✨The Golden Softy✨

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WARNING: If you have NOT seen Hunting Palismen I highly recommend not reading this oneshot!

During the past few weeks, Emperor Belos ordered the guard, for reasons of his own, to find and eliminate the human Luz. Luz herself had been pretty good at escaping all encounters with the Emperors coven. Today though, wasn't her lucky day...

Kikimora stood at the edge of a cliff, sharp rocks and the boiling tides below. Fifteen or so guards (including the Golden Guard) stood a little ways behind her, waiting for commands. "The human has indeed fallen from here." she said turning towards the guards. "She is a clever one though. Search the beach. Find her, and make sure she has not survived."

All the guards except the GG immediately dispersed in all directions. Kikimora walked towards the remaining guard, her hands behind her back. "And as for you. Try not to mess up again. You may be the teen prodigy, but a real Emperors coven guard gets the job done."

The Golden Guard walked past her summoning his staff. "Same goes for you." he scoffed.


Down below, a certain human washed up on shore. This part of the Isles had warm water but it certainly wasn't boiling. Luz got on her hands and knees, and crawled out of the ocean. Her forearms had small burns and she just acked all over.

She panted and coughed up some salt water. Her arms and legs shook each step she crawled. "Ow." said Luz softly.

The Golden Guard flew on his staff, leaning against the edge of the Isles. He looked down and saw all the guards searching close to the cliff. GG knew though that if the human were to wash up, she'd be far away from the cliff. The Boiling Isles has strange tide currents. Nothing that was thrown into the Boiling Seas could wash up in a straight line.

After a few minutes of searching, the Golden Guard spotted Luz crawling up the beach. He smirked under his mask and dove down behind a bush just bordering the forested cliff to the beach.

Staff in hand, the Golden Guard approached the human girl. Luz's limbs finally gave out and she layed in the sand, breathing slowly.

The Golden Guard stood before her and raised his staff, making the tip form a glowing scarlet light. Seeing his brown boots, Luz weakly looked up at the guard who was ready to end her. Her vision was all fuzzy and she couldn't get up to escape.

"Hunter.." she whispered before passing out. The Golden Guard flinched from hearing his name. He immediately lowered his staff and the red light faded away. Hunter took off his mask and stared sympathetically at the human girl. He just noticed, how badly she looked. Her breathing was quiet and she was covered in burns. It hurt him to see her like this. 'Follow your orders.' he thought to himself.

Hunter's cardinal was perched in a tree on top of the cliff. It watched the whole scene and flew down to its owner. Hunter turned around to leave but was stopped by his palisman. It chirped at him before landing on his shoulder, and nuzzled his cheek.

Hunter sighed. "Don't worry, I won't leave her." He picked up Luz bridal style and flew away on his staff holding her tightly...

It was now nighttime. Hunter zoomed over the forest, teeth clenched looking for the owl lady's house. Luz took a sharp breath before her arm fell off her stomach, hanging loose.

Hunter looked down at her and noticed she was slowly growing cold. "Oh no."

He immediately landed and layed Luz down on the ground. The cardinal sat beside Luz and looked at his owner with concern. Hunter took his staff and closed his eyes. A gust of wind blew around the three and both Hunter and Luz started to glow.

The two witches were lifted into the air, Hunter's eyes turned gold. A moment later, Hunter landed on the ground softly with Luz floating down into his arms. A swirly, misty coil appeared between the twos chests, and Luz started breathing again.

Hunter had cast a spell to temporarily combine Luz's heart with his own. At that moment, he was her life support.

The three took off again and flew to the owl house. Once arrived, Hunter opened a back window and landed inside. He cautiously looked around before setting Luz down on her sleeping bag.

Meanwhile downstairs, Eda was staring at the front door, eagerly waiting for Luz's return. It was pretty late too at this point she thought. Eda suddenly heard noises from upstairs and ran up to check it out. She was on high alert from being paranoid.

She burst Luz's door open to reveal the Golden Guard tending to Luz. He looked up at her in shock and slight fear. Before Eda could do anything, she saw the misty tube between the two.

"What happened?" said Eda running over to Luz, her voice a little shaky. Hunter told the owl lady everything. After the story was finished, Eda calmly got up and went to go fetch some bandages and ointment. "I'll go get some things for Luz's burns. I'll be right back."


The next morning, Luz woke up to find herself in her room at the owl house. As she sat up, she noticed she was wrapped in bandages. "Ugh my head. What happened?"

As if on cue, Eda walked in holding a cup of cold juice for Luz. "Hey kid. How are you feeling?"

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