Kittens and Otters

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Inspired by cocoa_01225's owl house art and comics on Instagram. Art above belongs to cocoa_01225.

Amelia Blight, a pink aristocratic cat with patterned spots, and a few ear piercings and jewelry, calmly sat by her windowsill, looking out at the large yard that her family possesses.

The eldest Blight perked up an ear, hearing her mother and youngest sibling arguing down the hall.
Amity wanted to go outside but her mother wouldn't allow it. After a few more minutes of meowing and hissing, the hall went silent.


Amelia turned to see her mother barging through her door, holding Amity in her mouth by her scruff.

Odalia tossed the lavender kitten forward, sending Amity tumbling across the room towards the windowsill. Once Amity made it to the other side, Mrs. Blight hissed and bared her sharp teeth at Amelia, telling the speckled cat to babysit her sister.

Amelia rolled her eyes and hopped down from her cushioned bench, receiving a cold growl from her mother. Once Odalia left the room, Amelia looked down at her little sister, who was laying on her back in a ball.

Amity looked up at Amelia and smiled happily. Amelia groaned and brought her head down to grab Amity's scruff. The eldest Blight picked up her sister, carried her out into the hall, and headed down the stairs to exit through one of the side doors of the manor.


A little ways into the woods, was a large, fairly hidden lake. The crystal blue water glistened in the sunlight, and the surrounding trees swayed calmly in the wind.
A small stream was connected to the body of water, filling it ever so slightly as the water slowly flowed into a river that's right across from the lake.

On one side of the lake, deep underwater, was a cozy den made of twigs and mud and rocks.

Luz Noceda, a small river otter wearing a black cloak, happily swam through the water! Her older sister Lucia, who wore a purple and white stripped bandana and a red beanie, poked her head out from behind a rock, and grinned as she watched Luz tumble into a patch of algae.

The larger river otter launched herself from her hiding spot and tackled Luz out of the plants! Luz giggled and squirmed in her sisters grasp.

Camilla appeared in the entrance of the burrow and smiled at her two daughters. Luz eventually wiggled herself free and swam over to her mother. The little otter squeaked and lightly pulled at Camilla's arm, asking if she could go to the surface for a while.

Knowing she wouldn't hear the end of it, Camilla nodded in approval and told Lucia to go with her. Lucia gave her a salut, and gestured for Luz to follow.


Amity happily pranced down the narrow trail through the woods while Amelia casually walked from behind.

Since they were so far from the Blight manor at this point, Amelia thought it was a good excuse to take Amity to her favorite place as a kitten.
The eldest Blight would often sneak out when her parents weren't bombarding her with lectures about being perfect.

A small yellow butterfly fluttered over the trail, catching Amity's attention. The lavender kitten crouched down and wiggled her toosh in the air before pouncing at the small butterfly! It dodged quickly and started flying away from the trail and into the thick woods.

Amity, keeping her eyes locked on the bug, started to follow it off the trail. Amelia looked up from the ground and immediately ran over, grabbing Amity by her scruff! She growled and hissed while the lavender fur was held in her mouth.

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