Hunter x Fem Reader part 3

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(Y/n)'s POV:

Five months. After five months of hiding from the Emperor's coven, I was finally caught. Belos's guards ambushed me while I was in Bonesborough market. And now, I'm being sent to the Conformatorium. Hands tied behind my back, I sat in silence in the caged cart that was taking me to my doom. Two other demons were with me, equally as miserable.


Thrown into a prison cell, (Y/n) hit the concrete floor with a thud, the metal door closing behind her. "(Y/n) (L/n), for betraying the Emperor's coven and breaking Belos's laws, you are hereby sentenced to death by petrification first thing tomorrow." (Y/n) scoffed and looked at the head guard with a vicious glare. Seconds later, the guard left replacing him with the Golden Guard.

"Hunter?" (Y/n) said slightly surprised.

The Golden Guard stood up straight and stared at (Y/n), unfazed so it seemed. But underneath that mask, his heart was breaking. Without a word the Golden Guard walked past the cell, leaving (Y/n) alone...

The next day came.

With a clank, the prisoners cart stopped moving. (Y/n) looked up to see the weeping statues with gaped mouths standing in the distance, a giant cage a few feet away from it, probably where the prisoners would stand as their life gets stripped away from them.

Several guards surrounded the floor, the Golden Guard included. Emperor Belos appeared on his balcony and silently ordered the Golden Guard to begin the process. Hunter sighed beneath his mask and pulled out a pair of keys. He approached the prisoners cart and unlocked the door, marching his way in and grabbing (Y/n)'s wrist roughly. Two coven scouts closed the door once (Y/n) was walked out.

"Oh don't give me that look." pleaded the Golden Guard. "You know what I said to you months ago. There's nothing I can do."

With much regret, Hunter escorted (Y/n) into the petrification cage and forced her to her knees. He then exited the cage and locked it. As he walked away, Emperor Belos came down from his podium and approached the wild witch. He loomed over (Y/n), casting a dark shadow in front of him. "You knew the rules scout 46. They were very clear indeed. Was it really worth it in the end?"


"Eat dirt Belos." you spat.

Belos stood tall, unfazed. He wasn't going to let a lower life form humiliate him. The masked tyrant turned towards Hunter and made a specific hand gesture. Hunter, was going to petrify you.


Hunter was taken back. He flinched. "Belos?"

"Yes, you shall be the one to petrify this wild witch. Give the citizens of the Isles a good example of what happens to those who go against the Titan." said Belos as he walked past him. "B-but-" Belos looked back, effectively silencing the Golden Guard. "I gave you an order Hunter." he growled.

Hunter looked at his surroundings, first (Y/n) then the guards surrounding the scene, then back at Belos. Without a word, he lowered his head sadly. He couldn't.

"If you won't dispose of this vile creature, then I will." Hunter gasped as the emperor raised his arm, summoning his staff before activating the weeping statues!


Hunter jumped in between the cage and blast without thinking, and summoned his real staff, a massive, gold, bubble like shield appearing before him! The green energy hit his shield and kept on flowing, but it didn't go anywhere. "Did, did I do that?!" Hunter panted with anxiety, his golden mask falling off his face. "Yeah! Keep it up GG!" (Y/n) cheered. "I-I don't think I can hold this much longer!" "No need, Hunter toss me those keys!"

"Hunter!" snapped Belos. The blonde boy hesitated but took a step forward, continuing to fight the weeping statues blast. "N-no, this, is wrong!" Hunter reached into his cloak and pulled out the keys to the cage, tossing them to (Y/n). "Now that's more like it."

"No!" cried Emperor Belos! (Y/n) quickly unlocked the cage before running out and whistling! Suddenly, her staff flew at lightning speed out of the castle and through the crowd of guards, whacking some of them in the process! (Y/n) caught her staff effortlessly and twirled it. "Come on Golden Guard, show me whatcha got!"

"Scouts! Stop the petrification and seize them!"

Soon enough the weeping statues were turned off and guards from all over came running towards the duo! Hunter was sweating and looking around fearfully. He's never been so scared in his life. "W-what what are we gonna do?! I just betrayed B-Belos!" "Guess you're a wild witch now." smirked (Y/n) as she mounted her staff and took to the air. "Come on!" Hunter mounted his staff and followed. The two flew in a semi circle as a few guards started shooting arrows at them! "Follow my lead."

(Y/n) dove down and flew through the crowd, smirking, while drawing a spell circle. A long sheet of ice appeared beneath the guards feet, causing them to slip and fall. "Wo-AH!" they all cried. "Oof!"

(Y/n) gracefully landed and twirled her staff violently as more coven scouts charged at her with their swords! Drawing a giant spell circle, a crazy mixture of vines and abomination goop blasted out of it, piling into the guards and trapping them! Hunter watched in awe until a coven guard creeped up behind her. "Look out!" cried Hunter as he dove down! The moment (Y/n) looked behind her, Hunter flew into the guard, pushing him to the ground. "There ya go cutie, now for the rest." said (Y/n).

Hunter smiled with confidence and turned his back to (Y/n), the two pointing their staffs at Belos's army. "Bring it scums!" yelled (Y/n). All the guards roared as they charged at the duo. One shot another arrow, causing Hunter to block it with another gold shield! Running, (Y/n) drew a spell circle and summoned all kinds of magic! Vines and abominations and stone planks and spirits all joined the battle, taking out the guards! Hunter stuck to close combat and performed several flips, kicking guards to the ground, while blocking others with his staff and forearms! Most guards attempted to fight back, but they were too slow at using their magic for attacks.

As more and more guards entered the arena, contributing to the chaos, Belos quietly made his exit. "We gotta go!" yelled (Y/n). Hunter nodded and mounted his staff. The two took to the air and flew over the hundreds of guards so it seemed. (Y/n) leaned forward and squinted her eyes as she saw a lone figure walking away from it all. "Where do you think you're going?" she said to herself. "Hey Hunty, I got one more trick before we split." Hunter watched as the wild witch dove at Belos, drawing a spell circle. "Hey Belos!" A small cake with pink frosting and a red cherry smacked itself against the emperors mask, causing the tyrant to fall to the ground! "Agh!" Hunter, though freaked out, couldn't help but laugh. "Let's go Golden Guard!.."

The two landed in an alleyway in Bonesborough. Hunter panted hard as the wild witch casually leaned against the wall. "That was awesome." "Awesome?! I-I j-just betrayed Belos, huh what am I gonna do?!" (Y/n) smiled and placed a hand on Hunter's shoulder. "You can join me and we'll take over the world together." said (Y/n) playfully. The ex coven scout leaned in and placed a kiss on Hunter's cheek, making him blush. "Think about it." "Wait." Hunter pulled (Y/n) close and abruptly pressed his lips against hers, the wild witch closing her eyes and returning it.

"I'm just glad you're safe." said Hunter as he pulled away. (Y/n) smiled and blushed before punching Hunter's shoulder gently. The blonde boy then blushed a scarlet red and froze. 'Oh titan why did I do that?!' he screamed internally. "Come on golden boy, I know a great restaurant down the street. Belos will probably still be busy after all."

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