Midnight Cuddles (serpentine Luz)

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This is one of Luz and Amity's early encounters after meeting each other.
WARNING: cursing

It was late at night, and Luz was slithering through the trees of the jungle. She was going to pay Amity a surprise visit.
As the serpentine made it to the river that bordered the jungle from the village, she stayed within the tree tops, hiding, and observed the village from afar.

Using her night vision, Luz eyed the quiet huts and searched for any villagers walking by. No one was around. The village itself was dimly lit with torches but the streets were quiet and empty. Everyone was probably asleep.

Deciding the coast was clear, Luz smiled and made her way across the river from the trees towards the village, slithering over the bamboo wall. She landed on the ground and crouched down in the bushes to check for danger again. Clear. Luz then quietly slithered through the empty streets and stuck her nose up in the air, searching for Amity's scent.

"Got it." she whispered to herself.

The particular scent grew stronger as Luz approached a large, stone hut with a straw roof. There was a window in the center of the hut close to the top. "This must be hers." Luz climbed up the wall and looked in the window. Inside she saw a sleeping Amity resting comfortably in a hammock. The serpentine smiled and slithered inside. She approached the Blight and gently shook her shoulders.


The Blight weakly opened her eyes to see the serpentine towering over her. Startled, she shot up from her hammock, almost falling over, and opened her mouth to scream! Luz acted quickly and covered the girls mouth with her hands! "Woah woah it's ok, it's just me."

Staring wide eyed, Amity took a deep breath and calmed down, causing Luz to remove her hands. "Fuck, Luz what are you doing here? It's the middle of the night!" Luz smiled softly and wrapped her arms around her friend. "I just wanted to see you."

Amity sighed before letting out a small giggle. "If you were anybody else, I would light you on fire." The serpentine chuckled and pulled away, crossing her arms. "Soooo, wanna hang out?" she said tilting her body playfully. "Sure. But not too late, I got school tomorrow." Luz nodded and turned herself around. Amity then hopped onto Luz's back, wrapping her arms around her neck, and the serpentine took her away...

Luz and Amity walked side by side on the jungle floor, the serpentine in her human form. The moonlight was bright, and it was fairly easy to see where they were going. The serpentine glanced at the Blight and admired her colored hair.

"Your hair is purple today." Amity smiled and ran a hand through her hair, her cheeks turning a light pink. "Yeah, I switch it up every now and then. Like to keep it fresh."

The two eventually walked into a clearing and saw a tall, jungle tree standing alone. "Let's go up there! It'll be safer!" exclaimed Luz as she ran towards the tree. She shifted into her serpent form and wrapped herself around the thick trunk. Amity followed and clawed the wood with her fingers, jumping once before attaching herself to the bark.

"Do you need help?" asked Luz kindly. "No I'm fine." replied Amity. Luz nodded and slithered up the trunk. Above was a specific branch that the two were aiming for. Very soon, Luz made it to the branch and wrapped a coil around it, securing her. Luz then moved the rest of her tail to the smaller branches above and looked down at Amity.

The Blight was halfway up the tree but her arms were starting to shake. "Just a little further." she said to herself. As Amity reached for another slab of bark, the one her other hand had been occupying broke!
Luz immediately dove head first and grabbed Amity's hand before she could fall for even a second! "Oh- thanks." said the Blight as Luz pulled her up.

The serpentine set Amity down on the part of the branch closest to the trunk. Amity placed her hands down on the wood and tensed her body. "Are you ok?" asked Luz as she placed her hands on the girls shoulders. Amity looked up at her friend, still a little startled, and nodded. "Y-yeah, I just need a moment. I don't want to fall again."

Luz looked at Amity with concern until an idea popped in her head. The serpentine curled the tip of her tail around the tree trunk and wrapped a coil around Amity's waist, securing her. "Is that better?" Amity took a moment to calm down and placed her arms on the scaly loop. "A little."

Luz put a finger gun to her chin and studied her work. "Hmm, then how about we try, this." Luz lifted the Blight off the branch, her legs dangling in the air, and dove in between her legs. "L-Luz!"

Luz then casually spun around and took a seat on the branch, placing the Blight in her lap as she leaned back against the tree trunk. She wrapped her arms around Amity's waist and pulled her close. "I won't let you fall." she said resting her chin on her shoulder. Amity blushed and took a deep breath before sinking into Luz's embrace. "Thank you."

The two girls then talked for another hour until Amity fell asleep mid sentence. She layed on her stomach down Luz's smooth tail as the serpentine held her in place. She didn't want her to slip. Luz stroked the lavender witch's soft hair and sighed, looking up at the moon.

Then, something glowed in the corner of her eye. Luz turned her head towards the bushes in the open field and saw a shadow with glowing eyes quickly disappear! She flinched and continued to stare at the dark vegetation. "It can't be him, can it?"

Her movement disturbed the Blight and Amity started to stir. Luz looked down at the girl and pulled Amity into a hug. "L-Luz?" said Amity tiredly, her eyelids half closed. "I'm sorry, I lost track of time Amity. Go back to sleep mi amor, I'll take you home."

Luz picked up the Blight and began to slither down the tree back to the village. "Mi amor? What does that mean?" Amity yawned. Luz blushed and chuckled nervously. "It's nothing! Don't worry about it! Come on, let's go."

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