🎃Halloween Bash🦇

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Before season 3, my headcanon was Halloween originated from the Boiling Isles and was one of those "myths" that leaked into our world cause, OF COURSE they should own the rights to that holiday.

Luz and gang walked through the grand doors of Hexside school with their books for the day. The human admired the halls in awe as they were beautifully decorated with a suspiciously familiar theme. "Woah, what's with all the spooky decorations? Or I guess in your cases, decorations. Ahh!" Suddenly, Luz got hit with a heavy pink balloon, white powder bursting out of it and staining her clothes! "Pfft hahaha get wrecked Luzer!" yelled Boscha as she ran away with her goons, the witches tossing more balloons at students.

Amity, Willow, and Gus growled at the bully while Luz just looked at her outfit curiously. "Is this flour?" she said as she wiped some on her finger and brought it to her nose for a sniff. "Luz don't! That's mummy dust." said Willow.


Amity giggled as the human shook her arm frantically. "Here, let me help you." Amity pointed a finger at Luz and drew a small spell circle. Poof! Luz's outfit was good as new. "Thanks Amity."

The announcements went on. "Attention students, attention all Hexside students. I am pleased to announce that this year's Halloween party will take place Friday in the gym. So dress up, do PG pranks, and have fun!" exclaimed Principal Bump. Luz's eyes widened. "You guys celebrate Halloween on the Boiling Isles too?!" "Yeah! It's been a tradition ever since the savage ages!" said Gus. Luz looked down at nothing and grabbed her head. "H-how is this possible?" Amity and Willow approached her and placed comforting hands on her shoulders. "It's fun Luz! We get to dress up, eat treats, and play tricks!" said Willow. "I'm gonna be a human bucket!" said Gus. "I'm gonna be a carnivorous plant." added Willow.

Luz was excited but a little overwhelmed at the same time. "This is so crazy and on such short notice. I don't know what I'm gonna be for this." Amity wrapped her arms around Luz and nuzzled her cheek. "I have an idea for us." she said as she booped her nose. The Blight leaned in and whispered into Luz's ear...

At the owl house, our favorite weirdos were rummaging through a GIANT pile of garbage in the living room. "Gee I didn't know you guys celebrated Halloween." said Luz as she pulled out a classic white ghost and a bat garland. Eda pulled her head out of the pile, her hair now covered in cobwebs and a couple bat decorations. "Celebrate it? Kid we OWN this holiday. It's just one of the many myths that have leaked into your world." "Weh!" King dove into the sea of spooky treasures, digging himself a tunnel.

"That's really cool but, isn't the demon realm already a spooky ish place? How do you even celebrate it here? Back home it's all about demons and ghouls and witches and all things scary." "Exactly. Consider it more a celebration of existing, just with gourds! Some witches back in the savage ages invented the holiday so we could have a little fun during the fall before we face the horrors of ice season." Luz giggled. Hooty then entered the room, the bird tube carrying a series of boxes in his neck.

"That's the last of the decor from the basement!" he exclaimed as he dropped his delivery. King leaped out of the pile and presented a little navy blue spider costume. "Behold! The common house spider! The most TERRIFYING creature in the human realm!" Luz chuckled and raised her hand to her face. "Should we tell him about human politics?" she whispered to Hooty. "With this costume, I will make all who approach me tremble with fear!" King then scurried into the kitchen to put on his costume.

"Principal Bump said there's going to be a Halloween party on Friday. Are you coming just like you did for Grom?" Eda threw her fist in the air. "You bet I am! I remember those parties, possibly one of the few things that made that place bearable. What are you gonna dress up as Luz?"

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