The Third Temple (serpentine Luz)

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Welcome to another chapter of my AU! This oneshot takes place after the events of Unexpected Visitors.

The next day, Luz and Viney had set off on their journey. Due to Viney's expertise in healing magic, Luz's wounds had healed quite quickly.

In their human forms, the two were now climbing a small mountain.

"So what exactly is the plan again?" asked Viney as some pebbles dropped from the stone ledge Luz was standing on. "We go to the third temple, take the final gift for ourselves, and use it along with our abilities to defeat Belos and stop him from terrorizing this jungle." said Luz confidently. Viney reached for the next stone ledge and climbed up. "Luz, do you even know if we can contain more than one gift?" The latina stopped and turned to face her friend. "I, I don't know. B-but we have to try. Keeping Amity safe is my- wait! What if Amity could obtain the third gift!" "Luz, you're not thinking right now. What if Amity doesn't want that? We have to think of something else." Luz sighed and looked down at her feet. "You're right you're right. I'm just scared for her Viney."


Meanwhile in the village, Amity and Emira were walking home from school. "Soooo, you're gonna sneak off and see Luz after your chores?" teased the eldest Blight, nudging her sister. Amity blushed and held her punched arm. "Yeah. But don't think I don't know about the certain someone you like." Emira blushed and twirled a finger through her hair. "W-what?" "Viney." Amity teased. "Oh my titan did you see her?! Did she say anything?!"

Amity giggled and pushed Emira's face away from her. "Hahaha, I knew there was something up with her. But no actually, she wasn't in class today."

The two Blights made it to their hut and started to do their daily chores. About halfway through cleaning, Amity started to get a little anxious and fidgety. Emira took notice and smiled. "Go, you've done enough cleaning for today. Me and Ed will finish things here." Amity looked up at her sister and gave her the warmest smile ever. She hugged her sister tightly before running off to the river. "Thank you Em..."

Amity happily ran through the jungle without a care in the world. The forest plants rustled and blew in the wind as she ran by. Just a little further and she was going to see her Luz. The Blight soon made it to Luz's tree, and climbed to the wooden platform at the top.

"Luz?!" cried the Blight excitedly.

Silence. The tree was empty. Amity cocked an eyebrow and walked around the wooden platform. A small breeze blew by and snatched some of the dead leaves littering the floor. "Where could she-" Amity then spotted a little slip of paper attached to the tree trunk. She grabbed it and read the note. 'Hey Amity, I'm sorry about our usual hangout today. But there's something important I have to do. I don't know when I'll be back but at least I'll know you're safe. ~Luz'

Amity dropped the note and started to panic. "No no no, what's happening?!" The Blight summoned her a scroll and called Emira.

"Come on pick up pick up!"


Emira heard a buzz from her scroll and pulled it out of her pocket. She picked up the call. "Amity?" "Emira! S-she's gone!" "Woah woah what's going on?!"
Edric was standing a foot away from Emira, cleaning a pot. He perked his head up from Emira's outburst and looked at her with deep concern. "Emira is that mittens?!"

"Mittens please, try to calm down. What happened?" "I-I got to Luz's tree and when I climbed up she wasn't there!" Emira furrowed her eyebrows and listened intently. "S-she also left a note!"

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