ready to face the day. He opened his closet and pulled out his regular day clothes (when he wasn't at school that is), washed his face, and combed his hair.

"Lookin sharp." said Gus shooting finger guns at his reflection. "Hmm I'd better text Mattholomule." he said summoning his scroll.

Gus: Hey! hope you're up we gotta help with defenses today.


Scaredy cat: Yeah heading out soon. I'll meet you at the edge of town.

Gus: Cool

Gus smiled contently and put his scroll away. The young illusionist left his bathroom and hopped down the stairs to quickly grab a biscuit from the kitchen. Shoving the baked good in his mouth, Gus ran out the front door...

Mattholomule was standing at the edge of the town, staring off into the distance. "Hey, Mattholomule!" cried Gus as he ran down the streets of Bonesborough.

The small witch turned around and watched as Gus ran up to him, the illusionist panting shortly after. "Well about time you got here." he said crossing his arms in disapproval. "Sorry man, my house is kinda far from the border."

Mattholomule rolled his eyes and started walking down the hill that led to the pine forest. "Well come on, we don't have time to lose."

The two witches walked through the quiet woods, that slowly grew darker the deeper they ventured. They walked in a supposedly comfortable silence, and admired their surroundings.

Sounds of forest demons and the crunching of pebbles and twigs beneath their feet was all they could hear. Gus feeling a little awkward, broke the silence.

"Soooo Bria, she's, totally evil isn't she."


"...You had a crush on her at Glandus?" Gus smirked.

Mattholomule stopped in his tracks, blushing. "I saw you blushing at her too!" he cried pointing a finger at Gus.

The young illusionist blushed and laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well hahaha y-yeah I guess." Mattholomule pulled back and rubbed his arm. "But yeah, I did." he said continuing to walk down the trail.

Gus stopped laughing and ran over to catch up. "Sorry." "It's ok." replied Matt.

"...Soooo are you and that plant girl-"

"Willow? Nah we're just close friends. She's almost like a sister to me."

"Huh, that's, pretty cool."

The silence resumed again and the two witches looked forward at the woods in front of them...

Ten minutes later, Gus and Matt got trapped in a rather foggy part of the forest. "I don't get it. I was sure we were walking in the right direction." said Gus.
Mattholomule brought his hands to his chest and cautiously looked around.

Suddenly, a loud hissing sound was heard from all around them! Matt immediately let out a high pitched scream and cowered close to Gus. "What's wrong Matty? You scared?" he smirked crossing his arms.

"What?! No! Just, what if that white snake from before is back!" Gus grabbed Mattholomule's hand and dragged him along. "Don't worry Matty, I'll protect you. I'll be right here, holding your hand the whooooole way." said Gus in a teasing manner. "S-shut up!" cried Matt pulling his hand away.

Gus laughed before putting a finger gun under his chin. "But seriously, I think we're lost." he said facing away from Matt.

Not even seconds later, a tall silhouette with glowing yellow eyes jumped in front of the two witches, growling furiously!

"AHHHHHH!" cried the two as they huddled together, shaking in fright!

The figure abruptly leaned their head closer, the fog suddenly, but slowly clearing up as they did so.

"Hello!" cried the figure as its face cleared up completely, revealing who they were.

The two witches pulled away from each other, Matt annoyed while Gus burst out laughing. "Amazing trick Mr. uh, Keeper of the Looking Glass Graveyard!"

"Thank you thank you." he bowed. Mattholomule still looked shaken up and bothered but slowly brushed it off, remembering they had a job to do.

The guardian of the ruins then perked his head up, still in a bow pose, and wiggled his ears. "Well, enough of me performing my magic, come on in boys!"

Gus and Mattholomule saw a bit of the fog return as the ruins guardian entered the graveyard. They stood outside the gates momentarily and shared a glance. "That guy gives me the creeps." whispered Matt. Gus shrugged his shoulders, smiling, and gestured to enter the graveyard.

"Now, I know we'll all be here for a few hours, so I brought sandwiches!" sang the old witch.

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