Canons meet the Betas

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WARNING: cursing

Luz and Amity were happily chilling at the owl house in the early evening. Now that the portal was fixed and ready to use for travel between the human realm and the Boiling Isles, Luz wanted to make a few alterations so the portal could once again, travel to other worlds. Other than the two she had come to be familiar with.

"Aaaand done!" exclaimed Luz as she finished screwing in a flange head counter clockwise onto the portal door.

Amity looked down at the large mess of blueprints scattered all over the floor, scratching her head as she double checked the instructions.

"Hmm, yep looks like we've done everything right." Amity confirmed. Luz smiled and placed the wrench back into Eda's red tool box. "Shall we give this baby a test drive?" asked the human as she stood up and placed her hands on her hips.

Amity smiled softly and stood up, giving Luz a gentle kiss on the cheek before booping her nose. "One second Luz. We still need to see if it will work."

Amity approached the portal door that now had a series of transparent pipes coming out of it. The pipes connected to two metal contraptions on either side of the door. The metal cubes also contained a red, green, and purple button, with a red lever on the right side of the door.

The Blight grabbed the lever and pulled it down, causing the portal door to power on and glow. Green goo started flowing out of the metal contraptions and into the pipes, making their way into the portal door.

The door itself swung open rapidly and presented a series of glowing rings and swirls. "Haha yes! It worked!" cried Luz jumping up and down. But, she spoke too soon. Suddenly, the door started to malfunction and disfigure itself!
Both girls took a step back as the door suddenly glitched! The metal contraptions began to shake and rumble, and electric volts fazed on and off the metal!

"Wait that can't be right." said Luz in a slight panic.

A strong gust of wind flew out of the open door and started causing chaos all around the living room! The blueprints flew in all directions while decor on the walls began to rattle and shake!


Suddenly, two glowing ropes of blue light shot out of the door, grabbing Luz and Amity by their waist and pulling them right into the portal!



"...Ugh, my head." Amity groaned as she slowly regained consciousness. The Blight was laying on the ground near a trash can. Sounds of sirens and engines could be heard in the distance, but Amity didn't recognize them.

Holding her head, Amity sat up and took in her surroundings. She was sitting in a dark alleyway that was lit by a single street lamp. "Luz?" called the lavender witch softly.

Seeing no sign of her girlfriend, Amity started to panic. 'Oh no. Oh no no no no no! Ok Amity, you are trapped in another world that you know nothing about, and now your girlfriends missing!'

Anxiety growing through the Blight, Amity put her hands to her lips and jumped to her feet! She started slowly backing away in fear. 'What am I going to do what am I going to do what am I go-"

"Oof! Hey what's your-"

Amity turned around to see who she had bumped into and looked up in horror! There before her was a six foot tall girl, wearing a purple and white striped shirt, a green jacket, and a red beanie. 

The tall girls face immediately softened when she saw the frightened witch. "Hey, are you ok? Are you lost?" she asked sweetly, kneeling down in front of the lavender witch. "I'm Lucia."

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