First Time (serpentine Luz)

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First time Amity gets hypnotized. Luz and Amity are dating at this point but it's still early in their relationship.

Amity walked through the jungle with a small satchel at her side, the moon shining brightly over the forest as the Blight made her way to Luz's tree. Luz had invited her over for a sleepover and the witch couldn't have been more excited. Soon, she arrived.

Amity knocked on the tree trunk a few times before looking up. A long scaly tail then emerged from the dark leaves and lowered itself down to her. It moved around as if it had a mind of its own, looking for something. Amity giggled and stroked the tail, telling it where she was, before it gently wrapped around her waist, curling itself underneath her before pulling her up.

"Hey Amity!" exclaimed Luz as her girlfriend came into view, the serpentine placing her down on the platform. "Hey Luz, I brought some stuff." Amity reached into her bag, presenting a couple apples and a pad of paper with some colored pencils. Luz slithered over and hugged her girl. "That's great! You can leave your bag here, I wanna show you something."

Amity nodded and left her bag by the tree trunk on the platform. The serpentine then slithered to the edge of the wooden planks and offered her hand to Amity, a leafy tunnel heading to a lower part of the tree. The lavender witch took her hand and followed Luz.

Down below was a series of branches that were woven together like a basket, soft dry grass lining the walls. Luz smiled excitedly and curled herself in the bowl of branches, creating a nest of coils like before. The serpentine turned toward her girlfriend and smiled with open arms. "Come here Ami."

Amity smiled nervously and took a small step forward. The latina then perked up and carefully wrapped her arms around Amity, scooping up the Blight and laying her down in the center of her loops. "Oh!" "Oop, sorry. Got a little excited." "It's ok." Amity smiled. The lavender witch stretched a bit before melting into the embrace. Luz smiled and carefully layed herself down on Amity's stomach. "Is this ok?" Amity nodded and wrapped her arms around Luz for a hug.

The two cuddled in silence, the Blight stroking Luz's back soothingly. Luz closed her eyes and melted in Amity's arms, smiling and groaning in pleasure from the massage.

After a while, Amity opened her mouth to speak, a small puff of air escaping before she closed her lips again. "What is it?" asked Luz. Amity blushed a bit and looked up at the ceiling of leaves. "Uhm, I was just wondering, what's it like to be hypnotized?" Luz pulled away slightly and looked down at her witch. "Oh. Well from what my friends have told me there's two stages of hypnosis. The first one is where you could feel tired and maybe a little dizzy, but you're still pretty conscious and can talk back alright. And the second one is when you're completely under the casters control and can't think for yourself at all." Luz smiled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck. "Of course there's an in between I guess, like it's not black and white."

Amity hummed and played with her fingers. "Could I, maybe try it?" Luz was taken back. She trusts her to do this? Luz held her arm and looked away, blushing a bit. "Heh, are you sure?" Amity nodded and placed her hands on her tummy. "Ok."

Luz leaned in and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I won't hurt you, I promise." The latina looked deep into Amity's eyes and exhaled. "Last chance, are you sure you don't want to back out?" Amity drew her eyes elsewhere and thought about it for a moment. "I'm sure."
Luz nodded and held Amity's cheek. "Here we go." Amity made eye contact and stared at Luz, the serpentines eyes starting to fill with blue and yellow swirls. Amity gasped and her heart skipped a beat as the spirals started to fill her eyes. "It's ok it's ok, just look at me batata. Everything's going to be ok." Amity nodded slowly as the hypnosis started to take effect. Luz could feel her heart slow as the Blight entered a state of bliss.

Amity's POV:

As I stared into Luz's eyes, I immediately felt my body start to relax. I couldn't stop staring at her beautiful colors but the rest of the jungle was still there. I could see Luz clearly as the hypnosis also filled her eyes, transparent rings of blue and yellow in my peripheral vision. I felt at ease, yet still pretty conscious.


Luz smiled seeing her girlfriend in her relaxed state. She leaned closer and caressed her cheek with her thumb. "I'm going to bring you in a little deeper." The hypnosis in Luz's eyes quickened ever so slightly, causing Amity to fall deeper under her spell, the transparent rings in her peripheral vision growing more solid while her mind became more foggy. Luz shifted her coils and curled the tip of her tail around Amity's ankles. She wrapped around Amity's legs and worked her way up to make her more comfortable.
The serpentine gently grabbed Amity's wrists and placed her arms at her sides before she wrapped her tail around her torso and chest snuggly. Amity softy groaned in pleasure, enjoying the compression Luz was applying.
The witch was in a complete state of bliss. She couldn't stop staring at Luz's colorful eyes. 'Why would anyone want to resist this?' she thought.

That was just it, she couldn't resist, nor did she want to either.

Luz smirked and lightly shook her head, causing the Blight to copy her movement. She leaned in and placed a kiss on Amity's cheek, leaving her feeling all warm inside. Luz loved the feeling of holding Amity so close to her, knowing she was comfortable and warm, and that it was her job to keep her safe in that moment. Luz stroked Amity's hair with her tail as the Blights lips formed a dorky smile. 'So cute.'

Amity felt so good. Being with her lover, the coils hugging her body, and the hypnosis relaxing her mind all felt so good to her. She knew Luz wasn't trying to trick her, and she could comfortably give in without fear of being eaten. As much as Amity enjoyed this, it took every bit of her will power to fight it. "L-... L-Luz?"

The latina pulled away a bit, causing Amity to perk up slightly before the coils layed her back down again. She then slowed her hypnosis, bringing the girl back to a clearer state of mind. "Yes Amity?" "I, I think I'm ready to come out now."

Luz nodded and leaned in again. She slowly moved her head around and pulled away from Amity, looking as if she was sucking the hypnosis out of her. The spirals in Amity's eyes grew smaller as they shrunk into the center of her pupils. Soon, they disappeared completely. Amity blinked a few times and groaned as she tried to pull one of her arms out, Luz loosening her grip so she could do so. Amity grabbed her head and rubbed it as she got used to her surroundings again.

"Are you ok?" asked Luz with concern. "Yeah, I'm ok. That just felt a little weird. But, not in a bad way." Luz smiled and kissed Amity's forehead, making her giggle.
Luz then raised the top loop around Amity's chest and wrapped up her free arm again. Amity froze and blushed a deep shade of red. "Heh, are you gonna let me go?" she smiled nervously, her heart beginning to race excitedly. Luz smirked and booped Amity's nose with her own. "Nah, I can't let someone as cute as you escape my grasp. Besides," Luz curled herself around Amity's head and looked down at her witch. "I couldn't help but notice you didn't bring a blanket." Luz shifted her coils and gave Amity a gentle, comforting squeeze, causing her to giggle and squirm. "Hehehe oh Luz."

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