Wing it like Witches

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It was a bright early morning on the Boiling Isles, and Luz was sleeping peacefully in her room. The sun peeked through her window and the light shined on her closed eyes, now irritating the teen.

As Luz covered her closed eyes, a loud thud was heard all around her! "YAHHHHH!" Luz opened her eyes to see a very energetic Eda hovering over her. "MORNIN KNUCKLE HEAD! Time to, get up! We, have a big day planned." Eda got up and started walking to the door.

"*yawn* Eda?! Don't you think it's a little early for this right now?" said Luz rubbing her tired eyes. "Nope! Get dressed and come down for breakfast." The latina gently smiled and closed her eyes, shaking her head before hopping to it.

Luz got dressed and went down the stairs, heading to the kitchen. She walked in to see Eda cooking what looked like the Boiling Isles equivalent of pancakes, and King sitting on his high chair eating a bowl of mushy green porridge with eyeballs.

"So Eda, why are you so energetic this morning?" said Luz grabbing a seat. "Well kiddo, since I've unlocked harpy mode, I wanna try out some flying tricks I thought of, in the Windy Cliffs." Eda flipped a pancake high in the air before smacking it with her spatula, making it land on top of a pile of pancakes on the kitchen table.

"Sounds neat." "Indeed. And while I'm doing that, I think it would be a great opportunity to practice your flying again. Maybe you'll win Hexsides next flying tournament."
Eda served Luz her breakfast then leaned against the fridge, sipping the rest of her mornings apple blood.

"Now, y'all finish eating and then we head on out!"

*Time Skip*

"And here we are Luz! The Windy Cliffs! As terrible as that name is."

The trio got off Owlbert and took a good long look at the canyon in front of them. Though it was deep, it wasn't empty. There was a whole forest that filled the canyon, with a few clearings here and there.

"So I'm guessing it's windy here?" said Luz turning towards her mentor. "Yes, but if you look closely, there are wind currents that go in several directions throughout the canyon. Observe."

Eda picked up a small boulder and tossed it over the cliff. The rock then did a number of turns and loopty loops in the air, before falling into the forest below. "Woah." whispered Luz.

"Alright kid! TransssssFORM!" Eda closed her eyes and when she opened them, they were as black as night. She grew taller, and her wings and claws sprouted out of no where!
"Huh. It's that easy? Great! Guess it'll be like this all the time." said Eda checking herself out.

Luz grabbed the owl lady's staff and positioned herself for take off. "You coming King?"
The small demon took out a pair of sunglasses and layed against a rock away from the edge. "Nah you two go have fun. Me wants to take a nap." "Suit yourself. Come on kid!"

Eda and Luz bent their knees, smirked at the canyon in front of them, and took off!
Eda flapped her wings and got a graceful head start. Luz followed close behind her before guiding the staff to her right, flying next to Eda.

"I know it's your second time flying but you seem to have got it down Eda." "Heck yeah I do! Hey Luz watch this!" The owl lady dove into the canyon and entered one of the streams of wind.

She did several turns and flips in the stream before getting launched high up in the sky, twirling with her wings folded around her.

Luz kept flying forward and stared in awe at the owl lady's performance. She was so distracted that Owlbert got caught in the wind streams, causing the two to fly frantically through the canyon. "WAHHHHHHHH... YAHHHHHHHH!"

"Luz?" Eda looked down to see her apprentice losing control of the staff! "LUZ!"
Luz snapped out of her shock and firmly grabbed the staff, leaning forward to try and steer it back on course. A few pointed rocks were up ahead, and Luz was gonna try circling around the first pillar.

The owl lady aggressively flew after the girl, but got caught in another wind stream, forcing her to fly in all directions but Luz's! "Luz wait! Those rocks have extensions that come out on contact!"

Luz didn't hear her yells and was ready to take that sharp turn. As Luz curved around the pillar, Owlbert screeched and attempted to stop the staff from moving forward! "Owlbert what's wroooOOOOONG!"

The palisman managed to stop in time, but Luz fell off the staff, diving straight down into the depths of the canyon!
"Luz!" The owl lady flapped her wings hard, getting out of the wind stream, and zoomed towards the pillars. She grabbed the frozen staff and dove down to save her apprentice!


Down below, the Golden Guard was pacing back and forth talking to his new palisman. "I've failed to get Belos those palismen, and he won't let me go on other missions to redeem myself. What can I do or get to make him proud?"

The cardinal tilted his head and chirped at Hunter with confusion. "Ugh. I guess you're no help. I don't speak palisman either... I just wish something good would just fall out of the sky!" cried the guard extending his arms out.


Luz landed right in Hunter's arms, and stopped screaming from shock. The Golden Guard being an Emperors Coven member, didn't flinch and held the latina no problem.

"Oh uh, h-hey, Hunter. Thanks for uh catching me... Sooooo how ya been?" Luz looked away and twiddled her fingers.

Hunter dropped Luz and placed his arms on his hips. "Well well well, look who decided to drop in." Luz pouted and crossed her arms. "Really, you're gonna do that antagonist line cliche. I can tell you're not a bad person deep down."

"Is that so?" Hunter's cardinal flew over and landed on his owners shoulder. "Well then. How bout I take you to Belos and see what he makes of you!" The Golden Guard summoned his coven staff and smiled evilly at Luz.

Luz gasped and stood up, pulling out a small deck of glyphs from her right pocket. Both witches circled for a bit, readying their weapons.

Hunter took a step forward to make the first move, but was interrupted by the sound of a loud, wailing screech! Luz and Hunter looked up to see a large silhouette of a flying creature.

"Huh. Must be a griffin. Round these parts, they'll eat anything they see that moves. Guess I don't have to take you to Belos after all. The beast can deal with you. BYEEEEEE!" The Golden Guard hopped on his staff and teleported away.

Luz looked up terrified at the beast that was diving straight towards her. Instead of staying to fight, she was gonna make a run for it.
She was too late. As she turned around to run, the beast scooped her up and flew high up in the air, holding her tightly!

"Oh my gosh kid! Are you ok?! Are you hurt?! You scared the feathers right off of me!" The owl lady held her human close and rubbed her cheek against hers. "Eda?!" The human had time to look around her and saw her mentor smiling at her sympathetically.

"Yeah I'm ok. I had a pretty soft landing actually." "I promise I won't let this happen again." Luz smiled and hugged Eda as the owl lady flew back to the cliff where King was.

"Soooo how did you not like, die?" asked Eda ensuring Luz was secure in her grasp. "Oh, that bad but sad boy caught me." Luz smirked making Eda snort hysterically. "Ya got lucky today kiddo."

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