💧Dragon Riders part 2⚔️

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'I remember it like it was just yesterday... Only a few months ago.'

"You will harvest some monstrous nightmare gel and return to me as soon as possible." Belos said calmly. The Golden Guard played the request in his head over and over. "Finally a real mission." he said to himself as he steered a small ship to shore. Throwing the anchor overboard, Hunter slipped his mask on and hopped off the boat.

The beach was deserted, only a cool breeze filled the emptiness. Hunter smirked and ran into the forest. "Everyone knows monstrous nightmares inhabit this island. But no one has ever been brave enough to fight one- AH!" The Golden Guard tripped over a rock and fell to the ground! "Oof!"
He quickly got to his feet. "Well, uh. That was embarrassing. Pfft glad no one saw that."

Hunter ventured deeper into the forest until he came across an open clearing, a tall, brown, mountain standing proudly in the distance. The area looked like the start of a canyon. The Golden Guard looked up and saw a series of cave entrances in the cluster of dirt and rock. "Monstrous nightmare dens." The Golden Guard got down on one knee and picked up a small handful of scattered dragon scales. "Perfect."

Suddenly, a mighty roar was heard from above. Hunter flinched and whipped out his crossbow. As expected, the dragon he was looking for was in perfect view. It was beautiful! Bright red scales, perfectly shaped horns, and alluring dark colors lined its wings and eyes. Hunter raised his crossbow and aimed at the creature. "I gotcha beast."

As the dragon flew to a cliff top, Hunter took his shot and watched as the arrow flew up to the sky! Whoosh! The dragon roared in agony as the arrows tip pierced its scaly body. Hunter watched as it fell, the beast soon disappearing behind a series of rock towers. Hunter laughed out loud and threw his fist in the air. "I did it! Yes!" The blonde boy then ran further into the clearing, off to find the wounded creature.

The monstrous nightmare layed on its side, its tail and limbs curled close to its body. It looked at the arrow in its shoulder, and casually pulled it out, it wasn't too deep. Just a scratch to him if anything.
Hunter ran through the wavy trails of stone and soon found his prize. He raised his bow and smirked at the dragon. "You're all mine beast. I may just need your gel, but Belos can't have a threat like you wandering these lands." The monstrous nightmare, although in pain, just looked at the boy curiously, almost as if he knew him. Hunter stepped closer and closer until he took another shot!

The dragon effortlessly caught the arrow in his mouth and smirked. Hunter gulped. The dragon roared and dropped the arrow, rising from the ground and charging at the boy. "Ahhhhh!" The monstrous nightmare pinned Hunter to the ground, causing him to lose his crossbow! The Golden Guard squirmed under its powerful hand, his eyes shrouded in fear! The beast chuckled amusingly, or at least that's what it sounded like to Hunter. Then, something bright shined across the dragons neck. Hunter stopped. "Huh?"

Before he could get a closer look, the monstrous nightmare threw its head back and shot a gallon of green goo out of its mouth! "Ah!" Hunter shut his eyes as he got covered in the stuff! "Ewgh." he groaned in disgust. The dragon chuckled and ran back into the darkness of the cave, drops of the green gel trailing behind him. Hunter slowly sat up and shook his gloved hands, mildly removing the sludge.

He then looked into the darkness of the cave, staring at it for minutes. "... But why?" he said to himself.


Belos calmly placed his hand on Hunter's shoulder, bringing the boy out of his thoughts. "Something troubling you Hunter?" The blonde boy shook his head and really took in his surroundings. He was on a ship out at sea.

"Hm." Belos began to walk away. "A-actually uncle, there is one thing." The scarred viking turned around and waited patiently. "... Are dragons r-really all that bad? I mean I dunno, maybe if we took some time to study them mor-" Belos sent a piercing cold glare Hunter's way, instantly silencing him. "You're starting to sound like your father." "Caleb-" "DON'T mention that name!" Belos snapped as he raised his fist. Hunter gasped and cowered. "Sorry, I'm sorry uncle. I stepped out of turn."

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