Calm Down Blight (smut)

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The characters in this story are 18 since they are the beta characters. This also takes place before Lucia comes to the Boiling Isles.
WARNING: cursing, sexual acts. This oneshot is for a 17-18+ audience!

Amelia stormed into Wionna's room, baring her sharp fangs, the plant witch calmly following behind her. As the Blight face planted into the bed, Wionna took a seat at her desk, focusing her attention to her homework.

"Fucking hate school fucking hate Principal Bump, UGH!" Amelia growled into a pillow. "Eh what do you expect. As much as I love to commit arson, Principal Bump's gonna know who did it. You need to chill out, you're disturbing my plants."

Amelia shot up and sat on the bed with her knees up, her hands leaning against the sheets behind her back. "You don't tell me to calm down Park!" Amelia hissed. Wionna adjusted her glasses and tended to the twelve potted plants that rested on her desk in a cardboard tray.

"Don't ignore me Park!"

Amelia huffed and threw herself back on the bed. Then, an idea popped in her head. She spread her legs out, bringing her knees to her chest, and seductively thrusted her hips. "Wionna!" she whined.

Wionna smirked and continued to look at her school papers. Amelia breathed heavily as her groin began to ache. "Please."

Without looking away from her desk, the plant witch flicked her finger, causing four of her plants to grow and shoot themselves towards the Blight, knocking over their pots and breaking them in the process! The vines grabbed all four of Amelia's limbs and hoisted her off the bed, stretching her out like a starfish!

Amelia huffed and struggled against their grip, only tightening it. Wionna chuckled and casually got up from her seat. She smirked as she approached the green haired witch, Amelia clenching her teeth back at her.

Wionna came up from behind Amelia and grabbed her jaw roughly, wrapping her other arm around the girls torso. "You want me baby?" she purred into her ear, pulling the Blight close. Amelia blushed and tensed her body. "Yes." she whispered.

Wionna traced her finger down Amelia's jawline before circling her. "This here is one of my latest creations." she said as the plant wrapped a vine around her shoulder, Wionna giving it a small nuzzle in return. "I call it the pleasure plant. It can fulfill your deepest, dirtiest sexual desires and fantasies. It can bind you tightly and caress your body lovingly. And it won't let you go until you are satisfied."

Amelia could feel her pussy throb from arousal, her cheeks turning a dark shade of pink. She tried to thrust her hips but to no avail, the plants kept her limbs straight and still.
Wionna grinned, approaching the Blight once more. She caressed her burning face and smiled. "What do you want Amelia?"

"F-fuck me."

"As you wish Miss Blight."

The plant witch drew a spell circle, causing the lower vines to loosen and reattach themselves. Wionna grabbed the hem of Amelia's skirt and pulled it down along with her underwear. Amelia felt the cool air brush her core as she began to drip. "You're wet for me already? I've barely touched you sweet thing." The vines wrapped around Amelia's thighs and lifted her legs up, causing Amelia's heat to throb! The vines keeping her wrists up lowered and tied themselves behind her back.

Amelia closed her eyes and gulped as she felt the plants grip her tightly, much to Wionna's amusement. Wionna sat on her bed and brought the bond girl close to her. She finished stripping Amelia down and wrapped her arm around her torso, cupping her breast. She ran her thumb over the pink bud before pinching it playfully, causing Amelia to moan softly and whimper.

"Was my girl having a bad day?" Wionna purred, trailing kisses down the Blights neck. The plant witch snaked her free hand down to Amelia's heat and palmed it, lightly pressing against it. Amelia moaned and leaned back against Wionna, closing her eyes as she tried to grind against her hand. "I know how to make you feel better darling."

Wionna spread her fingers and rubbed Amelia's folds, going in an up and down motion while curling them every now and then. She rubbed the Blights clit with her thumb and licked her pointed ear, nibbling the tip. Amelia breathed heavily and flapped her ears, her body squirming as she attempted to thrust her hips.

Wionna chuckled into her neck and removed her hand from the Blights breast briefly, flicking her fingers to loosen the vines, and bring Amelia even closer.

"May I?" asked Wionna as she slowly stopped rubbing the witch's pussy. Amelia breathed heavily and nodded, arching her back a little. Wionna slid two of her fingers inside Amelia and thrusted slowly, groping Amelia's other breast with her free hand as she began to suck on her neck.

The Blight moaned loudly as Wionna pleasured her! The plant witch abruptly moved her hand to the Blights jaw and gripped it tightly! "You like that my little slut, my little play thing?!" Wionna growled as she quickened her pace. Amelia nodded and moaned louder, her legs beginning to twitch!

"You are such a bad girl. I like that." Wionna placed a kiss on Amelia's cheek and inserted a third finger, causing Amelia to squirm and thrust her body uncontrollably! Amelia whimpered as she felt a knot growing in her groin.


"Cum for me Blight."

Amelia screamed as she reached her climax, her body shaking as she pulled at her restraints! Wionna smirked and got up from the bed, flicking her finger as she did. The vines threw the Blight onto the bed, releasing her, and retreated back to Wionna's desk. Amelia panted and stared up at the ceiling.


Wionna smirked and walked back to her desk. "Mhm." "... N-now come here, let me do you. That was amazing." "Can't, asexual Blight. But I'm more than happy to offer my services to others." Amelia tilted her head to face the plant witch and stared at her in disbelief. "You have other clients? Who?" "Boscha's a bottom." "No fucking way."

Wionna grinned and shrugged her shoulders. "Oh Wionna, what do I owe you?" said Amelia as she summoned a small, brown, pouch full of snails.
"Aww don't worry about that. You're my VIP." "Wionna! I just feel kind of bad that you do so much for me and I can't pay back the favor." said Amelia as she grabbed her clothes from the floor and started to dress. "Don't worry about it. Besides maybe in the future you won't need my services and you'll find your own girlfriend. Maybe one who's hot, six feet tall, and a total badass." "T-that's oddly specific." "Girl I know your type."

Authors note: That's my headcanon! Wionna is asexual and runs a very small business doing favors for people. Though Boscha holds a tough act at school she's vulnerable around Wionna but doesn't like to admit it. It's their little secret and Wionna and Boscha grow a soft spot for the each other, thus starting their complicated relationship.

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