Forest Fluff 🐺

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Context: Luz and Amity are 18 and Luz is a werewolf

It was a beautiful sunny day on the Boiling Isles. Eda had a very successful day selling stuff at the market, so Luz went for a run in the woods after helping Eda.

The sun was at its highest and it was just passed noon. Luz ran at the speed of light! Jumping off a large rock, she turned into a huge, fluffy, brown wolf. Luz excitedly raced through the forest laughing the whole time.

A while later, Luz slowed down and happily pranced through the thicket. Luz stopped in her tracks and stood up straight, sniffing the air with her eyes closed. Something smelled off. Her ears fell and narrowed as she cautiously followed the peculiar scent.

Moments later, the scent became extremely strong, luring the wolf to a patch of bushes near a lake. Hearing the sound of the water, Luz poked her head through the bushes to see a particular Blight journaling on a rock.

Amity was peacefully writing in her diary, being completely unaware of Luz's presence. 'Hehehe fresh prey.' Luz smirked. She pulled her head out of the bushes and slowly crept her way towards the green haired witch.

Amity's POV:

I wanted to get away from the twins so I took a stroll through the woods to this lake. I found it a while ago. It was a very peaceful place where I knew, I wouldn't be disturbed.

The peace was then disrupted by a loud crunching noise. I figured it was some woodland demon but I wasn't so sure. The sound was immediately followed by soft but menacing growling.

I looked over at a rustling bush nearby and saw a wolfs leg emerge from it. At that moment, I knew. Two brown eyes and a snout emerged from the same bush, looking at me hungrily. "Found you Blight." It spoke. I closed my diary and made a run for it!


Luz smirked and bolted after Amity. Licking her lips as she did. The two witches ran as fast as they could. Amity gracefully ran through the forest, jumping over logs and rocks no problem. Luz kept up her speed and barely had trouble with Amity's obstacles.

Amity jumped into a tree and quickly cast a fire spell in Luz's direction. Luz leaped behind a rock and the spell missed. Amity smirked and jumped to the next tree. Luz growled and continued to chase the Blight.

Eventually the two girls were running side by side but behind a series of trees, bushes, and rocks.

When the paths cleared and almost merged, Luz looked to her left and saw Amity pass her. 'God damn she's fast.' thought Luz in awe.

The path completely merged and Luz was right on Amity's tail. 'It's over.' A large smirk grew across Luz's face as she pounced, piling into the witch! "Gotcha!" The two rolled off the path in a ball and crashed into a clearing!

Luz pinned Amity to the ground and started licking her face. "Ahhhhh hahahahaha Luz stop it!" Amity giggled, her eyes tightly shut under the mercy of the wolf.

Amity squirmed and kicked underneath Luz. "Thought you could get away from me, cariño?" "Ok ok you caught me! Now get oohohoff!"

Luz's licks turned into kisses as she transformed herself human again. Luz's paws that held Amity's arms down, firmly held onto her upper arms after her transformation was complete.

Amity sat up and turned around to book it, but Luz didn't let go. She yanked Amity into her lap and wrapped her arms around her. "Where do you think you're going Blight?" said Luz pulling Amity closer to her. Amity giggled and kissed Luz on the lips.

"Well that's 20 games for me. How bout best out of 35?" Amity smirked and slapped her girlfriends face playfully. "Later. For now, you can take me out to lunch." "As you wish, mi amor."

Luz transformed into her wolf form and lifted Amity off the ground with her snout, tossing her onto her back. Amity grabbed the wolfs fluffy fur and Luz began to run towards Bonesborough.

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