I Know You Like Me (Serpentine AU)

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WARNING: cursing

Lucia weakly opened her eyes and stared up at the jungle ceiling. She felt weak all over. 'What happened last night?' she thought. As the human stirred, she felt something smooth and warm rub against her body. With half lidded eyes, Lucia looked straight ahead as her vision cleared. Amelia was resting her chin in her hand, smirking at her teasingly.

"Amelia." she groaned.

The serpentine hummed contently and circled around the latina. "Hey beautiful." she purred as she began to play with Lucia's hair. The human shook her head away and jerked her body. "Let me go." "Not a chance." Amelia shifted her grip so Lucia sunk even deeper into her coils. "I'm not done playing with you yet."

Lucia squirmed as Amelia squeezed her gently. "Do you have any idea who you're dealing with right now?! I'm an important member of my village. People look up to me! I can't be here right now!" Amelia was taken aback before a seductive smirk grew across her face. "Oh so you've finally won the love of your people hmm? No need to go out exploring these dangerous woods for a trophy? If that's the case I don't see why you're still coming out here alone Lulu... Maybe to see me?"

Lucia's eyes widened. She squirmed only to be squeezed again. "Why would I do that?" she growled defensively. "Must be a lot of responsibility for you these days. Guiding your village, taking care of your people, everyone looking to you for answers-"

"I like to lead!"

Amelia curled herself behind Lucia and grabbed her jaw roughly, tilting her head up. "And I'm here to remind you that you can still be someone's baby girl." she hissed. "Ngh!" Lucia struggled in her grip to once again be squeezed into submission. "Come on Noceda, you know how our little encounters go. I taunt you, I chase you, and eventually I catch you. There's no need to struggle anymore." Lucia refused to give in.

"Ya know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you actually enjoy being wrapped up."


Amelia giggled and turned around to face her. She leaned in close until their noses touched. "I can feel every movement you make sweetheart. You're tense, and you struggle, but with every squeeze your body gives in a little more." Lucia's face flushed. "Am I wrong?"

The human had no words to say.

Amelia shifted her grip a bit and smiled. She then layed down on her stomach and snuggled into the human, humming contently. "You're so warm Lucia. I can sustain my own body heat alright but, a little help is always nice." Lucia's breath hitched as Amelia gently pressed into her body.

"Woah hey, are you ok?" said Amelia as she felt Lucia's heart pound faster. "Am I too tight?" Lucia sighed. "No no, I'm ok. I just don't know why I let this happen to me." Amelia leaned in until they were eye to eye. "Hey. I know I can be a tease, and a little rough but, you know I would never actually try to hurt you right?" Lucia bit her lip and glanced at Amelia's tail. "I know. I know you wouldn't."

The serpentine hummed and looked down at Lucia's lips. "C-can I?" she said softly. Lucia felt a lump go down her throat but slowly nodded. "Mmm." Amelia grabbed the girls cheek and pressed her lips against hers. She kissed her sweetly and closed her eyes, Lucia doing the same. *mwah mhh* Becoming more passionate, Amelia towered over the latina and shifted her coils, allowing Lucia to lay down further. She parted her lips and slid her tongue into her mouth.

The two softly moaned through the kiss, enjoying every moment of it.

Amelia soon pulled away and hummed contently. "I love you." Lucia panted and bit her lip. "You just see me as some toy." "Is that what you call love Lulu?" The latina blushed again and looked away. "I know you like me Noceda. I can just see it on that cute face of yours. Is it so hard to believe I like you too?"

Lucia pondered for a moment but ultimately stayed silent. Amelia gave her a sympathetic look and gently squeezed around her chest and torso, pulling her out of her thoughts. "Come on sweetheart, be honest with yourself. You can talk to me." Amelia affectionately stroked Lucia's hair with her tail, supporting her head.

"I- no. No it's not. I just don't feel like I deserve this."

"Why would you think that?"

"I don't know."

"If you don't even have a reason there's nothing to feel bad about Lulu. Look at me."

Lucia looked straight into Amelia's eyes. "You are the most amazing person I've ever met, and I'm thankful for that every day. I promise you haven't done anything that belittles your right to be loved. I'm serious about you... So please, won't you let me have you already?"

Lucia felt like an arrow went straight through her heart. "... Heh, going soft on me Blight?" she chuckled as a small smirk grew across her face. Amelia blushed and shut her up with her tail. "S-shut up!" she cried as the human burst into laughter. "You take any chance you get don't you?!"
Amelia loosened her grip and let herself fall onto the humans stomach. "Ugh!" The Blight crossed her arms and admired her girl intensely. "Fuck you." Lucia then leaned in and gave her a good sensual kiss. Amelia froze for a moment, before closing her eyes and returning it.

The two then pulled away and smiled at each other. "Hmm, now hold still, I need to rearrange myself real quick." Before Amelia could do anything Lucia lunged forward and grabbed the Blight by her waist! "What the-" Lucia pinned her to the ground, the sudden action causing her tail to disappear in a flash! Amelia squirmed helplessly beneath her as Lucia held her down by her wrists. "Oh no you don't." she growled. Amelia looked up at the latina shocked, her face now tomato red. "You've had me at your mercy all night baby girl. Now it's my turn."

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